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Thread: Braum's

  1. #701

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Most of the folks waiting in the 30 car lines when DQ first opened were only there to check in on FaceBook. Once they actually ate the food I'm sure they weren't willing to wait in lines with more than 3 cars going forward.
    Didn't they also get free food for a year or something if they were one of the first 100 people? Kind of like Chick-Fil-A?

  2. #702

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    I've asked a similar question before in another thread...is it possible to stalk a food chain?
    Why do I get the image of someone hiding in the bushes next to a Braums drive-through?
    You know Trousers, if Braum's was an "out of state" corporation, I would not give it another thought. ( there are hundreds places in OKC metro to grab a burger, so it is not about missing Braum's burger if / when they go out of business, or their ice cream. )

    This is a local corporation that needs to "wake up". They could be so much more, but they're not. They could dominate, but they're not. They could go away soon, if they keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. This is much bigger than a Burger / Ice Cream / and Drive-thrus. This is about a local corporation ( jobs , jobs, jobs ) that may go away.

    ...and Braum's has great products too. So they have a chance to put things in-place that could "Shake" this region up if they chose to do so. We will see if they do.

    This is more

  3. #703

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    SD, here ya go.... This is the hard loss-of-market-share data you do not want to see.

    Dairy Queen grand opening in Moore

    SD, in business you can gather "market feedback" in many different way, but this one is a great "Eye Test". Just look at the lines of Thirsty Customers waiting for that "Blizzard" in the middle of Winter Time!
    Nice try, Vis, and I hate to break it to ya, but a news story about a DQ opening is not the hard market share data I'm looking for. Moreover, you know that, but you post silliness like this and hope no one notices. But we do, and it just confirms (again) what the rest of us suspect - that you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

    On the basis of this, in your head, I'm sure all the small donut shops around OKC disappeared the day after the Krispy Kreme at I-240 and Western opened up and had a line of cars wrapped around the service road waiting for donuts. Now, just a few years later, Krispy Kreme is a distant memory, that building is now pushing hamburgers, and there are two small donut shops within maybe two miles of my house.

    You have stated, as a matter of fact, not opinion, that Braum's is losing market share. I want the data that backs up that factual assertion, because I don't believe it. Hard data, such as I asked for previously - drops in same-store sales, drops in revenue, customer turnover rates, something real. I don't want your conjecture that because DQ opened that necessarily implies Braum's has lost market share. Those, as I'm sure you know but hope the rest of us will just ignore, are not at all the same thing.

    You are entitled to your opinion here just as are all of us, Vis, but when you come here spouting off that opinion as fact, and then get called out on it, you have a great chance to prop yourself up by posting the data behind your argument. When the best you can do is post a news story about the opening of one competing store, you've utterly failed. Sad part is you know it, you don't have the data to back your claims, so you keep coming on here and spouting your nonsense in the vain hopes that it will be believed merely for the constant repetition even in the absence of facts.

    So, again, Vis, please post your data. Post your hard data backing your claims that Braum's has lost market share. I really want to see it. If Braums is in trouble, real trouble, I think we'd all be interested to see the source of your information, and have a nice discussion about it.

  4. #704

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Nice try, Vis, and I hate to break it to ya, but a news story about a DQ opening is not the hard market share data I'm looking for. Moreover, you know that, but you post silliness like this and hope no one notices. But we do, and it just confirms (again) what the rest of us suspect - that you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

    On the basis of this, in your head, I'm sure all the small donut shops around OKC disappeared the day after the Krispy Kreme at I-240 and Western opened up and had a line of cars wrapped around the service road waiting for donuts. Now, just a few years later, Krispy Kreme is a distant memory, that building is now pushing hamburgers, and there are two small donut shops within maybe two miles of my house.

    You have stated, as a matter of fact, not opinion, that Braum's is losing market share. I want the data that backs up that factual assertion, because I don't believe it. Hard data, such as I asked for previously - drops in same-store sales, drops in revenue, customer turnover rates, something real. I don't want your conjecture that because DQ opened that necessarily implies Braum's has lost market share. Those, as I'm sure you know but hope the rest of us will just ignore, are not at all the same thing.

    You are entitled to your opinion here just as are all of us, Vis, but when you come here spouting off that opinion as fact, and then get called out on it, you have a great chance to prop yourself up by posting the data behind your argument. When the best you can do is post a news story about the opening of one competing store, you've utterly failed. Sad part is you know it, you don't have the data to back your claims, so you keep coming on here and spouting your nonsense in the vain hopes that it will be believed merely for the constant repetition even in the absence of facts.

    So, again, Vis, please post your data. Post your hard data backing your claims that Braum's has lost market share. I really want to see it. If Braums is in trouble, real trouble, I think we'd all be interested to see the source of your information, and have a nice discussion about it.

  5. #705

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Nice try, Vis, and I hate to break it to ya, but a news story about a DQ opening is not the hard market share data I'm looking for. Moreover, you know that, but you post silliness like this and hope no one notices. But we do, and it just confirms (again) what the rest of us suspect - that you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

    On the basis of this, in your head, I'm sure all the small donut shops around OKC disappeared the day after the Krispy Kreme at I-240 and Western opened up and had a line of cars wrapped around the service road waiting for donuts. Now, just a few years later, Krispy Kreme is a distant memory, that building is now pushing hamburgers, and there are two small donut shops within maybe two miles of my house.

    You have stated, as a matter of fact, not opinion, that Braum's is losing market share. I want the data that backs up that factual assertion, because I don't believe it. Hard data, such as I asked for previously - drops in same-store sales, drops in revenue, customer turnover rates, something real. I don't want your conjecture that because DQ opened that necessarily implies Braum's has lost market share. Those, as I'm sure you know but hope the rest of us will just ignore, are not at all the same thing.

    You are entitled to your opinion here just as are all of us, Vis, but when you come here spouting off that opinion as fact, and then get called out on it, you have a great chance to prop yourself up by posting the data behind your argument. When the best you can do is post a news story about the opening of one competing store, you've utterly failed. Sad part is you know it, you don't have the data to back your claims, so you keep coming on here and spouting your nonsense in the vain hopes that it will be believed merely for the constant repetition even in the absence of facts.

    So, again, Vis, please post your data. Post your hard data backing your claims that Braum's has lost market share. I really want to see it. If Braums is in trouble, real trouble, I think we'd all be interested to see the source of your information, and have a nice discussion about it.
    SD, by your new photo w/ a burger on it, it looks like this dicussion may be really close to home for you. SD, this is a discussion only forum and you may not be able to afford my professional "Market Analysis" anyway. So, just look at this how you want to.

    Braum's does not have to change anything and most likely won't. SD, how is the Braum's brand looking today vs. 2000? ....stronger / weaker?

    Is Bill B. & Drew B. pleased to have Freddy's / Steak & Shake / and now DQ in their hometown market of OKC ? They will be forced to do something they don't like to do, spend money. We will see.

  6. #706

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    In my home, B is stronger now than a decade or more back. In the 90's and first half of the last decade, the majority of my burgers were consumed at a sit down pub. Close to the then work place, good eats, and a bit of plain old habit/groove/rut was in there as well. But slow or no, they tend to botch one's order at a far lower rate than the fast delivery chains, so B gets more of a nod now that I take more burgers at home than staying out.

  7. #707

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    So, speaking of Braums... Am I correct in thinking there was once a proposal for a store in Bricktown?

  8. #708

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    SD, by your new photo w/ a burger on it, it looks like this dicussion may be really close to home for you. SD, this is a discussion only forum and you may not be able to afford my professional "Market Analysis" anyway. So, just look at this how you want to.

    Braum's does not have to change anything and most likely won't. SD, how is the Braum's brand looking today vs. 2000? ....stronger / weaker?

    Is Bill B. & Drew B. pleased to have Freddy's / Steak & Shake / and now DQ in their hometown market of OKC ? They will be forced to do something they don't like to do, spend money. We will see.
    And as predictably as winter snow, when you can't post the data to support your argument, you turn to personal insults about how my avatar makes this issue close to my heart.

    You had a chance to post real data.

    You chose not to.

    The more striking aspect of your response was how you excused yourself from that opportunity by saying this is a "discussion" forum - telegraphing the obvious implication that these "discussions" need not be burdened with anything like facts. Facts you don't have.

    And every time you reply to this thread without those facts, it's a reminder to everyone reading that given a choice between posting facts or tossing insults, you chose the latter.

    I said before, and I'll say it again. You haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about, despite being given specific and repeated opportunity to prove otherwise. And we need look no further than your own hollow posts to prove it.

  9. #709

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Be on the lookout for his next thread titled "WalMart should be concerned about the new Crest openings"

  10. #710

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.

  11. #711

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.
    SD, why don't you take this one....

  12. #712

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.
    My understanding is breaks are only required for 16 and under.

  13. #713

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.
    When I worked at Wal-Mart, if we worked a nine hour day (8-5), we got one hour for lunch and two 15 minute breaks. If we worked seven hours (4-11) we got a one hour lunch and one 15 minute break. If we worked five hours (6-11) we got a 30 minute lunch and a 15 minute break. Of course, that was 12 years ago. Not sure how much things have changed since then.

  14. #714

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by easy180
    Be on the lookout for his next thread titled "WalMart should be concerned about the new Crest openings"
    i have pictures from opening day at the newest crest that i saw on some random sports website... the number of cars in the parking lot proves that walmart is losing market share. you can't argue with that kind of in-depth market analysis. -M

  15. #715

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.
    Based on the following from the Department of Labor website:

    Quote Originally Posted by US DOL
    "The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require employees be given meal or rest breaks."

    It doesn't appear there's an obvious requirement for a break based on what you posted above. There may be Oklahoma law that applies, but any such exceptions are not among those listed by-state on the DOL website. Not sure otherwise.

  16. #716

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.
    Oklahoma is not one of the six or seven states that mandate paid rest breaks during the work day. However, many employers do provide for rest breaks and meal breaks as a matter of their company policies.

  17. #717

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Thank you, SoonerDave. I'll give that bit of info to my friend.

  18. #718

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    And as predictably as winter snow, when you can't post the data to support your argument, you turn to personal insults about how my avatar makes this issue close to my heart.

    You had a chance to post real data.

    You chose not to.

    The more striking aspect of your response was how you excused yourself from that opportunity by saying this is a "discussion" forum - telegraphing the obvious implication that these "discussions" need not be burdened with anything like facts. Facts you don't have.

    And every time you reply to this thread without those facts, it's a reminder to everyone reading that given a choice between posting facts or tossing insults, you chose the latter.

    I said before, and I'll say it again. You haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about, despite being given specific and repeated opportunity to prove otherwise. And we need look no further than your own hollow posts to prove it.
    SD, if you are correct, then Braum's is in a very strong position and can just "sit" on their existing revenues. Their (regional only) locations w/ a very heavy cost structure ; Fully integrated, is a great position to be in, but ONLY if you can hold your existing marketshare. If not, then it gets kinda heavy at the top and the weight at the bottom ( farm / plant / fleet ) gets heavy at the bottom and makes it more difficult to sell that milk / burger / shake.

    I hope I'm wrong and Braum's can duplicate this business model in the SE / NE / West Coast / Upper Midwest too and be what Hobby Lobby has become. ...but I don't think the Bill & Drew can equal what the Greens have accomplished. I hope they do. They may not know how, either way, we will see.

    Again, this is a local corporation that I would love to see be ALL it can be. I'm not seeing it yet.

  19. #719

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I have a question. I have an "older" friend that just recently started working at Braum's. She asked me if I knew if employees working 5 hours a day are supposed to get a "break?" I suggested she ask her manager. I think she simply wants to know what the law says.
    I thought they rest between making each shake, hence the long lines at the drive thru.

  20. Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    20 story tower in the middle of no where, in view of Olympic stadium, with maglev service featuring on board Braums locations. Is that the point we are at now in these ridiculous discussions? LOL

    Braums is like anyone else. They have stores that do well, they have stores that do poorly. What can you do? Sure it would be awesome if they were all performing at a high level, but that just isn't realistic in many cases. My store does well and I enjoy going there. Same friendly people every week and it is always clean and service is good.

    But hey...that snow cone trailer will open up soon down the street from it and we know it'll run Braums out of the frozen treat market.

  21. #721

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    20 story tower in the middle of no where, in view of Olympic stadium, with maglev service featuring on board Braums locations. Is that the point we are at now in these ridiculous discussions? LOL

    Braums is like anyone else. They have stores that do well, they have stores that do poorly. What can you do? Sure it would be awesome if they were all performing at a high level, but that just isn't realistic in many cases. My store does well and I enjoy going there. Same friendly people every week and it is always clean and service is good.

    But hey...that snow cone trailer will open up soon down the street from it and we know it'll run Braums out of the frozen treat market.
    I still don't know why people don't put him on ignore instead of getting into a debate they will never win. It has made my anxiety on this board so much lower than when I used to engage with him in the past. Although sometimes it is fun to see what ridiculous things he has come up with lately. I just don't respond to them...

  22. #722

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    20 story tower in the middle of no where, in view of Olympic stadium, with maglev service featuring on board Braums locations. Is that the point we are at now in these ridiculous discussions? LOL

    Braums is like anyone else. They have stores that do well, they have stores that do poorly. What can you do? Sure it would be awesome if they were all performing at a high level, but that just isn't realistic in many cases. My store does well and I enjoy going there. Same friendly people every week and it is always clean and service is good.

    But hey...that snow cone trailer will open up soon down the street from it and we know it'll run Braums out of the frozen treat market.
    Hey Venture, how 'bout a weather report? ...an update on the flight schedule?

    Yes, you see the same friendly customers there each week, their feet are stuck to the floor and they can't leave. They are stuck in the drive-thru lines and can't leave. Their cars ran out of gas while waiting for the 12 year old to make change on a $4.75 order w/ a $5.00 bill.

    QT has the same HIGH level of customer service in their stores. That is a mandate from corporate. So, don't say it can't be done. They are beating LOVES w/ every new location.

  23. #723

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Braums needs lasers...they are very futuristic. Maybe a robot like Johnny 5 to take your order.

  24. #724

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    Braums needs lasers...they are very futuristic. Maybe a robot like Johnny 5 to take your order.
    Yep and if they don't get lasers, they are going to lose laser market share to places like laser tag and the main event. The only way to stay relevant is to get lasers now. Otherwise, they will fall miserably into obscurity.

  25. #725

    Default Re: BRAUM'S Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Based on the following from the Department of Labor website:

    It doesn't appear there's an obvious requirement for a break based on what you posted above. There may be Oklahoma law that applies, but any such exceptions are not among those listed by-state on the DOL website. Not sure otherwise.
    In the Braum's example, does the cook & the cashier get a break in an 5 hr period? ...does ODOL ( Fed OSHA regulating agency for the state of Oklahoma ) have any "unique" standards that may apply? ...heat stress? job description? work-related environment? Yes they do.

    They are very detailed in the requirements of EMPLOYERS (not employees) that operate in the state of Oklahoma regarding the employees rights to a safe work environment.

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