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View Poll Results: How do you pronouce "Air Depot Road"

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  • Air Dep-oh Road

    19 35.19%
  • Air Deep-oh Road

    35 64.81%
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Thread: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

  1. #1

    Mid-Del Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    I've heard people pronounce Air Depot Road as "Air Depp-poh road", like Johnny Depp. I thought this was a little weird.

    I always thought it was pronounced "deep-poh", such as on this commercial from the Home Depot:

    So which is the proper way to say the street name? Deppo or Deepo?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    I live .3 miles from Air Depp O and have lived here since 1975, but I really don't know the correct pronunciation. That's just the way I pronounce it.
    C. T.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Air Dee' poe.

  4. #4
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    I can't believe this is an issue.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    To-May-Toe or To-Mah-Toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it Depp-o and the rest of us say Deep-o...

  6. #6
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by jim kyle View Post
    to-may-toe or to-mah-toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it
    depp-o and the rest of us say deep-o...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Must be a local thing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    It seems like official sources and the news always went with Air Dep-oh, I just always guessed it was the air force pronunciation, not really in my part of town so that is why I went with that. Though my natural tendency if I had not ever heard that would have been to say like deep o

  9. #9

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Kind of like how some pronounce Tecumseh Rd in Norman Tay-cum-suh and some say Tay-cum-see.

    I say Air Dee-poh but Depp-oh is pretty common.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Kind of like how some pronounce Tecumseh Rd in Norman Tay-cum-suh and some say Tay-cum-see.

    I say Air Dee-poh but Depp-oh is pretty common.
    Except Tecumseh is a proper name and Tay-cum-see is a mispronunciation of that

  11. #11

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    I say "deep-oh."

    And for Tecumseh, I say "teh-cum-suh."

  12. #12

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Air DEE-poe.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"


    Even though I pronounce the noun deep-o, I've always heard the street pronounced depp-o so that's how my mind sees it. Interesting.

  14. Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Well I've always called it Air Dee-pot..... so there's a 3rd option for ya.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    To-May-Toe or To-Mah-Toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it Depp-o and the rest of us say Deep-o...
    like x2

  16. Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"


  17. #17

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Except Tecumseh is a proper name and Tay-cum-see is a mispronunciation of that
    Over the years I've enjoyed lots of mispronounciations of place names, on radio and TV. For example: MUSK-o-GEE, ta-LEAK-wah, BAT-i-est, or my favorite most recent from an imported local-TV weatherman: hoe-BART.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    I grew up in Ponca City and there is a creek there: Bois d'Arc Creek that all the locals call BO Dock Crik.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    How do you pronounce "Wilshire"?

    You've inspired a new thread.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    Over the years I've enjoyed lots of mispronounciations of place names, on radio and TV. For example: MUSK-o-GEE, ta-LEAK-wah, BAT-i-est, or my favorite most recent from an imported local-TV weatherman: hoe-BART.
    On TV, I've heard Chickasha pronounced "shih-KAY-shuh." Lol.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    To-May-Toe or To-Mah-Toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it Depp-o and the rest of us say Deep-o...
    I never really thought about it, but this makes sense. I grew up in MWC as the child of a retired serviceman. Around the house it was Dep-o, but I have heard it also pronounced Deep-o forever. I can't really vote in the poll because I just realized that I use them both, although Dep-o is the more prevalent.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    It's dee-po.

    For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    It's dee-po.

    For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?
    Home Depo uses Deep-o in TV & radio ads, so most people will use that. Since the road was almost surely named for the military base an argument could be made for the millitary version being the correct pronunciation but both deep-o and dep-o are considered valid in American English

  24. #24

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    If you are saying that is your way of pronouncing it, that's one thing, but if you are stating as fact that dee-po is the correct and only pronunciation, you need to do some searching. Both pronunciations are correct in America according to multiple sources. Home Depot is a company name and they can pronounce it Home Dipu if they want. Personally, I do call it Home Depp-oh, simply because that's the way I learned to pronounce Air Depot when I was growing up.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    It's dee-po.

    For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Home Depo uses Deep-o in TV & radio ads, so most people will use that. Since the road was almost surely named for the military base an argument could be made for the millitary version being the correct pronunciation but both deep-o and dep-o are considered valid in American English
    I've heard the word used in the military sense, as in we picked him up at the truck depot, and again it was always dee-po. I've never heard anyone pronounce the word depot as depp-o except for that road, and even then the person would use both interchangeably.

    This reminds me of how finance is pronounced. Most pronounce is fi-nance, with emphasis on the fi, whereas in an educational setting I tend to her fin-ance, with the first sounding more like fin from fish fin. What's odd is most people probably pronounce finance the first way mentioned, while pronouncing financial more closely to the second way mention. I'm almost positive that again like CT said, both are technically correct.

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