What can anyone tell me about this neighborhood? I believe cafeboeuf lives (lived) there if I read right. It's incredibly convenient to where we work and and a little more attainable price wise it seems than the other side of 235.
What can anyone tell me about this neighborhood? I believe cafeboeuf lives (lived) there if I read right. It's incredibly convenient to where we work and and a little more attainable price wise it seems than the other side of 235.
Just for reference:
You find Lincoln Terrace cheaper than say..Gatewood, Putnam Hts, Mesta Park, or Jefferson Park?
There was a really great house for sale there a few months back that was quite reasonable.
I think it already sold but it was beautiful.
Andrew, yeah, NW by the lake
Spartan, I was referring more about Heritage Hills/Crown Heights.
Pete, checking out one tomorrow, just curious to see how the houses are there.
A very good family friend of ours is currently in Lincoln Terrance. Their home is a perpetual project...don't see how they deal with that but some people live for this stuff.
Lincoln Terrace is a great neighborhood that doesn't get a lot of love because the news stations and realtor brigade have decided that stepping east of 235 means certain death. There are lots of good deals to be had. With that in mind, try and stay east of Lincoln and west of Culbertson/Phillips. The closer to Lindsay Street the better. That's not to say that there are not decent homes outside of that area.
Lots of English Tudor style homes as well, so hope that's your thing.
Yes, I do live in Lincoln Terrace. We bought a house in July of 2012, gutted it and moved in on February 28, 2013. The house had been vacant for about 5 years, without ac/heat, so we had to gut it. Most of the wood trim, amazing in its time, was destroyed by pets, etc., but we still have amazingly good wood floors.
adaniel is right on the analysis of the location. It's a great hood with little actual crime within the area, but the further east you go, the worse it gets, unfortunately. We have the added benefit of police protection in triplicate - OCPD (on scene very quickly usually - neighbors, now gone, had domestic issues), OHP (from the Governor's Mansion/Capitol) and OUHSC Police (nothing better to do, so they drive up to Culbertson and back often).
We have a very strong neighborhood association right now (I'm on the board), and we can count at least 7 young couples/young families that have moved in within the last 2 years. I'm actually working on my own analysis of the changes for the neighborhood association.
The homes can be quite large (ours is 3200 square feet) and many still have their historical features. Just to put it out there - we bought ours for $139,000 and put another $110,000 in for rehab. A house across the street was built in 2009 and is estimated at over $600,000.
Lincoln Terrace Historical Neighborhood in Oklahoma City
History | Lincoln Terrace Historic Neighborhood - Oklahoma City
Move to Lincoln Terrace | Lincoln Terrace Historic Neighborhood | Lincoln Terrace Historic Neighborhood - Oklahoma City (632 NE 15th sold in two days - closes this Friday unless something happens).
If you're really adventerous, you can also look west of Lincoln and east of Walnut between 13th & 16th. Quite a few empty lots and homes to buy and rehab. I've heard that a large home buildiner is looking to building some single-family residential in this area.
You know it's always interesting to see threads like this and gain a new perspective on different neighborhoods. Growing up I always lived rural or suburban, so areas like this I always perceived as crime riddled and nowhere near where a family would want to live.
One of our new LTNA board members is deathly afraid of our own neighborhood - changing perceptions is a tough thing. They moved from Moore b/c they send their oldest to school at NW 36th & Walker and were sick of driving. She commented that she sees women walking w/ strollers and wants to scream and tell them it's not safe. I've always felt safe, but we do have an alarm on the house now (didn't in Mesta Park) and we're vigilant. Crime happens anywhere and everywhere.
Very true. Not to far from me good friends of mine had their house broken into and found the guy guy napping in their bed. Guy had broke in, cooked a frozen pizza and then I guess was too tired from all of it and took a nap. Luckily he didn't steal anything just broke the front door. Bad part is he already got released cause he didn't hurt anyone and didn't steal anything. Police said he was probably hopped on drugs or alcohol at the time, but had sobered up once he was taken to jail.
I love Lincoln Terrace. Almost bought over there in '03 before buying a house in Gatewood, and would have, but the house needed too much at the time. I think it is and is going to be a great comeback story thanks to proximity to what is going on downtown and at the health center. I wouldn't be at all afraid to buy there, but would heed the advice given regarding which pockets are best.
I wanted to revive this thread, since there have been no posts in over a year.
I looked at some houses there today and was pleasantly surprised.
I wanted to buy in Mesta Park, HH, Edgemere or Crown heights, but it looks like developers are buying up land and building/gutting houses there.
Anyone currently in in Lincoln Terrace have any new info or advice?
How's the crime? Am I going to have to worry about break ins?
We're a young married couple (no kids) living in Deep Deuce and want a house close to downtown
I think cafeboeuf would be the best person to answer this. Might dm him.
Just your typical crime now and then - we've been here just over 3 years (occupied the house 2.5 years) and we haven't had a single incident. Our monthly crime report for the past couple months has been very good.
We love the area and our friends in the neighborhood association. We have a very healthy amount of young couples, with and without kids, in the neighborhood now.
The area west of Lincoln is rapidly starting to improve as well. 14th and 15th look a lot better than a few years ago.
Ok. This is encouraging to hear. What about parks in the area? I noticed people walking at like 730/8pm last night. The neighborhood association is pretty active?
Yep, we're very active. Come over to our Neighbor's Night Out part tomorrow night at Nichols Court Park (NE 18th & Culbertson) and say hello if you have time.6:00 - 8:00 (ish).
Nichols Court Park is currently our only park - there's another at 14th & Phillips, but it's technically in another neighborhood. Also, the Parks & Rec Dept. is about to upgrade an empty lot that they own on NE 16th at Stiles into a programmed park w/ playground and a basketball court (I think those are the amenities).
Sounds good I think I will stop by with the lady to check it out.
Interesting thread...I specifically sought out to find a discussion on Lincoln Terrace, which in my judgment, is the single most underrated OKC historical neighborhood. Lots of photos of the neighborhood on this page...
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