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Thread: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

  1. #1

    Default Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Several of us have gotten together over coffee and have agreed that we are "tired" of Ed Shadid claiming the "Progressive mantle". Now I define the word "Progressive" pretty loosely because I know many politically conservative people who are progressive on urban issues and issues of positive progress in our city.

    Therefore, we are launching our own initiative of volunteer support for Mayor Mick. We think that he has earned it.

    Please join this facebook group here- www.facebook.com/progressivesformayorcornett

    We will use this page to help organize volunteer opportunities and make sure that the word gets out about the Mayor, his accomplishments, and how our city is poised to continue to move forward.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett


  3. #3

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Just curious, does this have Mick's official blessing?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    He has directly asked me early to help organize progressives- yes. And I am not the only one.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I've joined. I consider myself a progressive and you all know whom I'm supporting for mayor. I can't answer paseofreak's question though because I have no idea.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    That's great and I hope Mick wins.

    Oh, the irony, launching this liberal campaign the same day as the opponent courts OCPAC.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I think William Crum might have attended that meeting. And perhaps there's video. Should be interesting.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    being progressives you all will of course immediately begin a petition drive to divert the 100s of millions planned to be spent on a chamber welfare project to improving OKC's deplorable public transport crucial to the least of us. Could start with covered shelter stops, kind of like the ones proposed for the street car. Those are spiffy!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    being progressives you all will of course immediately begin a petition drive to divert the 100s of millions planned to be spent on a chamber welfare project to improving OKC's deplorable public transport crucial to the least of us. Could start with covered shelter stops, kind of like the ones proposed for the street car. Those are spiffy!
    Wow! What terrific bus stop shelters! I'm going to build a factory in that city!

    --said no employer ever.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    being progressives you all will of course immediately begin a petition drive to divert the 100s of millions planned to be spent on a chamber welfare project to improving OKC's deplorable public transport crucial to the least of us. Could start with covered shelter stops, kind of like the ones proposed for the street car. Those are spiffy!
    If you were a regular participant here and had given any indication that you really cared about OKC and not just one candidate, you would know that many of the Mick supporters are also very pro-transit. You will also understand that MAPS doesnt provide for O&M so if we use chamber money to buy buses we wont be able to afford to operate them. Buses are extremely expensive to operate. If you had enough political acumen, you would know that our sitting mayor and the sitting mayors of surrounding communities are working on a regional transit authority which is our only chance of improving our bus system. Ed has mislED all of you about what is happening behind the scenes and you are too uninvolved to have learned yourself.

    Yes, we need more bus shelters, but really, most big cities with great transit systems have very few shelters. What they have is frequency so you don't have to wait so long, and GPS so you know when your bus is coming. Please see paragraph one for the solution to the frequency problem.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    If you were a regular participant here and had given any indication that you really cared about OKC and not just one candidate, you would know that many of the Mick supporters are also very pro-transit. You will also understand that MAPS doesnt provide for O&M so if we use chamber money to buy buses we wont be able to afford to operate them. Buses are extremely expensive to operate. If you had enough political acumen, you would know that our sitting mayor and the sitting mayors of surrounding communities are working on a regional transit authority which is our only chance of improving our bus system. Ed has mislED all of you about what is happening behind the scenes and you are too uninvolved to have learned yourself.

    Yes, we need more bus shelters, but really, most big cities with great transit systems have very few shelters. What they have is frequency so you don't have to wait so long, and GPS so you know when your bus is coming. Please see paragraph one for the solution to the frequency problem.
    Mick's had 13 years. The only action I remember on transit during his tenure is a threat to discontinue lines right before announcing fare increases and no more gratis transfers. That's the meeting Mick famously walked out of rather than hear the pleas of disabled transit riders. Said he had a plane to catch Quite a record on transit.
    You should see the shelters in Memphis. Now that's a big league city.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Mick's had 13 years. The only action I remember on transit during his tenure is a threat to discontinue lines right before announcing fare increases and no more gratis transfers. That's the meeting Mick famously walked out of rather than hear the pleas of disabled transit riders. Said he had a plane to catch Quite a record on transit.
    You should see the shelters in Memphis. Now that's a big league city.
    You just trolled yourself right off the cliff with this one.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Yeah, Edgar, you might want to check with ACOG. You're just making yourself sound ignorant and an ALIVFS (Another low information voter for Shadid).

    You might look at bus shelters and the lack thereof in London, Chicago and New York. Those are the real big league cities.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Is there an option three? I don't feel comfortable with Mickey or Eddie.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Is there an option three? I don't feel comfortable with Mickey or Eddie.
    Not publicly - the filing period is January 29-31. City of Oklahoma City | News from OKCGOV

  16. #16

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Uh, Edgar. Not to poke a pin in your bubble or anything, but you realize I presume, and if not, you should, that your preferred candidate, the one you consider pro transit, has no plan at all to move funds from the cc or any other existing project over to busses, bus shelters etc. His plan is to ask voters to kill the cc as a possibility and to stop the MAPs 3 tax early.

    I realize you think you've hitched your cart to a rising star, but in reality, you've hitched it to someone who thought voting was fairly useless, and whose primary plan appears to be rail on the plans of others without putting out anything that passes as a logical coherent plan of his own.

    It's possible to pick a worse candidate, but only if one actually files for the office.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    The simple truth of the matter is; Ed Shadid will tell you what you want to hear.

    You could say that about any politician, but Ed is in a completely different dimension. He is spouting things that are quite simply not true, about the city, about a vote he didn't participate in, about the Mayor, about everything. He is purposely spouting bad information to people who like what he has to say. They like that he acknowledges their own ignorance by telling them what they want to hear.

    These people want to hear that there is a conspiracy by the Chamber of Commerce. He tells them that there is.
    They want to hear that the streetcar is at the expense of the bus system. He tells them it is.
    They want to hear that MAPS3 was an illegal vote for the evil shadow figures of the city. He tells them they are right in that assumption.
    These individuals want to hear that Mick Cornett is a puppet for Larry Nichols. He assures them he is.
    They misinformed voters want to hear that the mayor does not care for them. And he tells them the mayor doesnt.

    There is no point arguing with these Ed Shadid supporters; you can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink.
    These voters had their minds made up on these falsehoods, long before Ed Shadid showed up. He is simply telling them the things they want to hear, it makes their ears feel warm and their loins tingle. It doesn't matter how untruthful these things are, because they know it in their mind to be true. Ed is simply confirming their paranoia and their unfounded fears.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    And of course, he claims MAPS III and the zoo exist at the expense of public safety unions.

    Yeah, the zoo is on his chopping block. If you haven't been to the OKC zoo, it's a treat. I recall a time when I was a child where we visited the San Diego Zoo and were pretty underwhelmed when comparing it to the OKC zoo.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    In case you missed it, you can "like" Progressives for Mayor Cornett on Facebook, here- www.facebook.com/progressivesformayorcornett

  20. #20

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Uh, Edgar. Not to poke a pin in your bubble or anything, but you realize I presume, and if not, you should, that your preferred candidate, the one you consider pro transit, has no plan at all to move funds from the cc or any other existing project over to busses, bus shelters etc. His plan is to ask voters to kill the cc as a possibility and to stop the MAPs 3 tax early.

    I realize you think you've hitched your cart to a rising star, but in reality, you've hitched it to someone who thought voting was fairly useless, and whose primary plan appears to be rail on the plans of others without putting out anything that passes as a logical coherent plan of his own.

    It's possible to pick a worse candidate, but only if one actually files for the office.
    Just poking fun at the co-opting of the term progressives. Everything I've read and heard seems Shadid is the one talking sense. Mick is the one afflicted with magical thinking.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    And of course, he claims MAPS III and the zoo exist at the expense of public safety unions.

    Yeah, the zoo is on his chopping block. If you haven't been to the OKC zoo, it's a treat. I recall a time when I was a child where we visited the San Diego Zoo and were pretty underwhelmed when comparing it to the OKC zoo.
    The zoo is great and has been for a long time, and received help when it was struggling. It's no longer.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Just poking fun at the co-opting of the term progressives. Everything I've read and heard seems Shadid is the one talking sense. Mick is the one afflicted with magical thinking.
    And that's all he has done is talk about the problems. He has offered no solutions to the problems. Mick has. Your move...

  23. #23

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    In case you missed it, you can "like" Progressives for Mayor Cornett on Facebook, here- www.facebook.com/progressivesformayorcornett

  24. #24

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    The zoo is great and has been for a long time, and received help when it was struggling. It's no longer.
    Because it has a dedicated funding source...

  25. #25

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    The zoo is great and has been for a long time, and received help when it was struggling. It's no longer.
    So do you think they'd continue to thrive if you axed their budget? How many families could pay $50/ticket to go to the zoo? The zoo is highly subsidized by the city as are most zoos. These are the things we do to invest in the quality of life for OKC residents.

    --and you're not even an OKC resident, so why are you trolling the interwebs anyhow?

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