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Thread: Marcus Smart shoves fan

  1. #51

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by GoOKC1991 View Post
    Mr. Orr says he called Marcus "a piece of crap". Listen closely to this video, he clearly did. No racial slurs.

    Fan-Player Incident: TTU vs. OSU Basketball - YouTube
    When the camera and mic are pointed directly at the Bozo it records him. When it isn't, it doesn't seem to or record what anyone else said. It was only pointed at him for a second. Marcus seemed to be saying things too in other videos. Where is that in the recording? In the other video Orr says something else from a different posture while Marcus is facing him and right before he gets shoved.

    It's incomplete and inconclusive.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Is sad how ESPN and so many others so badly wanted this to be an indecent of race.

    But on matters such as this ESPN is always way out of line with the reality and quick to jump on the race narrative.
    ESPN is an unreliable news source!

  3. #53

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    Is sad how ESPN and so many others so badly wanted this to be an indecent of race.

    But on matters such as this ESPN is always way out of line with the reality and quick to jump on the race narrative.
    ESPN is an unreliable news source!
    Well, in all fairness, however, there was nearly immediate reaction from some on the OSU broadcasting side that relayed Smart telling coaches Orr used a racial slur. So I'm not sure I can blame the media for that aspect of it.

    Also, whatever that mic pics up, I can't believe any player would truly explode over something as relatively benign as "piece of crap." I would have to think most players have heard and ignored a lot worse.

    Bottom line is none of us know what was said by anyone, and in all honesty, we never will. Smart's been suspended, and the fan asked been "asked not to attend" more games, so I'm not sure what more there is to do about it.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Orr May be a big d bag but I find it hard to believe he yells a racial slur at that moment with mics, cameras, and all the people surrounding him. Seems like Smart had a chip on his shoulder and heard what he wanted to hear.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Well, in all fairness, however, there was nearly immediate reaction from some on the OSU broadcasting side that relayed Smart telling coaches Orr used a racial slur. So I'm not sure I can blame the media for that aspect of it.

    Also, whatever that mic pics up, I can't believe any player would truly explode over something as relatively benign as "piece of crap." I would have to think most players have heard and ignored a lot worse.

    Bottom line is none of us know what was said by anyone, and in all honesty, we never will. Smart's been suspended, and the fan asked been "asked not to attend" more games, so I'm not sure what more there is to do about it.
    No..... we do know exactly what was said.... you can see and hear it for your self.
    The fan called him just as he has admitted ….. piece of crap

  6. #56

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    To me the video shows the flopper is the liar.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    This video was after the "piece of crap" statement. Read his lips and tell me if he you think he said "I'm sorry" or "Go back to Africa..."

    Marcus Smart Pushes Texas Tech Fan - YouTube

    We'll never know what all was said, but obviously it was more than "piece of crap" because there's video of it.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post

    We'll never know what all was said, but obviously it was more than "piece of crap" because there's video of it.
    If you look a the fans hand jester it sure doesn’t look like anything but a remorseful jester and not the type of jester made if some one would say go back to Africa.

    Most likely IMO is that Smart knew he screwed up and the only out he had left was to lie and play the race card....

    This isn't the first time Smart has lost his composure.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Player suspended. Heckler will be heckling his own tv screen or maybe a BWW screen for the season.

    Next short lived sports news story in 4, 3, 2, 1 ....

  10. #60

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Next story just came out... no pun.

    Michael Sam of Missouri Tigers says he's gay - ESPN

  11. #61

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Lost in the story is how a team predicted to win the big12 is now tied for 8th place. What a disaster of a year for osu

  12. #62

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    If you look a the fans hand jester it sure doesn’t look like anything but a remorseful jester and not the type of jester made if some one would say go back to Africa.

    Most likely IMO is that Smart knew he screwed up and the only out he had left was to lie and play the race card....

    This isn't the first time Smart has lost his composure.
    Just in case you were confused on this, you have no credibility left when discussing anything to do with OSU. This is not excusing Smart, so don't go down that rabbit hole. However, anyone on this board with half a brain knows you can't objectively discuss anything involving OSU without the hope that the next event will finally kill off "little brother" so OU can bask in the sun of all its glory. Get a life.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Aggie logic.....

    A cheerleader trying to trip a player and earlier spit on a player = ok and applauded
    Fans throwing snow balls at opposing team = ok and applauded
    A fan calling a player a "piece of crap" = worst thing ever in sports. Fan should be suspended for life.

  14. Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    It's kinda hilarious how some are praising no racial slur but yet are perfectly fine calling other people "pieces of crap".

    Something kinda stinks around here, kinda smells like...

    Glad we are done with this story. The people have been punished and we can move on.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCretro View Post
    Aggie logic.....

    A cheerleader trying to trip a player and earlier spit on a player = ok and applauded
    Fans throwing snow balls at opposing team = ok and applauded
    A fan calling a player a "piece of crap" = worst thing ever in sports. Fan should be suspended for life.
    Who said trying to trip someone was ok? Really want to know that. That cheerleader should be removed from the squad and not eligible to return.

    But hey, keep painting with broad strokes... you're bound to get something right with that.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by BrettM2 View Post
    Just in case you were confused on this, you have no credibility left when discussing anything to do with OSU. This is not excusing Smart, so don't go down that rabbit hole. However, anyone on this board with half a brain knows you can't objectively discuss anything involving OSU without the hope that the next event will finally kill off "little brother" so OU can bask in the sun of all its glory. Get a life.

    The list of embarrassments coming out of OSU just keeps getting longer yet you’re so petty and blind that you talk about me..... You have no moral high ground at all. But most had to know that what you did was bound to happen for someone as poorly informed and thin skinned as you.
    OSU owns this, so wear it.

  17. Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Can we fire Ford yet? I'm starting #FireFord in case anyone wants to use it. This is just the latest disastrous turn of events for his program.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by okcboomer View Post
    Orr May be a big d bag but I find it hard to believe he yells a racial slur at that moment with mics, cameras, and all the people surrounding him. Seems like Smart had a chip on his shoulder and heard what he wanted to hear.
    Seems to me you have a personal agenda and could care less what actually happened.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    It's kinda hilarious how some are praising no racial slur but yet are perfectly fine calling other people "pieces of crap".

    Something kinda stinks around here, kinda smells like...

    Glad we are done with this story. The people have been punished and we can move on.
    There is probably a lot more to be said by the big money pokes...
    Traber was on the air tonight calling on the big OSU donors to buy out Fords contract.
    Without Smart they lose more games and more support....

    This isn't over.... If nothing else Smart is going to here many more not so nice things during his basketball career years from now.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by BrettM2 View Post
    That cheerleader should be removed from the squad and not eligible to return.

    That Cheerleader wasn't suspended but only verbally reprimanded according to published reports if I remember correctly.....

    In any case the Cheerleader is eligible to come back.

    But I hope he doesn't slip on a chewed on turkey leg or liquor bottle that video showed poke fans throwing....
    Maybe Texas puts up another wall of plastic in Stillwater to protect them self’s

  21. #71
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    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    It's easy to sit around and say what Marcus Smart should or shouldn't have done. Mr. Orr is in his 60s, you're heckling a young man who is 19 years old. Some fans think that because the situation involved a player that he can get by with disrespect.

    Jeff Orr, Texas Tech Super Fan

    There's no place in sports for these type of fans. Orr does nothing to advance the Texas Tech basketball program; sticking his tongue out at a Texas A & M player on a video of a previous game exemplifies that at 60,

    this tub-in-a-bucket has never grown up.

    "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Seems to me you have a personal agenda and could care less what actually happened.
    Please tell us, kid. What did actually happen?

  23. #73

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    I think back to watching the bedlam football game. The fans are basically on top of the OU sideline. I guess it would be justified for a football player to go into the stands and start punching fans who called them names? Or wait, let me guess, the fans never once called any OU players a name, right? (And this is only an example, as I said earlier, this happens everywhere)

  24. #74

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    A few "fan" encounters when my parents have been to out-of-town games:

    OU at Univ of Colorado (football): fans "spilled" beer onto their seats so when they sat down after a big play they sat in beer - and the snickering and fake apologies (drunk students, as I recall) made it pretty obvious the spill was intentional;
    OU at Texas Tech: Derogatory language yelled at two 60+ year old folks because they were wearing OU colors. This occurred throughout the game.

    I'm not saying OU fans don't have their fair share of this same brand of idiot, but I remember going to OU basketball games for many years and being embarrassed by the costumes and antics of our own Super Fan (Sooner Man). Comparing him to Jeff Orr, I most definitely appreciate Sooner Man a lot more now. He may have been goofy with the face paint and costumes, sitting in with the students, but he limited his antics to cheerleading and being a supportive fan.

    Bottom line: this kind of thing happens at most types of major team sporting events. But in this case, where you are looking at the antics of a 60+ year old "fan" vs. a 19 or 20 year-old kid who's in a competitive game, I have to ask "Who is the adult in the room?"

  25. #75

    Default Re: Marcus Smart shoves fan

    OSU fans forget how awesome and great it was last year when Smart was doing back flips at Kansas after they won that game.

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