Some may scoff at the idea, and their reasons may very well be founded, but I'd really like to see something like this at the center of our new park.
Stunning Shots of the Most Gorgeous Sculpture at Burning Man - My Modern Metropolis
Some may scoff at the idea, and their reasons may very well be founded, but I'd really like to see something like this at the center of our new park.
Stunning Shots of the Most Gorgeous Sculpture at Burning Man - My Modern Metropolis
Gotta Admit . . . that was a fairly good statue for being in the desert, NE of Reno, NEV.
And the photos of it were extra good.
(how about we trade Stage Center for that Sculpture and let them move it to OKC?
it could provide an artistic/engeneering counter-point to The Devon Tower
that would be much more conducive to the Feng-Shui equilibrium than being
wasted on a desert festival. wouldn't it? plus we lose that ugly-esque,
hamtergerbil legoarian playground/eyesore downtown.) =) <<<<-----
This is one of my favorites from that event. It would be okay with me if it were in our park but it would leave a nasty burn mark and the fire department wouldn't much approve.
The main thing I like about Devon tower is it reminds me of something else.
Something like this?
Statue of Guy in Underwear at Wellesley College Is Very Life-Like |
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