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Thread: Aldi Foods

  1. Default Aldi Foods

    Well in an effort to get away from the Beast wal-mart, I went to aldi foods, payed my quarter to use the shopping cart, and proceded to shop, I got about 90.00 worth of groceries, bought the grocerie bags, and opened my check book to pay. The cashier says. We don't take checks, What!! No, we take cash or credit cards or check cards. what the heck is the deal? I havent heard of a grocerie store not taking checks. so anyway,I get in the car and drive across the street to WM and buy my foods. Thought I would let you know, If I am blind, I didn't see any sighns or wasn't looking for them because every G-Store I have ever been to takes checks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    paying by a check card is the same as paying by check.. why not just use a check card??

    Checks are just risky for businesses.

  3. Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Most stores are switching over to electronic checks or not taking them at all. Using a check card is so much faster, if you just keep tabs on what you spend it's not a big deal.
    Still corrupting young minds

  4. #4

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Quote Originally Posted by davido View Post
    Well in an effort to get away from the Beast wal-mart, I went to aldi foods, payed my quarter to use the shopping cart, and proceded to shop, I got about 90.00 worth of groceries, bought the grocerie bags, and opened my check book to pay. The cashier says. We don't take checks, What!! No, we take cash or credit cards or check cards. what the heck is the deal? I havent heard of a grocerie store not taking checks. so anyway,I get in the car and drive across the street to WM and buy my foods. Thought I would let you know, If I am blind, I didn't see any sighns or wasn't looking for them because every G-Store I have ever been to takes checks.
    I know how you feel. I did decide to go there one day as a test and found out that they do not take paper checks. I plan to going again, with cash!! Sorry you had the problem. I am trying to remember if I saw a no checks sign and I can't remember one way or the other.

  5. Default Re: Aldi Foods

    I don't see how these guys stay in business. I never see more than 2-3 cars in the parking lot. I've been to the one on Air Depot before. It was okay but their selection was so limited it wasn't worth making the trip just to have to finish my shopping somewhere else.

    As for stores not taking checks - I've not come across any not taking checks. I'm sure they exist, but certainly not in large numbers.

    I actually prefer checks to check cards. Easier for me to keep track of and record transactions.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Checks are very risky for businesses. I really don't know why anyone would prefer to write out a long check instead of just paying with a check card.

    It's pretty inconsiderate to the folks waiting behind you to choose the slowest possible form of payment.

  7. Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Then don't get behind me. I'm gonna be writing a check AFTER handing over all my coupons and insisting that I am able to see the register screen so that I don't get overcharged.

    But yeah, the whole 30 seconds it takes to write a check can throw someone's whole day off.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Not too bothered by the check writers EXCEPT for the ones that stand there until the cashier is done AND THEN dig for their checkbook and fill it out

  9. Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Well, you can at least fill out the check except for the amount. That's what I always did so I could speed things up. I was in line 20 minutes yesterday at wal-mart while people with overflowing carts bought that food with 3 different accounts. That was a little frustrating. But I caught up on my celebrity gossip.
    Still corrupting young minds

  10. #10

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Then don't get behind me. I'm gonna be writing a check AFTER handing over all my coupons and insisting that I am able to see the register screen so that I don't get overcharged.

    But yeah, the whole 30 seconds it takes to write a check can throw someone's whole day off.
    It's not the time factor, it's the fact that you being at the front of the line are not doing everything you can to be polite to those who are waiting behind you.

    The message you're sending is "Your time doesn't matter, I'll take as much time as I want."

    If that's the message you want to send to the world, fantastic.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    I agree. Aldi is the strangest grocery (not grocerie) store I've ever seen. I stopped by the one on NW Expressway the other day and you're right, selection is very lacking. If they have any alternatives to anything (both brand or flavor) it's only one other choice. I didn't notice the prices any cheaper than WM except an off brand gallon of milk was $1.99 a gallon. I guess that's a bargain. Most items I noticed were more expensive than WM. I'd rather go to WM and spend .69 cents more on milk and save on the rest and get all of my shopping done.

  12. Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Honestly, the message I send to people in line at the grocery store doesn't concern me too much. On the up side though, I do usually do my shopping in the middle of the night. I LOVE SELF CHECKOUT! The thing I see that holds up lines more than anything is completely out of the hands of the consumer and that is items that will not ring up and require a "price check register 5."

  13. #13

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    i've been to aldi once. once. i've got to agree, it's pretty weird. most everthing is off-brand. the produce looks old. the prices aren't that great a savings. you pay for bags. you put a deposit on getting a cart. they don't take many forms of payment... they didn't take my banks check card, even though it can be used as a credit card. i don't know... i'd imagine that's what it'd be like to shop in eastern europe... but then again i won't go to wal mart, either.

    as for check writers in line. geez. while i prefer paying with check card, most of the time it doesn't take that much longer for somebody to write a check. i can't say that i've ever thought a person to be rude just because they didn't use my preferred method of payment. -M

  14. #14

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Checks are very risky for businesses. I really don't know why anyone would prefer to write out a long check instead of just paying with a check card.

    It's pretty inconsiderate to the folks waiting behind you to choose the slowest possible form of payment.
    ouch, you would absolutely HATE me. Not only do I write a check, I also use coupons and not just one or two, but a whole fistful of them. I only shop once a month and so it is a lot of food and a lot of coupons. Sorry if you were behind me once. (hmmm, she sorta looks like me!).

  15. Default Re: Aldi Foods

    This all reminds me of a loony toon where an elderly woman went to the bank and started counting out pennies from a large bag to deposit while the wife the cartoon focused on waited behind her in the line...she switched lines only to be cut off by another elderly woman with a bag of pennies! I feel like that at wally world a lot!
    Still corrupting young minds

  16. #16

    Default Re: Aldi Foods

    Actually, the number of businesses accepting checks seems to be steadily decreasing. I see more and more signs saying "We no longer accpet checks." I don't blame them, frankly. I use checks for only a handful of items.

    And that's mostly fine with me. I do, however, have to agree that the lack of consideration paid to others in line by those who opt to wait until the last possible microsecond to pull out their checkbooks is an incredible annoyance. If you want to pay by check, fine, but at least have the consideration to have the thing filled out as much as you can.

    I don't care if its just 30 seconds, or 10 seconds, it's all about consideration of the guy in line behind you. It isn't about the 30 seconds *you* choose to spend, it's the 30 seconds you're taking away from everyone else.


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