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Thread: Poor Persons and Casinos

  1. #76

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    How did humankind survive for thousands of years before bottled water?
    A lot of them didn't survive. In the Middle Ages water quality was so bad that most people in Europe were only able to consume beer-style drinks or wine. The idea of fresh municipal drinking water was mostly perfected in Philadelphia in 1815 and engineers from around the world flocked there to see how they did it.

    What People drank in The Middle Ages and Renaissance

    Fairmount Water Works - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  2. #77

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Servicetech571 View Post
    ... Most poor rent thier homes, no property taxes paid.
    Riiiighhhht. Because 100% of rent is pure profit to the property owner, and none of the rent that is paid goes toward the property taxes of the home or apartment being rented.
    Landlords are all altruistic souls who cover property taxes solely from their other income, to keep rents low for the poor, then deliver their own funds from their vaults to the government using silk satchels laid across the hind quarters of baby unicorns.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Servicetech571 View Post
    They mostly get "reimbersed" through the tax code and government assistance. Most poor rent thier homes, no property taxes paid. FICA is technically a "retiremnt program" that people who WORK pay. If they are on SSI/SSDI/Welfare, they don't pay this.
    So you ignore the sales taxes that are paid as well as making a sweeping generalization that those who have no taxes due are renters. So tell me this, was it not Congress who effectively made low wage earners have no income tax due because they wanted to lower the rates so dramatically on those well to do wage earners? And an even lower rate on those who live on investments rather than the rate paid by those who actually make goods.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Riiiighhhht. Because 100% of rent is pure profit to the property owner, and none of the rent that is paid goes toward the property taxes of the home or apartment being rented.
    Landlords are all altruistic souls who cover property taxes solely from their other income, to keep rents low for the poor, then deliver their own funds from their vaults to the government using silk satchels laid across the hind quarters of baby unicorns.
    I blame the landlords for the perpetuation of this myth. If I was renting property to someone I would give them an itemized receipt showing that they do in fact pay property tax.

    Mortgage Payment: $800
    Monthly Insurance: $110
    Lawn Care Service: $100
    Monthly Property Tax: $200
    Rent: $90

    Total Due: $1400

  5. #80

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    This article presents flawed logic. Based on that logic, they also spend a higher percentage of their income on groceries, gasoline, and toilet paper!

  6. #81

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    This article presents flawed logic. Based on that logic, they also spend a higher percentage of their income on groceries, gasoline, and toilet paper!
    I'm willing to look at articles showing otherwise.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I'm willing to look at articles showing otherwise.
    There will be no other articles that say otherwise because it's a valid fact. If poor person A has an annual household income of 50K and rich person B has an annual income of 500K, then their federal income taxes "should" be equal (but they won't be, sadly), so that percentage of their income as tax will be roughly equal, but when they pay 9% sales tax on the same amount of groceries (more or less), then you will see that the poor person A is paying a higher percentage of taxes than the rich person B. The facts presented in that article are correct and accurate. Even the title of the article: Poor Americans Pay Double the State, Local Tax Rates of Top One Percent is factually correct, but the taxes were designed that way! If household A and household B are composed of identical age and numbers, etc, then let's strawman they buy 6K of groceries, 8K of gasoline, and 5K or other household items and pay 9% state and local taxes on those purchases, incurring around $1,710 in state in local sales taxes. Household A has paid 3.42% of their household income in state and local sales taxes. Household B has paid .342 % of their annual household income in state and local sales taxes. Oh, the horrors and inequality!!!!! It's the way the tax was designed.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    There will be no other articles that say otherwise because it's a valid fact. If poor person A has an annual household income of 50K and rich person B has an annual income of 500K, then their federal income taxes "should" be equal (but they won't be, sadly), so that percentage of their income as tax will be roughly equal, but when they pay 9% sales tax on the same amount of groceries (more or less), then you will see that the poor person A is paying a higher percentage of taxes than the rich person B. The facts presented in that article are correct and accurate. Even the title of the article: Poor Americans Pay Double the State, Local Tax Rates of Top One Percent is factually correct, but the taxes were designed that way! If household A and household B are composed of identical age and numbers, etc, then let's strawman they buy 6K of groceries, 8K of gasoline, and 5K or other household items and pay 9% state and local taxes on those purchases, incurring around $1,710 in state in local sales taxes. Household A has paid 3.42% of their household income in state and local sales taxes. Household B has paid .342 % of their annual household income in state and local sales taxes. Oh, the horrors and inequality!!!!! It's the way the tax was designed.
    You say what's in the article I posted is flawed but have nothing that show's otherwise?

  9. #84

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    I say we cut to the chase and just outlaw poor people.

  10. #85
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I blame the landlords for the perpetuation of this myth. If I was renting
    property to someone I would give them an itemized receipt showing that
    they do in fact pay property tax.

    Mortgage Payment: $800
    Monthly Insurance: $110
    Lawn Care Service: $100
    Monthly Property Tax: $200
    Rent: $90

    Total Due: $1400
    I believe it depends upon who the landlord is. For a brief time I rented a
    house for my music business. I paid $500 per month. I'm not sure how
    much went to the mortgage, insurance and property tax, but I paid $30
    per month for the lawn care.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I blame the landlords for the perpetuation of this myth. If I was renting property to someone I would give them an itemized receipt showing that they do in fact pay property tax.

    Mortgage Payment: $800
    Monthly Insurance: $110
    Lawn Care Service: $100
    Monthly Property Tax: $200
    Rent: $90

    Total Due: $1400
    Don't forget the section 8 taxpayer subsidy that many poor people get. Should be plenty to cover that property tax portion of the bill and then some.
    Don't forget a lot of them are on the 'secret welfare system' to begin with, therefore pay no income taxes.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I say we cut to the chase and just outlaw poor people.
    How about we kick all the able bodied people off government assistance? Welfare/SSI/SSDI reform needs to happen.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Tighten it up? Sure. Imprison or fine the hell out fo cheaters? No worries. Throw the babies out with the bath water? Not on my watch.
    I know several folks, quite well, who survive because of their assistance. And I do mean survive, as in eek by, not live well.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Servicetech571 View Post
    How about we kick all the able bodied people off government assistance? Welfare/SSI/SSDI reform needs to happen.

    I pretty much agree with you on this but there needs to jobs for them. I think it would be cheaper in the long run to offer job training and start doing things we badly need like infrastructure. Highways and bridges are in bad shape and need fixed so start doing that and put folks to work.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    It's been so long since I started this Thread. What was it again?

  16. #91

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by Servicetech571 View Post
    How about we kick all the able bodied people off government assistance? Welfare/SSI/SSDI reform needs to happen.
    Over 90% of these "entitlement" benefits go to the elderly, disabled, and working households. I don't think that will save much money to kick that small percentage off and it also seems a bit cruel unless you are willing to give them some opportunities, jobs, or training to help them start.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyW View Post
    Over 90% of these "entitlement" benefits go to the elderly, disabled, and working households. I don't think that will save much money to kick that small percentage off and it also seems a bit cruel unless you are willing to give them some opportunities, jobs, or training to help them start.
    You would be surprised how many people are flying under the "disability unbrella". The government needs to seperate the ones who need it from those looking for a free ride. It's our "secret welfare" system, and just like the race card nobody questions "disability".
    Social Security Disability Insurance needs major reform - The Washington Post

  18. #93

    Default Re: Poor Persons and Casinos

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    You say what's in the article I posted is flawed but have nothing that show's otherwise?
    Well, I have my post. Sure, I'm not as educated or published as Bonnie Kavoussi, and I'm not saying she's factually incorrect. Like I said earlier, no one is going to find a study or a learned person who says that taxes are fair, but to make them fair according to the premise or logic of the article posted, you'd have to scrap sales taxes completely. She's accurate. But it's a lot like saying that people who drive trucks pay a lot more highway and fuel taxes than people who don't own cars and saying that it's unfair. If you want all people to pay exactly the same taxes, you have to make sure they buy exactly the same items. If you want all people to pay taxes at the exact same rate, then you have to make the rich consume things a whole lot more food than the poor in proportion to their income disparity. Yes, the tax structure is basically unequal, but that doesn't make it unfair.

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