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Thread: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

  1. Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Wayne Coyne gave his endorsement for Mick in the Gazette. Mick should drop the mic after that

  2. #27

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    The 18-34 demographic is very enticed by Shadid's liberal position on social issues. Most Shadid voters I have spoken with are voting for him because they support gay rights and a woman's right to choose. They know little of his actual policies and vision for the city.
    And Mick Cornett voted for the anti-discrimination policy for LGTB city employees. Are people so politically unaware (being generous with my wording here) that they don't even know that mayors have no control over a woman's right to choose? Those are probably the same people who think Ed's going to cure poverty and mental illness and revamp the education system. I'm thinking that, like citizenship, you should have to pass a civics test to be allowed to vote. I do not want people who vote for someone because they have a nice smile or a soft voice or make impossible promises determining who is going to be in charge of my city. Gah.

  3. #28

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Are people so politically unaware (being generous with my wording here) that they don't even know that mayors have no control over a woman's right to choose?
    Unfortunately, in far too many instances, yes.

  4. #29

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    And Mick Cornett voted for the anti-discrimination policy for LGTB city employees. Are people so politically unaware (being generous with my wording here) that they don't even know that mayors have no control over a woman's right to choose? Those are probably the same people who think Ed's going to cure poverty and mental illness and revamp the education system. I'm thinking that, like citizenship, you should have to pass a civics test to be allowed to vote. I do not want people who vote for someone because they have a nice smile or a soft voice or make impossible promises determining who is going to be in charge of my city. Gah.
    I agree. Those who I am referring to voting for Ed because of social issues are extremely politically unaware. I always am sure to tell them that Ed does not have OKC's best interests at heart, and that social issues are completely irrelevant in positions like mayor of OKC.

  5. #30

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Mick is hoping people are politically unaware and didn't see his tv spots blowing the dog whistle for the religious bigots when he ran for congress. Is this a conversion or political expedience for Mick. I'm going with the latter. he probably market tested it.

  6. #31

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Anyone with half a brain can see right through Shadid. Nothing to worry about here.
    Unfortunately your constraint fails to apply to a majority of American voters. Hopefully, though, OKC voters are better than the national average...

  7. #32

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I'm thinking that, like citizenship, you should have to pass a civics test to be allowed to vote. I do not want people who vote for someone because they have a nice smile or a soft voice or make impossible promises determining who is going to be in charge of my city. Gah.
    Like this guy from News 9's facebook post about the 2 candidates:

    He then goes on to say that he wont vote for Mick because he didn't personally help save his business... And that got quite a few likes... All you can do is facepalm

  8. #33

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Mick is hoping people are politically unaware and didn't see his tv spots blowing the dog whistle for the religious bigots when he ran for congress. Is this a conversion or political expedience for Mick. I'm going with the latter. he probably market tested it.
    Kind of like Ed and OCPAC, the High Noon Club, the atheists (while spouting "God" talk on his web page) and any other group he tries to sucker for votes? I think the pot is calling the kettle black here.

  9. #34

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Mick is hoping people are politically unaware and didn't see his tv spots blowing the dog whistle for the religious bigots when he ran for congress. Is this a conversion or political expedience for Mick. I'm going with the latter. he probably market tested it.
    And Ed is hoping people are not seeing the flyer he posted when running for city council stating "MAPS-3 should be completed as it was promised to the voters".

  10. #35

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    I remember those ads and they were typical boilerplate Oklahoma conservative for sure. Flag burning and prayer in schools are not pressing matters in the city. But in light of Mayor Cornett's subsequent actions I think it is pretty clear his positions have shifted at least as far as official policy is concerned. If all he had done is talk about some sort of epiphany on the side of the road......oh wait wrong candidate.

    Mayor Cornett supported the equal benefits resolution for LGBT city employees. If he were still "blowing the dog whistle" and was seeking political expedience, I doubt he would have supported that resolution because if he decides to seek state or national office in the future, you can bet that vote will be used against him. The mayor also received a ringing endorsement from several prominent LGBT community members earlier today. But I suppose you skipped past that one.

  11. #36

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Edgar = Ed

    The spew is the same...

  12. #37

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    The problem with Shadid is his campaign started with a bizarre rant in the NewsOK comments section by the candidate himself. He then did a 180 on virtually everything which won him his council seat. He then tried to triangulate between groups who have, in the past been absolute failures both working alone and alongside one another.

    As far as running for anything else, let's consider his resume:

    1) Former Green Party Candidate;
    2) Former champion of disaffected voters;
    3) Former champion of the Tea Party;
    4) Former champion of public unions.

    He has no cohesive brand. He obviously is a political chameleon who says what he thinks he needs to say to get elected. He's a wealthy guy who is spending his own money and playing politics. He's playing games and the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

  13. #38

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Edgar = Ed

    The spew is the same...
    I don't think so. The Edgar account was here long before the campaigning started and has voiced interests in a number of areas including, IIRC, tribal sovereignty.

  14. #39

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    All the back office corruption that gets so widely criticized on this board will stay the same if Mick gets reelected. The delayed construction projects, including project 180 - that is a result of corruption. The secretive proposed redesign of the Civic Center park - that is an example of Larry Nichols buying influence with Mick Cornett. The limited borders of the downtown elementary, meant to exclude many low income families from being able to attend, in favor of the more expensive areas of downtown attractive to oil company employees - that was facilitated by Mick Cornett. I helped get the boundary changed but there is only so much one person can do. A vote for Cornett is a vote for status quo - a status quo of apathy, arrogrance, and corruption.

  15. #40

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I don't think so. The Edgar account was here long before the campaigning started and has voiced interests in a number of areas including, IIRC, tribal sovereignty.
    Agree - used to suspect the same thing, but it's not very likely.

  16. #41

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Like this guy from News 9's facebook post about the 2 candidates:

    He then goes on to say that he wont vote for Mick because he didn't personally help save his business... And that got quite a few likes... All you can do is facepalm

    This is the type of 'half brain' person i'm talking about......they are among us, but not in the majority.

  17. #42

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I don't think so. The Edgar account was here long before the campaigning started and has voiced interests in a number of areas including, IIRC, tribal sovereignty.
    I remember him fussing about the water rights of the tribes...... but there's a whole lot of repetitive conjecture between the two... or maybe just one.
    He's like a damned programmed robot that won't shut up.

    Edgar joined in July of 2011. Is that around the time Ed showed up ?

  18. #43

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    All the back office corruption that gets so widely criticized on this board will stay the same if Mick gets reelected. The delayed construction projects, including project 180 - that is a result of corruption. The secretive proposed redesign of the Civic Center park - that is an example of Larry Nichols buying influence with Mick Cornett. The limited borders of the downtown elementary, meant to exclude many low income families from being able to attend, in favor of the more expensive areas of downtown attractive to oil company employees - that was facilitated by Mick Cornett. I helped get the boundary changed but there is only so much one person can do. A vote for Cornett is a vote for status quo - a status quo of apathy, arrogrance, and corruption.
    Corruption is no small claim. And you have no basis of fact for leveling such accusations.

  19. #44

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    All the back office corruption that gets so widely criticized on this board will stay the same if Mick gets reelected. The delayed construction projects, including project 180 - that is a result of corruption. The secretive proposed redesign of the Civic Center park - that is an example of Larry Nichols buying influence with Mick Cornett. The limited borders of the downtown elementary, meant to exclude many low income families from being able to attend, in favor of the more expensive areas of downtown attractive to oil company employees - that was facilitated by Mick Cornett. I helped get the boundary changed but there is only so much one person can do. A vote for Cornett is a vote for status quo - a status quo of apathy, arrogrance, and corruption.
    Just stop.

    1) The park snafu was quite public: Oklahoma City's Civic Center park makeover challenged | News OK and just looked like a bunch of administrative hoohah between different departments. Looking at the proposed new design, I'm going to say it's a huge improvement.

    2) The new charter school will be a charter school. A charter school can accept students two ways--first come/first serve and a lottery. The state law says that you can't have geographical boundaries unless it is to serve lower income areas. So that's just not correct.

    3) If what's happening in this city is the result of Larry Nichols buying influence with the mayor, I hope he buys more.

  20. #45

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    1) The park snafu was quite public: Oklahoma City's Civic Center park makeover challenged | News OK and just looked like a bunch of administrative hoohah between different departments..
    Renaming withdrawn for Civic Center park in Oklahoma City | News OK
    Since I've indulged you with some proof, I've a question for you. What have you done to improve the city, or is it enough to post clever comments and waft in the good vibes of another oil and gas boom?

  21. #46

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    When it comes to age, Cornett seems to get most of his support from voters over the age of 50, but he also tops Shadid in younger demographics. One in three 18 to 34-year-olds prefer Cornett over Shadid, although that age category also had the highest number of undecided voters at 17 percent, according to the poll. Three out of four voters who are 65 and older prefer
    This is an incorrect statement in the Gazette, unless their graph is wrong. Or it is just poorly written. In the graph, it has 33 for Cornett, 13 for Shadid and 54 = other. The sentence prior to the one I've bolded, states that Cornett carries the younger crowd.......this is a confusing paragraph.

  22. #47

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    Renaming withdrawn for Civic Center park in Oklahoma City | News OK
    Since I've indulged you with some proof, I've a question for you. What have you done to improve the city, or is it enough to post clever comments and waft in the good vibes of another oil and gas boom?
    Where I make the most impact in a volunteer capacity is representing children who have been taken from their parents for neglect or abuse reasons in our juvenile justice system pro bono. Does that improve the city? I can't say. But commenting here and challenging misinformation I think also improves this city. A lot more folks lurk this forum than post and to many, this is the best source of information out there for municipal items outside of the Council meetings posted on OKC.gov.

    I do consider it a public service, for example, when you just came in here and blabbed about the downtown charter school having boundaries, I know for a fact that you're wrong. State law forbids that. But that doesn't slow you down at all, now you're attacking me? Just admit you were wrong, you received a bit of an education today for free, maybe even thank me for it.

  23. #48

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I do consider it a public service, for example, when you just came in here and blabbed about the downtown charter school having boundaries, I know for a fact that you're wrong. State law forbids that.
    There are in fact boundaries for the charter school, which you can see in the PDF I posted in the appropriate thread. Merely understanding the letter of the law does very little to correct injustice, especially in the realm of politics, where very little can be enforced. Your self-righteousness has no positive impact. Speaking truth to power does, which is what I do, and what Shadid does.

  24. #49

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Charter schools have to take all comers from their school district. Now, where it's going to get hairy is that they have to give preference to folks from OKC. I don't think that's going to be a huge deal. It isn't with other charters because the OKC schools don't fill 'em up. Everyone has to follow the law and here it is:

    OSCN Found Document:Eligible Students - Discrimination

    And I don't care how politically connected someone is, that's the law and as a lawyer, I can tell you a court will enforce that.

  25. #50

    Default Re: SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category

    Lot of people may be reluctant to publicly back Shadid being that he likes to smoke crack with gay prostitutes.
    This particular line just strikes me as hysterical considering all the political infighting about respecting gays, legalizing drugs and the notion that we should all respect hookers as victims. Based on what I'm seeing on the political forum, this guy is GOLDEN if you are liberal!!

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