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Thread: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

  1. #1
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Exclamation Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Ok Singles,
    Whats going on????Have I been out of the loop to long??/I will say this I challenge you Put up a pic dang it You only live once!!!!I want to see someone on this site hook up DAng it!I want to be at the Wedding!LOL C'mon quit being shy there are people of substance in OKC!!Be brave lets see what can happen with this.I already have a wedding gift picked out.I will say this life is too short if I was single you bet my sweet hiney I would have my pic up on the hot or not section right away!!!!!

    Pony UP Singles,DD

  2. Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Darling Diva....Ummm..did you say Wedding??? So because I posted my pic on this site- do you think I am looking to get married? Couldn't there just be a gift exchange during a date??? And there is never a bad time for a wedding cake...we can just call it a celebration. However, I am for the honeymoon.LOL

  3. #3
    1adam12 Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    OK, I'll bite (literally). Hey, relaxationstation, I'm all for the honeymoon first. Then let's eat the wedding cake the old fashion way/off of each others' chest.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Hey DarlingDiva...I know you and relaxationstation are good friends! Wanna try and hook her up with someone on here? lol!

    Anyways, that would be cool to see a couple hook up from this forum. Hmmmm.....an OKC Talk wedding. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it?

  5. #5
    SoundMind Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    relaxationstation is a hottie. Are you going out with Bricktownguy? If so, he must be a lucky guy.

  6. Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Just to set the record straight, I haven't officially been asked out. There hasn't been a time or date set. Well, I mean the invite had a "LOL" on the end so I'm assuming he was joking. So, to date, I am still single and date free! lol

  7. #7
    SoundMind Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Too bad I'm married! lol!

  8. Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???


    DarlingDiva has been trying to hook me up for awhile now. Truth is, I think she's a lil irritated with me because she thinks I am too picky. She has now given me a "LIL LECTURE" on how I might overlook a good man just because I have all of these preferences. Having been divorced now I feel like the next time around I should be more picky. What's your take on that???

  9. #9
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    relaxationstation, I think you have every right to be picky. You've been divorced once now, so you've obviously learned from your past marriage. The last thing you'd want to do is to be more lenient and end up married to a man who isn't compatible with you. So at least if you are picky and limit some of the incompatabilities from the beginning, you have a better chance of the marriage succeeding. If you end up not getting remarried, that's better thn being married to someone you'd be miserable with.

    Usually your gut instinct about a person is right.....so I don't think you'd be overlooking something about a person.

  10. #10
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Relaxationstation, I agree with Patrick, that you have the right to be picky. Too many ladies are not picky enough, and they usually get somebody who is verbally or physically abusive, or someone that is lazy, or someone that will not respect them. I understand how DarlingDiva feels, and she is a very sweet lady, so I know she is just trying to help you.

    To me, respect, honesty, and sharing with each other are some of the finest qualities there are. Maybe that is why I have been married for almost 24 years. Divorce is such a hurtful thing, and I know that it has to be hard to get back into the swing of things. Heck, if something was to happen to my wife (God forbid), It would take me a long time to even think about dating again, and I probably would not know how to do the dating thing again, but I would have my standards.

    So, be very careful and don't lower your standards for any man. You've been hurt once, don't get hurt twice. As I've said before, now that I met you, I think you are a very beautiful lady, and there is some lucky guy out there who is a perfect match for you.

    BTW, how was the hockey game last Saturday night?

  11. Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    I think that's my take on things. I want to be sure to choose the right man this time around and the most important characteristic that I am looking for is that I can marry my best friend.

    Patrick- I am sad to report that I had to miss the game. I ended up in the ER with my son having pneumonia. Hopefully I will have the oppurtunity to go to one again. Thanks for all the trouble you went to to get me tickets.

  12. Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Getting back to the topic question here, I know of no definition of "hot" which extends far enough to include me.

  13. #13
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Quote Originally Posted by relaxationstation
    and the most important characteristic that I am looking for is that I can marry my best friend.
    I think you have a good head on your shoulders. You've already been burned once.....might as well take your time and marry your best friend this time! And the important part is maintaining thhat friendship throughout the marriage. I'm always told by elderly people that the most successful marriages are those who still maintain a strong friendship.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    I think I am a ugly SOB.(not really) let me know what you think ....am I am 1- 10?......

  15. Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    Hot? Just look at the picture Sum Dum GY posted and YOU be the judge.

    John Travolta I am not.

  16. #16
    1adam12 Guest

    Default Re: Um Singles???ARE YOU HOT OR NOT???

    That's why I don't post my picture. Let's see, 6ft,2in., 195 lbs., short light brown hair, mustache. No, nobody wants to see me. The only time a lady considers me hot is when I have the heat up too high in my patrol car .

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