Originally Posted by
Pete, as a former admin over there, given your insights and experience here, you think there's any room for a more "family friendly" OU-themed board? Or is the 'net just too saturated with them, or is it just too hard for a new one to get any traction? I don't like LT, even with the "filter" it just seems every post is a race to put more...ahem...nsfw content in them, and its just not my bag. The old OUI was a *great* place, and I wish we could bring it back. I understand their reasons for doing what they did, but I never quite understood the scorched earth policy they undertook to get there - even if it was unintentional, it was certainly careless and unnecessary.
I just mused a few posts back here about whether a new OU board that was not in the LT vein would have any hopes. I know its a lot of work - and I know one guy from a long time ago that tried to start one on his own, and I don't think it really went anywhere. Any thoughts?