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Thread: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

  1. #1

    Default Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Rep. David Derby of Owasso, in his proposed bill, wants to add the herbal drug Kratom to Oklahoma's list of Schedule 1 drugs. Specifically to be banned are two alkaloids found in Kratom called mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Those two references are found in House Bill 2666. Presumably, since Kratom contains those two substances, sales would have to be banned in Oklahoma. HB 2666 is a rather large bill that contains numerous references to drugs and drug related terminology. Who knows what else might be in there. Derby's email is: david.derby@okhouse.gov

    Kratom is a drug some people have found useful to use in place of opiates. Unlike opiates, Kratom is unknown to be the sole cause of any deaths. Seems like an odd time to ban Kratom in Oklahoma, considering deaths in Oklahoma blamed on prescription pain medication is going up, with as many as two every day.

    Kratom: The latest legal plant-based high | Fox News

  2. #2

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Rep. David Derby of Owasso, in his proposed bill, wants to add the herbal drug Kratom to Oklahoma's list of Schedule 1 drugs. Specifically to be banned are two alkaloids found in Kratom called mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Those two references are found in House Bill 2666. Presumably, since Kratom contains those two substances, sales would have to be banned in Oklahoma. HB 2666 is a rather large bill that contains numerous references to drugs and drug related terminology. Who knows what else might be in there. Derby's email is: david.derby@okhouse.gov

    Kratom is a drug some people have found useful to use in place of opiates. Unlike opiates, Kratom is unknown to be the sole cause of any deaths. Seems like an odd time to ban Kratom in Oklahoma, considering deaths in Oklahoma blamed on prescription pain medication is going up, with as many as two every day.

    Kratom: The latest legal plant-based high | Fox News
    It so frustrating living in this anti-freedom police state. If these Republicans would get educated...something bashed as "liberal propaganda" and elitist in Oklahoma, they would realize that Kratom is not dangerous at all, does not make people high, and is improperly marketed in head shops in order for them to make a buck off kids looking for a legal high. Kratom belongs in the natural grocery store, not the head shop.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Like weed make it legal and then tax it at rates of 500% and make it very unaffordable.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Quote Originally Posted by MustangGT View Post
    Like weed make it legal and then tax it at rates of 500% and make it very unaffordable.
    I'm sure the drug pushers and drug cartel lords would love that idea. They know they could make it affordable. They surely wish the same thing would be done to cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and who knows what else.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    HB 2666 is a rather large bill that contains numerous references to drugs and drug related terminology. Who knows what else might be in there.
    So another bad part found in HB 2666 is that Oklahoma would over rule when the DEA decides to give less restrictive scheduling to a schedule 1 drug, meaning should you be found to have THC in your blood you could still be charged with DUI. Sounds anti-science to me, assuming any changes in scheduling would be due to updated scientific findings, which need to be severely updated at the DEA when it comes to marijuana. At least one marijuana expert, Dr. Lester Grinspoon feels marijuana shouldn't be on any schedule, or at most the lowest, schedule 5.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    If Arizona can stop the ban on Kratom, then so can Oklahoma:

    Kratom Victory in Arizona | Entheology.com

    What is Kratom and Should It Be Legal?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    The amazing REEFER MADNESS Version of What Kratom is Supposed to be About (I'm now scared that I drink coffee every day, even if it's not by the pot.)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Kratom, a natural plant that grows wildly, is a very safe and a very useful herbal remedy. I know of people that used it to ween off opiates and others have used it to help with pain. It's not something that will get you high. It's like taking a natural aspirin that can also help opiate withdrawals.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyW View Post
    Kratom, a natural plant that grows wildly, is a very safe and a very useful herbal remedy. I know of people that used it to ween off opiates and others have used it to help with pain. It's not something that will get you high. It's like taking a natural aspirin that can also help opiate withdrawals.
    The last I found out about the proposed Kratom ban is that it has passed the house health committee. Apparently, a lobbyist wanting to speak in defense of Kratom was not allowed to speak at the committee hearing. HB 2666 is now waiting to see if it will be put up for a vote of the full house. Hopefully, the ban's progress can be halted by a legislator successfully getting it amended to remove the terms mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine from the bill.

    With up to two deaths a day caused by opiate drug abuse in Oklahoma, you'd think legislators would not want to deny people a legal non-deadly alternative to opiates, such as Kratom. But then I don't think anyone said the war on drugs in Oklahoma was based on some degree of sanity, or based on up to date scientific intelligence.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    GREAT NEWS! Oklahoma has decided not to include Kratom on its list of Schedule 1 substances, due to HB2666 being amended to not include Kratom alkaloids.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Herbal Drug Kratom Could Be Banned In HB 2666

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    GREAT NEWS! Oklahoma has decided not to include Kratom on its list of Schedule 1 substances, due to HB2666 being amended to not include Kratom alkaloids.
    Good deal

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