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Thread: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

  1. #51

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    There are not boundaries but there is an attendance zone which has to do with enrollment priority given higher priority to those within the zone. Here is the info cut and pasted directly from www.johnrexschool.com

    Priority Levels:


    A child who resides within the attendance boundaries for the school will have first priority for enrollment. Students residing within the John Rex Elementary attendance boundaries that choose to attend another Oklahoma City Public School may apply for an intra-district transfer through the OKCPS Administration Office.


    A child who resides outside the attendance boundaries for John Rex Elementary but within the Oklahoma City Public School district boundaries. Enrollment preference will be given to eligible transfer students based on class size capacity, program availability, and/or educational needs of the student.


    A child who resides outside the Oklahoma City Public School district and whose parent, guardian or other person with legal custody is employed within the attendance boundaries.


    A child who resides outside the district and whose parent, guardian or other person with legal custody is NOT employed within the attendance boundaries.

    If the number of eligible students applying for admission exceeds the capacity of the school, a lottery shall be held within the priority level that is oversubscribed to select the students within that priority level that will be admitted to the school.

    Also...just realized off topic but not changing it as it was a pain to cut and paste over.
    Last edited by Jeepnokc; 02-26-2014 at 04:28 PM. Reason: added off topic comment

  2. #52

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    I don't understand how the 18-34 year old demographic can be so undecided in this race, given that Cornett has done so much to improve the quality of life and appeal of Oklahoma City for this age group. Cornett should be receiving every single one of these votes. I hear on a daily basis from people in this age range that they love what OKC has become and, for those who live in other cities, they can't wait to move here.
    Good illustration of how the young often don't have anything to compare so they don't realize how much things have changed/improved.

  3. #53

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    At any rate, Shadid can continue his crusade for awesomesauce bus stops from his Ward 2 seat... well... until basically everyone who helped him win it the first time turns around and takes that from him too.

  4. #54

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    There are in fact boundaries for the charter school, which you can see in the PDF I posted in the appropriate thread. Merely understanding the letter of the law does very little to correct injustice, especially in the realm of politics, where very little can be enforced. Your self-righteousness has no positive impact. ShadidSpeaking truth to power does, which is what I do, and what does.
    Shadid speaking the Truth ? He's a proven Liar, and no argument can be made that he's not. You can not trust him. Why would someone vote for a liar ?

  5. #55

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Hmm. I am kind of surprised that there seems to be so many people in Cornett's camp who are making passionate anti Shadid comments rather than passionate pro Cornett comments. I personally don't think this is a race where people, in large numbers, are going to throw their vote to Cornett because they are turned off by Shadid. It's not really that kind of race. I just don't think people, in large numbers, are going to vote for Shadid because they just didn't realize he was such a horrible man.

  6. #56

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Hmm. I am kind of surprised that there seems to be so many people in Cornett's camp who are making passionate anti Shadid comments rather than passionate pro Cornett comments. I personally don't think this is a race where people, in large numbers, are going to throw their vote to Cornett because they are turned off by Shadid. It's not really that kind of race. I just don't think people, in large numbers, are going to vote for Shadid because they just didn't realize he was such a horrible man.
    I can't speak for others, but I've made many passionate appeals for the mayor. But his style is such that he just isn't a dramatic figure. He's very rational and smart and competent and visionary but he doesn't engender a fanatic-type response from his supporters. That doesn't mean they're not fired up for his reelection.

    As for Shadid, he has brought a lot of this on himself.

  7. #57

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    plupan, I like your enthusiasm and understand your thinking but that really isn't appropriate.
    ljbab, this guy has been sitting here for months now repeating the same thing over and over again doing nothing but spewing out this made up crap that is used only by people that want to spread lies and propaganda against Mick. It needs be said. It's one thing if you're going to give your opinion on something, but all this guy does is lie, I mean seriously! That post will likely get deleted, but I don't understand how Edgar has just sat here and spewed this crap over and over. When you look at his name and what he is responding to, you can almost pretty much predict what he is going to say or if you just read his post without looking at the user, you can already guarantee who it is.

    BTW, this is coming from someone who isn't 100% opposed to Shadid and I've actually stuck up for Shadid a couple times as I believe Shadid really does want to do good for the city and isn't just trying to get in for power, but I don't think he would take us in the right direction and I think Mick is the best choice. I am also very intrigued by a previous posters idea for Mick to run for governor, I think he could do wonders for this state.

  8. #58

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Hmm. I am kind of surprised that there seems to be so many people in Cornett's camp who are making passionate anti Shadid comments rather than passionate pro Cornett comments.
    That doesn't surprise me at all PQ. Shadid can be a very polarizing figure so he naturally invites passionate comments. I like Mick very much and think he's doing a very good job overall, but he has never been someone I got passionate about. He just doesn't normally evoke those kind of comments. With that said, I will vote for Mick because I think he will do the best job in advancing our city, period.

  9. #59

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Mick is hoping people are politically unaware
    Mick has gone door to door trying to spread the word of what is going on and to try and get voters. I even heard Mick say(with my own two ears) he things Ed Shadid has good in his heart but isn't what is right for this city. I have never heard of him directly attacking Shadid in any negative way(maybe he has and I don't know it). I mean seriously, Mick has helped turn this city around more than you, I, or perhaps even he knows. He has played a huge part in this cities success and we wouldn't be anywhere near what we are without him.

    and didn't see his tv spots blowing the dog whistle for the religious bigots when he ran for congress.
    and what the hell does that even mean?

  10. #60

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Is this a conversion or political expedience for Mick. I'm going with the latter. he probably market tested it.
    seriously, what is this crap? are you just putting random words together and hoping you sound smart? He probably market tested it? He market tested conversion or political expedience? Ok......

  11. #61

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    This particular line just strikes me as hysterical considering all the political infighting about respecting gays, legalizing drugs and the notion that we should all respect hookers as victims. Based on what I'm seeing on the political forum, this guy is GOLDEN if you are liberal!!
    I know you were poking a little fun but I think you might be interested in this. Those liberals and leftists are not the lockstep caricature you think they (we?) are.

    I know a very large number of progressives and moderates supporting Mayor Cornett - many of them going all out to work phones, place signs, make posts on social media, and even appear in television and print ads. Mayor Cornett has been such an effective mayor he has broad appeal regardless of political affiliation or philosophy. He is a decent man who has been an excellent leader and representative for OKC.

    Additionally, I do not know very many progressive/liberal/left leaning people that want Shadid being the OKC standard bearer for that particular constituency. So don't think one can determine where a person falls on the left - right spectrum by the campaign sign in the front yard. You think I fall far left but guess whose sign I have and who I will be knocking on doors for this weekend?

  12. #62

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    ljbab, this guy has been sitting here for months now repeating the same thing over and over again doing nothing but spewing out this made up crap that is used only by people that want to spread lies and propaganda against Mick. It needs be said. It's one thing if you're going to give your opinion on something, but all this guy does is lie, I mean seriously! That post will likely get deleted, but I don't understand how Edgar has just sat here and spewed this crap over and over. When you look at his name and what he is responding to, you can almost pretty much predict what he is going to say or if you just read his post without looking at the user, you can already guarantee who it is.

    BTW, this is coming from someone who isn't 100% opposed to Shadid and I've actually stuck up for Shadid a couple times as I believe Shadid really does want to do good for the city and isn't just trying to get in for power, but I don't think he would take us in the right direction and I think Mick is the best choice. I am also very intrigued by a previous posters idea for Mick to run for governor, I think he could do wonders for this state.
    plupan, again I understand and can't disagree at all with your thoughts. It just really isn't appropriate, though, to make such a personal attack, even if the vast majority here agree with you, because things can be very obvious without being said.

  13. #63

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    I see our resident class/race-baiter decided to chime in. Calling Midtowner self-righteous? Do you even read your own posts?

  14. #64

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    I see our resident class/race-baiter decided to chime in. Calling Midtowner self-righteous? Do you even read your own posts?
    Are you referring to me? I have never called Midtowner self righteous...

  15. #65

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    No sorry see the previous page

  16. #66

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    oh, you're all good man... didn't realize as the post before yours was posted at the exact same time so I thought they got mixed up..

  17. #67

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    plupan, again I understand and can't disagree at all with your thoughts. It just really isn't appropriate, though, to make such a personal attack, even if the vast majority here agree with you, because things can be very obvious without being said.
    maybe so....

  18. #68

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Edgar = Ed

    The spew is the same...
    Nah - Edgar is probably that silly chicken showing up at events around town.

  19. #69

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Good illustration of how the young often don't have anything to compare so they don't realize how much things have changed/improved.
    That is exactly correct. Since downtown was so awful pre-MAPS, we just didn't go there. I was one of the people back in the 80s and 90s who literally never went south of 63rd St. A lot of my peers had a statement, "Nothing good happens south of 63rd.". The only memory I have of seeing or discussing downtown with one of my kids was driving past the arena under construction and wistfully asking him if he thought we would get an NBA team now that we were building an arena. He was a lot more sports-savvy than I at the time and pulled a David Stern, laughing at me for the thought. So to them, what we've got downtown was likely just there the first time they remember it.

    The irony is that the demographic that probably admires Shadid the most likely wouldn't even be living here were it not for Mick and his predecessors. The Plaza District, 23rd St and the Paseo that they love wouldn't be here either. Telling them isn't the same as recalling the absolute almost gut-wrenching shock I had the first time I went downtown and realized what it didn't have. I didn't move here by choice and had never visited before I pulled into town. I did have my husband's warning to prepare me a bit: "It's a dump." That wasn't adequate. But my children have no frame of reference.

  20. #70

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Yep. We spent a ton of money on downtown and the results have been great. We have an NBA team too. As you said yourself, downtown is going to be fine.

    Time to quit running that 30 year old playbook with videos of yesteryear and move forward with a different focus. Maybe Mick is the man to do that but he sure doesn't appear to have any vision looking forward, just looking back.

  21. #71

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Hmm. I am kind of surprised that there seems to be so many people in Cornett's camp who are making passionate anti Shadid comments rather than passionate pro Cornett comments. I personally don't think this is a race where people, in large numbers, are going to throw their vote to Cornett because they are turned off by Shadid. It's not really that kind of race. I just don't think people, in large numbers, are going to vote for Shadid because they just didn't realize he was such a horrible man.
    Negative campaigning, something they disdain in Ed. So much for consistency.

  22. #72

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Bring back krisb.

  23. #73

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    Wayne Coyne gave his endorsement for Mick in the Gazette. Mick should drop the mic after that
    Team Cornett is breaking out the smarm- Bobbie Burbridge Lane is plugging Mick on sports radio imploring people to load up their cars with the faithful on election day. quite the spectrum, Wayne Coyne to BBLane. They could share a feather boa at the watch party.

  24. Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by edgar View Post
    they could share a feather boa at the victory party.

  25. #75

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Team Cornett is breaking out the smarm- Bobbie Burbridge Lane is plugging Mick on sports radio imploring people to load up their cars with the faithful on election day. quite the spectrum, Wayne Coyne to BBLane. They could share a feather boa at the watch party.
    Seriously? Your preferred candidate has been courting votes from the ultra liberal to the High noon club, from supporters of same sex unions to having his ex wife come out and do ads portraying a family unit, and you have the gall to crack wise over the incumbent having a diverse backing? It is a non-partisan city wide election for a city wide position. It should surprise no one that all candidates who hope to be successful will seek support across the full spectrum of voters. However, it does sort of blow the whole Cornett is only for the plutocrats spiel up in whatever the smoke de jour is from the challenger's campaign.

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