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Thread: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

  1. #26

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Just poking fun at the co-opting of the term progressives. Everything I've read and heard seems Shadid is the one talking sense. Mick is the one afflicted with magical thinking.
    No co-opting about it. “Progressives for Mick” describes those people who traditionally vote for democratic principles and candidates in national and state elections, but will gladly turn to a more conservative candidate for Mayor.

    It seems the people who have co-opted the term for their own use are the people who don’t recognize there is a significant difference between what progressive ideas mean on a federal versus municipal level.

    Progressive or shall we say “liberal” politics are those where the ideas are inclusive of policies that are for equal rights (i.e. pro-affirmative action, gay marriage, against voter ID laws, etc.), and government support of programs for poverty, health, transportation, etc. In general, they want to see the country progress as a whole, and not just be inclusive for certain individuals and groups. (Gross over simplification, undoubtedly).

    Progressive in terms of municipal parlance embodies the idea that you want to see your city progress in terms of moving forward financially, culturally and demographically. Development of infrastructure and new capital is paramount to such progress. In such context, it’s easy for “progressives” to vote for a mayoral candidate who is pro “progress” versus, despite his national political party affiliation, over one who is openly aggressive toward progressive capital ideas.

    One can’t say that the original MAPS hasn’t allowed us as a city to make progress in terms of what we now have available for entertainment and quality of life options. One can’t argue (even David Glover) that the arena – voted on and paid for by the taxpayers – hasn’t allowed us to make significant progress in terms of creating glowing national publicity for our city and state.

    Continuing this PROGRESS so we can garner more positive outcomes is exactly why those who typically may vote democrat and/or independent are staunchly pro-Cornett.

    Oklahoma City is founded on a weak mayor/strong council city, and operates on a non-partisan level. Were it another system where national party affiliation played a greater role in the election and in local governance, we may be looking at an entirely different scenario.

    So yes, lots of progressives are very pro-Cornett, because given the two choices, he is the only one who genuinely wants to see the great amount of progress Oklahoma City has enjoyed over the past two decades continue.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I think that this is a great idea. I'm generally a conservative, but that wouldn't stop me from crossing the aisle to support a person who I felt was a better leader.

    Way to go guys!

  3. #28

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Just poking fun at the co-opting of the term progressives. Everything I've read and heard seems Shadid is the one talking sense. Mick is the one afflicted with magical thinking.

    According to you, you've never even seen Ed in person, but your sister likes him.....Why keep spewing the crap ?

    BTW, what happened to 'El Shadid' ? That was good for a few laughs at least.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    New page-

    In case you missed it, you can "like" Progressives for Mayor Cornett on Facebook, here- www.facebook.com/progressivesformayorcornett

    I would stress that this is simply a facebook page put up by volunteers to show your enthusiasm for Mayor Mick and help get the word out about the great things that he is accomplished. If there are opportunities to volunteer or help in some capacity, we will post them on the page.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Great photos of the Mayor out and about today on the Progressives for Mayor Cornett Facebook page. The Mayor was pronounced at the MLK Parade and the prayer breakfast this morning.

    Feel free to send us your own photos of the Mayor for posting.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Great idea. Consider myself conservative but PixAre said it best, I'm about PROGRESS in OKC, and there is only one man leading that charge, and it's not Ed Shadid.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I saw this and quite frankly there was only one thought that kept running through my mind.... how Ed Shadid would probably never be invited to be on a national broadcast with millions of people watching during a major Presidential event... "Like" Progressive's for Mayor Cornett as we highlight the Mayor tomorrow. https://www.facebook.com/progressivesformayorcornett

    "Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett will join a PBS NewsHour for a two-hour broadcast of President Obama's State of the Union Address and the Republican response. The show airs 8 p.m. Tuesday on PBS."

    Oklahoma Gazette News: OKC mayor to appear on State of the Union PBS special

  8. #33

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I've had the unique opportunity to speak with Cornett and Shadid in the same day on one of my visits, when I was invited to talk to Councilman Pettis after a city council meeting. This is a rare election in which I'm satisfied whatever the outcome. I intend to vote for Shadid, because I appreciate the fact that he is politically unaffiliated and that he is something of a populist. He doesn't have as much experience as Cornett, but he seems more receptive to the people's concerns and it's unusual how he's acknowledging groups that are usually ignored, like the Oklahoma Atheists. Still, Mayor Cornett has done right by this city, and if he wins, I can see Oklahoma City continuing to prosper. As far as Republicans go, he's far from the worst, and if he ran for a higher office (state legislature, governor, Congress), unless an absolutely stellar opponent materializes, he can count on my vote then.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Out of curiosity JP, how much research have you done into Ed, his past campaign promises, and his current campaign?

  10. #35

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by JPDrake View Post
    I've had the unique opportunity to speak with Cornett and Shadid in the same day on one of my visits, when I was invited to talk to Councilman Pettis after a city council meeting. This is a rare election in which I'm satisfied whatever the outcome. I intend to vote for Shadid, because I appreciate the fact that he is politically unaffiliated and that he is something of a populist. He doesn't have as much experience as Cornett, but he seems more receptive to the people's concerns and it's unusual how he's acknowledging groups that are usually ignored, like the Oklahoma Atheists. Still, Mayor Cornett has done right by this city, and if he wins, I can see Oklahoma City continuing to prosper. As far as Republicans go, he's far from the worst, and if he ran for a higher office (state legislature, governor, Congress), unless an absolutely stellar opponent materializes, he can count on my vote then.
    I thought the same thing about Ed when I met him and am embarrassed to say I supported his campaign for Council. Then I saw him in action and listened to him in Council and at meetings. That was enough for me. I'm voting for actions, not words. Mick has been amazing for this city. I was just thinking about where the Thunder would be today had Ed been mayor in 2005. Not here. If Ed wins we'll have a divided Council and no more plans for great things for Oklahoma.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    MAPs has clearly been good for OKC overall. Not perfect, but for dang certain good. I think a right interesting comparison would emerge if voters were to look at Cornett's prior campaign pitches, and Shadid's prior campaign pitches, and evaluated the two men on which of these two candidates went out and did what it was he told voters he thought was the right thing to do on MAPs related issues.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Out of curiosity JP, how much research have you done into Ed, his past campaign promises, and his current campaign?
    I've found it difficult to dig up extensive information, but I've found enough to know that he's not the perfect candidate. Still, he has proven that he isn't going to subject himself to the will of big campaign donors, and that is a huge point in his favor. I know that there are plenty of nasty details about his life, and I facepalmed pretty hard when he admitted to "marijuana addiction," but if we insist on claiming this nation was founded on Christian principles, the man deserves a fair chance. His campaign has, at times, seemed oddly reminiscent of Peter Russo's gubernatorial campaign in House of Cards, but he also provides an alternative to an establishment that marginalizes political minorities.

    That said, I'm not going to cling stubbornly to the idea of voting for him. By all means, shower me with sources and information. Perhaps you have a more complete picture than me, and if I learn more about Shadid and find that he's an unsuitable candidate, my viewpoint will evolve. When I voted for Pettis last year in the Ward 7 race, I did so after trying to find as much information about every candidate as possible. Willful ignorance is an undesirable trait in a prospective journalist like myself.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    The police and fire unions I consider "big campaign donors."

    The question I ask is, are you feeling slighted by whatever you consider "establishment" has done for OKC the last decade or so? As someone who arrived in OKC right in the middle of it's revelation (January 2009), I can't imagine anything else other than an OKC represented by Mayor Cornett. He's a fantastic ambassador for this city and great for the role.

    I think Shadid is confused that he can become mayor in a weak mayor system and change the world. It's not a dictatorship. I also think if he's elected you may see a small brain drain affect on OKC.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Unions don't have nearly as much donating power as most companies or the Chamber of Commerce, they're not exactly in the same league.

    I was referring more to the political establishment of Oklahoma as a whole more than just the city. As a secular humanist, there is, naturally, a slight bias in favor of the candidate who actually acknowledges the existence of atheists and the irreligious in Oklahoma, and Shadid's past involvement with the Green Party appeals to my support for developing a multiparty system. He's a breath of fresh air in those regards, whereas Cornett simply represents the more evolved wing of the Republican party, even running in a nonpartisan race. I would've honestly preferred for Shadid to sit this one out and develop himself as a city councilman before making an attempt for the mayor's chair, but any Democratic or Republican candidate faces an uphill battle for my vote when pitted against any independent. I'd have to be convinced that Shadid would be actively harmful to OKC's future to vote against him, and I vote for independents out of principle when possible to voice my displeasure with Republicans and Democrats statewide and nationwide.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I get it, but Shadid's not running against Sally Kern or James Lankford here.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by JPDrake View Post
    Unions don't have nearly as much donating power as most companies or the Chamber of Commerce, they're not exactly in the same league.

    I was referring more to the political establishment of Oklahoma as a whole more than just the city. As a secular humanist, there is, naturally, a slight bias in favor of the candidate who actually acknowledges the existence of atheists and the irreligious in Oklahoma, and Shadid's past involvement with the Green Party appeals to my support for developing a multiparty system. He's a breath of fresh air in those regards, whereas Cornett simply represents the more evolved wing of the Republican party, even running in a nonpartisan race. I would've honestly preferred for Shadid to sit this one out and develop himself as a city councilman before making an attempt for the mayor's chair, but any Democratic or Republican candidate faces an uphill battle for my vote when pitted against any independent. I'd have to be convinced that Shadid would be actively harmful to OKC's future to vote against him, and I vote for independents out of principle when possible to voice my displeasure with Republicans and Democrats statewide and nationwide.
    He's trying to destroy the MAPS brand, possibly the most toxic thing a politician of any political party or stripe has attempted in recent OKC history. He promotes division. He doesn't get anything accomplished and fails to offer a solid plan to execute the few things he champions. I was right there with you on Ed Shadid, embarrassingly(except I'm a Democrat and not against other Democrats, as you seem to be) until I saw him in action. There is no doubt that Shadid has already been harmful to the future of the city; were he to be elected you could pretty much kiss goodbye a MAPS 4, open the possibility to undermine MAPS 3, which has already been approved by voters, and pretty much scratch the next major general obligation bond, which is set for 2019. There could not be a more destructive, divisive, or harmful politician to the future of OKC than Ed Shadid.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Ed's done a wee bit more than smoke marijuana. But, despite some pretty horrific behavior as outlined by his wife, I suppose we have to be kind and hope he's done an aboutface ethically. Of course, then there's his lying consistently to achieve his ends, including lying to constituents. And there's the fact that he's alienated some of the most reasonable people on the City Council. Oh well? Maybe, like my friend says about presidents, the country seems to survive the bad ones. But why take a risk? Ed is not the face I want a city on the rise to show to the rest of the country. Not now, not ever. And I'm one of the progressive Democrats this thread was designed for.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by JPDrake View Post
    I've found it difficult to dig up extensive information, but I've found enough to know that he's not the perfect candidate. Still, he has proven that he isn't going to subject himself to the will of big campaign donors, and that is a huge point in his favor. I know that there are plenty of nasty details about his life, and I facepalmed pretty hard when he admitted to "marijuana addiction," but if we insist on claiming this nation was founded on Christian principles, the man deserves a fair chance. His campaign has, at times, seemed oddly reminiscent of Peter Russo's gubernatorial campaign in House of Cards, but he also provides an alternative to an establishment that marginalizes political minorities.
    You do realize that while Ed is trying to look as if he is making nice to the atheists, he's also cozying up to the ultra-right wing as well? During his candidacy for Council he vowed to finish MAPS as promised to the voters because he knew his ward was decidedly pro-MAPS. We all know how long he kept that promise. After losing his battle to stop the streetcar (in which he secretly convinced religious leaders in Ward 7 to come out against the streetcar and blindsided our Councilman Pettis in an attempt to manipulate his vote), he vowed to make sure the streetcar was done right. He's never said another word about the streetcar or shown up at a meeting.

    But he says all the right things. Watch what he does. Ask yourself why the only Council person who will vote with him consistently is Pete White. He'll throw anyone under the bus to achieve his ends. He's got a low political IQ and has no idea how to build coalitions or compromise. That's not necessarily a bad thing in one city council member. A Don Quixote here or there doesn't hurt. But I shudder to think of him as mayor and I pray the majority of voters feel the same.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    A great read and exactly how many of us feel.

    Which is best mayor for city?s 20-somethings? | Capital City

  20. #45

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    The single biggest danger in the present election cycle is the same as what existed months ago ... apathy. It's hurt more than one candidate whose faithful were convinced the outcome was already certain and just got too busy to bother.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Agree. The underdogs supporters always vote, and Ed has more appeal than Steve Hunt (as should a rock). I keep telling everyone to vote and bring 5 friends with you. Or at least convince 5 friends to vote.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I have a handful of progressive friends who have shown vocal support for Ed. (Lots of progressive friends who haven't said a word and I know none on either side of the aisle who have come out for Mick.)

    Each time the subject has come up, I've told them they should visit OKCtalk and read the hate spew from the handful of former supporters who post here. You're welcome. Yes, I'm a progressive and I'm still undecided.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    I have a handful of progressive friends who have shown vocal support for Ed. (Lots of progressive friends who haven't said a word and I know none on either side of the aisle who have come out for Mick.)

    Each time the subject has come up, I've told them they should visit OKCtalk and read the hate spew from the handful of former supporters who post here. You're welcome. Yes, I'm a progressive and I'm still undecided.
    I'm confused - are you saying none of your progressive friends have come out for Mick, but you do have some that are undecided?

  24. #49

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    It's not something I go around asking people where they stand, but none of my progressive friends have shown support for Mick. Several are supporters of Ed and some are campaigning for Ed. The ones I know who support Ed I know either because they have tried to get me to come to an Ed event, or they post Ed stuff on their facebook pages. I don't personally know anyone who has attended a Mick event, is working for Mick, or has shown support for Mick. I'm sure they are out there and probably even make up a silent majority, even within my group of friends. That's my assumption based on gut.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    It's not something I go around asking people where they stand, but none of my progressive friends have shown support for Mick. Several are supporters of Ed and some are campaigning for Ed. The ones I know who support Ed I know either because they have tried to get me to come to an Ed event, or they post Ed stuff on their facebook pages. I don't personally know anyone who has attended a Mick event, is working for Mick, or has shown support for Mick. I'm sure they are out there and probably even make up a silent majority, even within my group of friends. That's my assumption based on gut.

    My circle of friends is full of progressives and some not-so-progressive, and the majority are supporting Mick, some vocally, some quietly. I know a few Ed supporters, but much of their support is based off of friendships with him and one of his close advisers.

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