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Thread: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

  1. #76

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Yep. We spent a ton of money on downtown and the results have been great. We have an NBA team too. As you said yourself, downtown is going to be fine.

    Time to quit running that 30 year old playbook with videos of yesteryear and move forward with a different focus. Maybe Mick is the man to do that but he sure doesn't appear to have any vision looking forward, just looking back.
    I understand this statement completely (even if I disagree, somewhat), but does Ed have any vision looking forward?

  2. #77

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by tier2city View Post
    bring back krisb.

  3. #78

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    [QUOTE=Dubya61;752917]I understand this statement completely (even if I disagree, somewhat), but does Ed have any vision looking forward?[/QUOTE]

    He's gonna fix the bus stops.

  4. #79

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Unlikely, that is a campaign promise after all. The only thing we know for certain is that he turns his back on those.

  5. #80

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Seriously? Your preferred candidate has been courting votes from the ultra liberal to the High noon club, from supporters of same sex unions to having his ex wife come out and do ads portraying a family unit, and you have the gall to crack wise over the incumbent having a diverse backing? It is a non-partisan city wide election for a city wide position. It should surprise no one that all candidates who hope to be successful will seek support across the full spectrum of voters. However, it does sort of blow the whole Cornett is only for the plutocrats spiel up in whatever the smoke de jour is from the challenger's campaign.
    KP, you are replying to a person who is in the midst of midterms at NW Classen. Cut him a little slack...

  6. #81

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Negative campaigning, something they disdain in Ed. So much for consistency.
    At least we're telling the truth.

    I've already said Mick is not precisely the candidate I would create from scratch were I Pygmalion. I'm a Democrat and more liberal than him. I am posting a reason I'm voting for him on Facebook daily and I'm up to Day 20 though. But he is the one I trust, especially to keep moving OKC in the direction I want to see it go. We have two choices essentially, and choice Ed is such an awful one that I really don't see Mick as a choice, but rather necessity.

  7. #82

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    [QUOTE=bchris02;752529]I agree. Those who I am referring to voting for Ed because of social issues are extremely politically unaware. I always am sure to tell them that Ed does not have OKC's best interests at heart, and that social issues are completely irrelevant in positions like mayor of OKC.

    Low information voters have power in numbers. Consequences suck, sometimes.

  8. #83

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    News 9 / Gazette poll shows Cornett winning by 45 points. He's leading among every age group and every ideological group, from "very liberal" to "very conservative." The only demographic category the poll showed Shadid leading was among people making less than $25k a year.

    If this poll holds up, STEVE HUNT will have performed better among voters than Ed Shadid, and Hunt had exactly no money to spend on his campaign.

    This shows what a disaster Ed's campaign strategy is and how politically tone deaf he is. You can't do anything to help anyone if you can't get elected, and once elected, if you cannot rally people to your side, you cannot accomplish any of your initiatives.

    It's also political folly to screw over people who helped get you elected in the first place. If you have no loyalty to people who worked for you, how can you be trusted by the citizens?

    Here's a link to the poll:

    Poll: Cornett Leads Shadid By Wide Margin In OKC Mayor's Race - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

    The article said Shadid's strongest numbers was with those making less than $25K a year, however he was still losing to Cornett badly in that category, around 1/3rd the support. Unless there was another poll.

  9. #84

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    One of Shadid's advisers is taking bets that the "scientific" poll is way off. Desperation is ugly.

  10. #85

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Last night on the news I saw David Slane pushing Minimum wage changes for Oklahoma. He had 3 or 4 others tagging along with him. In the last shot, Ed Shadid was positioning himself behind Slane to be in the picture.....Nice

  11. #86

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Last night on the news I saw David Slane pushing Minimum wage changes for Oklahoma. He had 3 or 4 others tagging along with him. In the last shot, Ed Shadid was positioning himself behind Slane to be in the picture.....Nice
    Hmmm... I thought Shadid had nothing to do with David Slane's Maps challenge...

  12. #87

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    I know you were poking a little fun but I think you might be interested in this. Those liberals and leftists are not the lockstep caricature you think they (we?) are.

    I know a very large number of progressives and moderates supporting Mayor Cornett - many of them going all out to work phones, place signs, make posts on social media, and even appear in television and print ads. Mayor Cornett has been such an effective mayor he has broad appeal regardless of political affiliation or philosophy. He is a decent man who has been an excellent leader and representative for OKC.

    Additionally, I do not know very many progressive/liberal/left leaning people that want Shadid being the OKC standard bearer for that particular constituency. So don't think one can determine where a person falls on the left - right spectrum by the campaign sign in the front yard. You think I fall far left but guess whose sign I have and who I will be knocking on doors for this weekend?
    Oh, I wasn't trying to sat anyone was in lockstep - sorry if it came out that way. To me, this just seems like a no brainer - I mean, just look at the progress OKC has made under Mick's leadership - not to discount others involved. Upon reflection, I guess I can see how someone closer in but not downtown might feel slighted by priorities. We live out past the burbs and expect to be pretty much ignored and see it as a trade off but worth it to us. No matter who gets elected, not much will change for us and it just seems like the city has been doing so well. If Mick really has lived in NYC for two years I find that offensive. At the same time, seems like the roads have regularly been sanded and the lights kept on during his tenure.

  13. #88

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Mick got an executive MBA. From what I know of an executive MBA, as my son is/was in the military and a lot of his active duty friends got those, you go to class on weekends. For some schools it is every weekend, for some less frequent. As I've said elsewhere, if you pay your mayor $25,000 a year, you shouldn't expect him to work weekends.

    Actually, here it is: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/programs-ad...gram-overview/

    So, for an executive MBA at NYU you have class 4 days a month, two Fridays and two Saturdays.

  14. #89

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Oh, I wasn't trying to sat anyone was in lockstep - sorry if it came out that way. To me, this just seems like a no brainer - I mean, just look at the progress OKC has made under Mick's leadership - not to discount others involved. Upon reflection, I guess I can see how someone closer in but not downtown might feel slighted by priorities. We live out past the burbs and expect to be pretty much ignored and see it as a trade off but worth it to us. No matter who gets elected, not much will change for us and it just seems like the city has been doing so well. If Mick really has lived in NYC for two years I find that offensive. At the same time, seems like the roads have regularly been sanded and the lights kept on during his tenure.
    The flyer makes it seem like he was there a solid two years. Not the case: he commuted back and forth to take classes.

  15. #90

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    The flyer makes it seem like he was there a solid two years. Not the case: he commuted back and forth to take classes.
    That's a whole lot of airfare and motel costs - wonder how someone can afford that? I'm not suggesting anything nefarious. That's an honest question - wish I could afford to see my NYC grand babies that often.

  16. #91

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    That's a whole lot of airfare and motel costs - wonder how someone can afford that? I'm not suggesting anything nefarious. That's an honest question - wish I could afford to see my NYC grand babies that often.
    I don't know about Mayor Cornett, but my son actually applied to NYU for a regular MBA. He had decent grades and a good but not through the roof GMAT. His only claim to being different was that he went to the Naval Academy and is a Navy helicopter pilot. NYU not only offered him a full scholarship, but they offered him a stipend as well. He ended up going to a different school, but I remember NYU because that stipend and full tuition sounded really good. So I'm guessing it's possible that Mick could have gone there tuition free. While we just think of him as our mayor, he's actually got a pretty amazing national reputation for a small city mayor. Business schools fall all over themselves for that kind of stuff. A lot of them throw money at students they want. And, if you know your schedule in advance, you can get really cheap fares on Southwest, I know. Maybe he's got a family member or close friend who lives there he can stay with, dunno. As I said, I know nothing about what sort of tuition or airfare Mick had to pay, I just know what's possible.

  17. Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    I'm not sure it's just Kool-aid Edgar's drinking.

  18. #93

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Last night on the news I saw David Slane pushing Minimum wage changes for Oklahoma. He had 3 or 4 others tagging along with him. In the last shot, Ed Shadid was positioning himself behind Slane to be in the picture.....Nice
    After those fishing trips, I'd be staying away from David.

  19. #94

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Very disappointing to see Cornett getting so much support, as his campaign is meant to appeal to self-centered old folks. MAPS was about collective ambition and youthful energy and so many here are ready to give him credit for it when it so clearly runs counter to his values. The fact that his strongest support is with the senior citizen crowd shows where this city is headed and clearly reveals the age of many of the biggest asses on this board. Lip service to attracting young people that Cornett hypes so much is just that. Another four years of outdated values and mediocrity for OKC. Transparency in government and the replacement of Jim Couch will have to wait.

  20. #95

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Out of curiosity, where on earth did you get the notion that the mayor, irrespective of who is the mayor, can change the employment status of the city manager. Are you not aware that the mayor is simply one of several co-equal votes on the OKC council horseshoe? If a change in city manager is a major need, why wouldn't that be a even a speck of the press for the job from any one of the challengers?

    Not defending the city manager. Not crucifying him. But who holds that job bears no direct relationship to who wins the next mayor election.

  21. #96

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    Very disappointing to see Cornett getting so much support, as his campaign is meant to appeal to self-centered old folks. MAPS was about collective ambition and youthful energy and so many here are ready to give him credit for it when it so clearly runs counter to his values. The fact that his strongest support is with the senior citizen crowd shows where this city is headed and clearly reveals the age of many of the biggest asses on this board. Lip service to attracting young people that Cornett hypes so much is just that. Another four years of outdated values and mediocrity for OKC. Transparency in government and the replacement of Jim Couch will have to wait.
    Had there been a better progressive candidate, I might have agreed with you a bit. As I've been telling people, when the alternative is so bad, Mick isn't a choice, he's a necessity. Change for change's sake is a mistake. You'd better make sure you're changing to something better, and Ed is clearly not better.

    While I guess I'm one of the old asses, I espouse many of the values of my children and their friends. And they're agreeing with me on this one. Mick is the person who said, "I want to create a city where my children and grandchildren want to live." Regardless, Ed can't remove Jim Couch anyway. You're mistaken there. All he can do is ask the Council to vote on removing him, which he could have done anytime in the past two years. There's the best argument against Ed for the people who want change: In a weak mayoral system, a council member has just as much power as the mayor to effect the kind of change city laws allow the council. Ed is just as powerful as the mayor in that regard. And so one could quite reasonably ask why he hasn't done any of the things that he's criticizing the mayor for not doing.

  22. #97

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    Very disappointing to see Cornett getting so much support, as his campaign is meant to appeal to self-centered old folks. MAPS was about collective ambition and youthful energy and so many here are ready to give him credit for it when it so clearly runs counter to his values. The fact that his strongest support is with the senior citizen crowd shows where this city is headed and clearly reveals the age of many of the biggest asses on this board. Lip service to attracting young people that Cornett hypes so much is just that. Another four years of outdated values and mediocrity for OKC. Transparency in government and the replacement of Jim Couch will have to wait.
    God you are a piece of work. You come in and act all high and mighty, touting class and race issues, and then come post drivel like this. You could not be any more wrong. I've never seen so many "self centered old folks" disguised as young vibrant professionals in my life.

    You apparently are just a bitter person who hasn't had things go his/her way and doesn't want anyone else to enjoy anything if you can't.

  23. #98

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Mick is the person who said, "I want to create a city where my children and grandchildren want to live."
    My kids left for greener pastures long years ago but if the city continues to step up its game, other parents/grand parents might get to keep their family closer.

  24. #99

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Me too Penny. Except for my youngest. He's still here, living in Midtown and enjoying all the stuff there is to do there now. If there weren't, he'd be gone too. My others aren't really opposed to living here, but while off in school developed entangling alliances that keep them elsewhere.

  25. #100

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Me too Penny. Except for my youngest. He's still here, living in Midtown and enjoying all the stuff there is to do there now. If there weren't, he'd be gone too. My others aren't really opposed to living here, but while off in school developed entangling alliances that keep them elsewhere.
    I relate.

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