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Thread: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

  1. #1
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    Default Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Many of our iconic structures at Fair Park are gone:
    . . .
    The Monorail
    The Grand Stands . . . . . . .

    Are there any new developments on the status of the Arrows to Atoms Space Tower which was being repaired?

    Is it time to build a new 'Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?' Something more iconic; higher than the current structure--as a centerpiece of the Oklahoma State Fair and another landmark for Oklahoma City.

    Seattle Space Needle 605 (feet high) . . . . . . . . Dallas Reunion Tower (520 feet) . . . . S.A.Tower of Americas (622 feet) . . Las Vegas Stratosphere (1,149 feet)

    Should we rebuild the Arrows to Atoms Space Tower; if so, how high?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Let's make one 1,500 ft. tall and add something unique like a model rocket shoot off or weather balloon launch at the top where people who pay for it can watch their rocket or balloon via camera in real time. Add a world class restaurant; call it Crown Atlas or something cool and have people eating on glass tables, sitting on glass chairs, eating from glass plates and such. Build perhaps the worlds tallest "drop elevator" for thrills that opens during the state fair only. Sort of like the superman in Dallas where it takes you to the top and then you free-fall.

    Let's get the monorail back online and replace all the surface parking and create a mini new-urbanist community with parking garages(to supply parking to fair) and mixed retail and housing to bring life to the state fair year-round. Bring formula 1 racing here and build a new track that puts OKC on the map for world class race tracks. We already have an awesome arena there not to mention a new expo center that could easily have the exterior changed if it is so bland.

    You get right into a parking garage and jump right into monorail that is 5-7 stories up and it drops you right into any spot in the fair you want to be. Put ticket booths outside the monorail stations... this would be amazing.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Also that farm exhibit they have at the state fair grounds during the state fair, they ought to create a full time museum in Stock Yards city showcasing a classic American Farm Museum featuring interactive exhibits, live animals, a walk-through bee exhibit allowing to dress in bee suits and walking into a large scale beehive with thousands perhaps millions of bees and showing the process of life-stages of chicks, calfs, turkeys, etc. Show them hatching from their eggs etc.

    It would also be neat to have about 3-5 25-40 story vertical farms giving an official skyline. That would be awesome. Let Oklahoma be a leader in vertical farming.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Ed just called and said no to all of these ideas

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Ed just called and said no to all of these ideas
    Take it Easy while LMAO...

    A "no" vote would be an idea for Ed. I have a few suggestions for what Ed can do...

    "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I don't know about replacing it but I think it would be pretty cool to have something similar in Bricktown.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    How about a 1000 foot oil/gas derrick?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I'd love to see it repaired. It's scaled nicely to the size of the area.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    How about a 1000 foot oil/gas derrick?
    I would rather we embrace our heritage a little bit more in depth than oil. A giant Indian arrow would be a good start.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I would rather we embrace our heritage a little bit more in depth than oil. A giant Indian arrow would be a good start.
    HA! I was almost about to suggest that, but then I thought maybe not as some of my other ideas were a bit radical lol..... I do like that idea though. I think that would be cooler than an huge oil derrick.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I would rather we embrace our heritage a little bit more in depth than oil. A giant Indian arrow would be a good start.
    I think that comment was a tongue in check reference to a previous proposal to put a 1000 foot oil derrick monument spanning the river downtown.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I think that comment was a tongue in check reference to a previous proposal to put a 1000 foot oil derrick monument spanning the river downtown.
    Rob McClendon (OETA) did a show on Oklahoma Horizon some years ago on an oil derrick type structure on the Oklahoma River taller than the Eiffel Tower.

    "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I was thinking the same thing the other day. I usually drive by fairgrounds daily, and that stupid Space Needle looks extremely dated, and blighted. The City either needs to repair or replace it. Demolishing it and leaving nothing should not be an option. Our fairgrounds are UGLY, and they need some dressing up. Some sort of iconic landmark, that doesn't look like the homemade kitchy craft days of the 50's and 60's would go a long way in our "Big League City Micky" image.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I would not be surprised if the Fair Board's plan all along was to just let it sit and rot until the public thinks it's an eyesore and they are "forced" to tear it down.

    I miss it, the fair is just not the same without it. They have had plenty of time to complete upgrades or just flat out replace it. Texas put in a new one at their state fair. Then again they do need more parking for the horse trailers. Come to think of it that pit would be perfect for a horse trailer washout station.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Mystery Tower at the Fairgrounds. You heard it here first.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    How about a 1000 foot oil/gas derrick?
    A lot of people think we already have one lying across the new I40......

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    "The sights and sounds of the State Fair of Oklahoma linger for years — even if some have faded into history...
    ..Sure enough, 2009 was a last shot at going up the Space Tower with its 360-degree views of the city.

    The ride has been closed since, with no word on when or if it will ever return."

    Oklahoma State Fair: Some State Fair highlights now just a memory | News OK

    "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Unless i'm really losing it, the Arrows to Atoms tower is still in the metro area. I visited a friend at his farm and when driving up to it, I think I saw it laying in a pasture. This was about 15 years ago, so it may not be there anymore.

    But if anyone wants to go check and see if it is still out there......take Cemetary Road (Garth Brooks Blvd) in Yukon south to 44th street. Go West for a couple of miles and if it's there, it'll be on the North side of the road.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Why not buy Seattle's Space Needle, move it here, rename it, and then be accused of stealing it?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I've done quite a bit of contract electrical and general maintenance\construction work at the Fairgrounds since about 1977. I can't speak to how much in the way of funding the Fair Board has at it's disposal but I do know that the monorail needed replacement of parts every year. The parts were no longer available and had to be custom fabricated. VERY expensive! The needle is to that point now. I miss both of them as I was born in OKC in 1959 and grew up near the Fairgrounds. I also understand that it costs a small fortune to have machine shops constantly reproduce parts to keep obsolete things going. Especially for things that are only used two weeks per year.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    I've done quite a bit of contract electrical and general maintenance\construction work at the Fairgrounds since about 1977. I can't speak to how much in the way of funding the Fair Board has at it's disposal but I do know that the monorail needed replacement of parts every year. The parts were no longer available and had to be custom fabricated. VERY expensive! The needle is to that point now. I miss both of them as I was born in OKC in 1959 and grew up near the Fairgrounds. I also understand that it costs a small fortune to have machine shops constantly reproduce parts to keep obsolete things going. Especially for things that are only used two weeks per year.
    THIS is what we need more of, here. Informed observations and opinion.

    I can absolutely understand this. I don't suppose operating the tower ride, were it to be repaired of course, for more than two weeks a year to offset the cost would help matters?

    EDIT: Of course, right after I hit the post button there's the question of staffing and what exactly there is to SEE at off periods.

  22. Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I think the space needle could be leveraged as an attraction more often than just during the State Fair. The fairgrounds reportedly hosts 1000+ event days each year! many of which are targeted at families. I think with a bit of rework/upgrade it could pay for itself and then some.

    By the way, last October while at the Texas State Fair for OU/Texas I rode the recently-added Top o' Texas tower, or whatever the call it, and it only reinforced my opinion that ours should be returned to operation.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    I am thinking the Fairgrounds will be sold (or given) to private business in the near future. Let those folks figure out what to do with the Arrows to Atoms tower.

  24. Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Interesting theory. On what would you base such an idea?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

    Quote Originally Posted by UnclePete View Post
    I am thinking the Fairgrounds will be sold (or given) to private business in the near future. Let those folks figure out what to do with the Arrows to Atoms tower.
    Where is the Arrows to Atoms Tower ?

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