The cryptocurrency market is kind of ridiculous... there are at least 1300 different coins, including Bitcoin, according to
CoinMarketCap. Many of these coins don't require much hardware at all to mine, as opposed to Bitcoin and Litecoin, which now require expensive, specialized, single-application mining rigs to mine your own - but it's anyone's guess as to which coins will explode next, if any. If past trends are any indication, though, we're in a bubble, which will last 4-8 months or so, and then the bubble will pop and prices will settle back down to a steady low.
Pretty much all of these coins start out as nearly worthless then begin gaining value as people begin trading them. Bitcoin's been above $100USD/BTC since August of 2013, but it started out as only being worth a few cents each back in 2009-2010. (
I'm hoping Litecoin still has some room to move upwards in value... I have a small handful from the last bubble in 2014 when, for giggles, I decided to try my hand at mining. This was back when LTC could still be mined with regular computer hardware (GPU mining). If LTC hits $500, I'll probably cash out. Then comes the fun part about learning how taxes work for cryptocurrencies! :P