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There will be no other articles that say otherwise because it's a valid fact. If poor person A has an annual household income of 50K and rich person B has an annual income of 500K, then their federal income taxes "should" be equal (but they won't be, sadly), so that percentage of their income as tax will be roughly equal, but when they pay 9% sales tax on the same amount of groceries (more or less), then you will see that the poor person A is paying a higher percentage of taxes than the rich person B. The facts presented in that article are correct and accurate. Even the title of the article: Poor Americans Pay Double the State, Local Tax Rates of Top One Percent is factually correct, but the taxes were designed that way! If household A and household B are composed of identical age and numbers, etc, then let's strawman they buy 6K of groceries, 8K of gasoline, and 5K or other household items and pay 9% state and local taxes on those purchases, incurring around $1,710 in state in local sales taxes. Household A has paid 3.42% of their household income in state and local sales taxes. Household B has paid .342 % of their annual household income in state and local sales taxes. Oh, the horrors and inequality!!!!! It's the way the tax was designed.