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Thread: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

  1. #51

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Beats the hell out of me. It's being banned in other countries tho. Israel recently banned it.

    It really doesn't matter. It's poison. They use it rodenticides. Rat killer.

    There was a truck that overturned on I-40 this past year that was hauling some. They shut the highway down and brought hazmat crews to remediate the toxic substance...... On the other hand, the roadway was very clean afterward....lol

  2. #52

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Last I heard, we ain't had enough water here in OKC t' establish proper levels of fluoride fer testin' porpoises.

    The Dude talkin' was a Media-Viking . . . back in the day . . . =)

    yet, never won an academy award . . . =)

  3. #53

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    Beats the hell out of me. It's being banned in other countries tho. Israel recently banned it.

    It really doesn't matter. It's poison. They use it rodenticides. Rat killer.

    There was a truck that overturned on I-40 this past year that was hauling some. They shut the highway down and brought hazmat crews to remediate the toxic substance...... On the other hand, the roadway was very clean afterward....lol
    And it also occurs naturally in many if not most water supplies, on the order of about 0.3 ppm. Since, in your view, it is an invariable, unquestioned poison, how do we get rid of it in that case? That is, the fluoride causes your Hashimoto's, and fluoride occurs naturally and would still be present in the water even if the addition were removed, wouldn't your problem persist?

    Warfarin is also rat poison, and is also a perfectly legitimate medication for blood thinning sold under the retail name of Coumadin. So this notion of "its rat poison, so it must be a killer!!" just doesn't hold up.

    Not trying to make light of your concerns, but I'm also trying to find something more concrete than one doctor's opinion, or one sample of a handful of people sharing a common experience. I could just as easily offer that my family has lived in OKC for decades, have drunk from the same water supply for years, and none of us have ever exhibited a thyroid problem. So does that prove the fluoridation does or doesn't cause it? No, but it shows that a handful of data points on either side really doesn't prove anything.

    Hey, if there's been some good, empirical studies showing causation between the presence of fluoride and Hashimoto's, I'm all ears. Not really interested in some of the fringe Internet sites that spout various medical extremist notions without good science behind them, or one site saying "well, XYZ is (variously) "linked to, reportedly causes, may be associated with..." That's not science.

    I'm perfectly open to question conventional wisdom - heck, I"ve been on the anti-statin warpath since I first read about them over twenty years ago - and realize now a great deal of those fears have been substantiated with later research. So I'm willing to listen if you've got the references. I've heard lots of questions about fluoridation over the years, but I'm having a hard time finding the hard science that backs them up.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    Beats the hell out of me. It's being banned in other countries tho. Israel recently banned it.

    It really doesn't matter. It's poison. They use it rodenticides. Rat killer.

    There was a truck that overturned on I-40 this past year that was hauling some. They shut the highway down and brought hazmat crews to remediate the toxic substance...... On the other hand, the roadway was very clean afterward....lol
    Compact fluorescent light bulbs are also hazardous - they contain mercury - but they're not outlawed. But if you want to clean up a broken CFL bulb, here's what the EPA says you should do: Cleaning Up a Broken CFL | Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) | US EPA
    - Remove people & pets from the room
    - Open doors & windows to the outside environment, let air out for 5-10 minutes
    - Turn off central heat & air conditioning systems
    - Gather listed clean-up materials
    - DO NOT USE a vacuum cleaner (it will disperse hazardous contaminants)
    - Check with your local government about disposal requirements
    - Continue leaving the room open with HVAC off "for several hours"


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