Originally Posted by
This was a very good post that I felt was directed in part at me, so I wanted to at least respond to it regardless of whether this thread is locked or not...
I really do sympathize with you, but I have never let extenuating circumstances or even my opinion of some people get in the way of how I treat some, unless that person is Giggles or Con... I have always sympathized with you and your situation, because I'm probably fixing to loose my parents one of these days, but nothing between me and you has ever been personal. Just wanted to say that in case I was in your exception group.
I am curious who led you to Catholicism, because I think that's great. I am sure some on this forum, such as Giggles (who has called me and other Catholics non-Christians) would disagree, but...that's the essence of what needs to change.
It would be something if we went to the same church...
This is also a strong point as to why there is no family here. I can not call family those that bring out the worst in me, and make me leave my nature.
If you aren't ready to deal with people on this forum then take a break. Instead of trying to milk something non-existant from this forum (compassion, in case you didn't get where I've ebeen going) spend time with your mom, your wife, your priest who someone here led you to, your coworkers (hopefully your place of employment is a little more peaceful, if not, then screw them too) or SELECTIVELY spend time with Patrick and Keith. You can meet friends you consider family from a crowd that you don't get along with. I can pretty much tell what you think of me, so don't spend time where I am just to spend time with Patrick and Keith.