I refuse to watch or listen to commercials. Period. I quit listening to them.
about 1985. The sounds were totally offensive, meaning unappealing to my
ears, sonically, and intellectually void. If I heard one more potato chip
crunch or someone telling me I needed an item I was going to go nutz. Duh.
During the 1986 Superbowl I quit watching commercials for the same
In my truck I have a watch with a countdown timer set at 55 seconds
velcroed to my steering wheel. When a commercial comes on I turn off the
radio and cycle through the time a few times. Usually it's safe to listen after
4 minutes. It's better to miss some of the programming, like Classic Rock
107 then hear any portion of a commercial. With TV I use my iPhone and
have the programs I watch timed so I don't have to see a commercial.
F'rinstance, MASH on 5.2 there's a 4 minute commercial break and the
next is two minutes. The same goes for all of the 30 minute programs
on that network. The 60 minute shows are a little different.
I enjoy being commercial free, but I'd never want them to be outlawed.
Afterall, they pay for my TV!
In two years it will be 30 years since I voluntarily listened or watched a
Yup. The Burger King Ads are creepy. Really creepy.
I don't think he is really smiling.
(yet, i have to admit . . . Burger King is capable of offering a superior fast food burger.
I think it's the Liquid Smoke rather than the flame broiling.)
The Burger King Icon officially creeps me out.
(and i just figured out why: He's a cross between the kid in line ahead of Ralphie and his little brother in "A Christmas Story" (the one wearing the aviator helmet and goggles) and that old dude in those Mexican Beer Commercials. =)
No poop. I like BK burgers but that king is a total creep.
Any commercial of the N.O. Pelicans King Cake Baby would make me have nightmares.
Somewhere, in the archives, exists the perfect representative of that vision.
I think it was in the David Lynch film, "Eraserhead".
I wonder which furniture huckster, car dealer or drug rep will be the first to snap that up and use it to sell a product.
When they do, it will creep me out.
(yet not as much as The Toaster Strudel Proto-Nazi from Pillsbury =)
Geez . . . That took "creepiness" to the next level.
(at least to me).
Congratulations! =)
(really: i don't know who Wava is. Is she that guitar huckster's sidekick?)
(that mysterious man in black with cheap guitars for sale? sort of a don diego/zorro wannabe? with a guitar for sale)
She looks like Bruce Jenner, That is scary.
When i go back to OKC its those awful commercials for jerky that make me cringe.
He is a former Kardassian.
(and olympic flag-waving decathaloner from back when the Olympics actually meant something)
Hopefully, a Commercial featuring Bruce and Honey Boo Boo reflecting on past and future mistakes is just over the virtual horizon of Creepy-ness.
I'm thinkin' "Hooked on Phonics".
(with a cameo by Arnold Schwartwhatever and Miley Cyrus.)
My friends, I can't bear watching any of the uploaded commercials. Please
forgive me.
I bought my first stereo from her. That clip brings back memories.
Linda Soundtrack was Famously Creepy, Locally.
(like Alan Merrel and his Mexican Market plus that other AutoDickhead without a speech impediment)
Thank you for capturing the essence of "Creepy-ness" vis-a-vis television advertising.
Still . . . The Pillsbury Strudel Nazi has her beat (for creepiness) =)
Hi, I'm Tom Padgham! With a wad of money in his hands.
C. T.
What was the name of the Insurance Agency on Classen back in the day? Tall Paul or something like that. Also Lynn Hickey had some good ones that were annoying as well as entertaining.
. . .
I can't believe I couldn't remember the Creep responsible for some of the Creepiest Commercials ever.
thanks. wasn't his tag line . . . "We'll Deal" while fanning the wad of monopoly money in one of his fists.
Truly a Creepy Commercial.
Edited to Add:
The "Tall Paul" Ads are extra creepy because of all the Muffler Men Statues on "Roadside America" =)
Those laser skin commercials - those "doctors" do not look natural at all.
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