Well if Glenn Beck is worried there must be something to it.
He makes some valid points from time to time.
Even a blind squirrel finds a not every now and then.
Google knows more about you than your spouse or mother. They are already the equivalent of the FBI or NSA, so when do they reach the point of saying this is how it's going down..... We would hate for people to know this about you.
Hasn't the NSA proven that they can get Google data without Googles knowledge, and if not knowledge then at least without their permission?
I'm pretty sure that it was determined that Google has and is working directly with the NSA
You guys are extremely naive IMO.
Bigfoot got shot for trying to stay off the grid. The world is a fishbowl so might as well get use to it. I have used the guide that I don't put anything on the web I wouldn't want my Mom to read. Of course she already knows I have an attitude problem and a potty mouth.
My bank knows my every move (I use my debit or credit card everywhere I go), Apple knows every move too since my iPhone has GPS on, not to mention there are cameras everywhere. If my email client was AOL they'd know my email correspondence too.
Guess what, there's an easy way out..... don't use those things if you don't want people to have potential access to them. Personally, there is NOTHING in my emails, location or web history that I'd be one bit ashamed of.... nothing, nada, zilch.
Some people go through life carrying a guilty conscience or trying to keep their secrets in the shadows. I wasn't raised that way. I'm a pretty open book with pretty thick skin. I leave my phone out and don't hesitate to have my wife check my emails or text messages if I'm busy. Not sure what some of you people are up to, but maybe you need the fear of exposure to keep you within reasonable boundaries.
I had my computers and phones seized back in 2005 and my home searched when DA Lane had a go at me. You think every effort wasn't made to try and find a single secret? It was and they came up empty. Why? If you don't do things you'd be ashamed of, then you don't have to carry the stress of keeping it secret. Not saying I've never done anything wrong (I have been around for 43 years), but as I got older and matured, I put life in perspective.
That said, I'm not one of those people who willingly turns over my life and decision making ability to the gov't. But people need to realize that the next big technology/industry revolution is one that comes with a give and take of what our old ideals of 'privacy' have been. If these companies didn't have access to many aspects of our lives (shopping habits, travel habits, etc.) then the technology we take for granted would come at a hefty and very real price tag.
You can't go through life being afraid of what others may say about you or falsely accuse you of. You have no control over it, only the power of truth to defend yourself - and its often a very good defense.
Speaking of, our judicial system is something people should be far more afraid of than the fact Google knows way too much about our boring lives. Does it really matter if Google has your emails and Apple has your location - when in reality all it takes is you f'ing up and get caught with marijuana and ending up bankrupt, losing your home and the very real possibility of going to prison?
This is the big problem with most conspiracy theories of this type. They look at grand plots by evil masterminds while ignoring the day to day realities. In another thread there was a concern that the government was adding tracking devices to cars. The MAN is going to be tracking cars. People ASK to be tracked everyday. People go out of their way to buy products that track them. OnStar, Google maps, hell almost anything on a smart phone.
In one breath you have "Isnt it so cool that I did 12 Yelp check-ins today" and the next is "did you hear that the government is conspiring to track me? Those bastards!"
Did ya hear Google bought Nest. now they can watch us in our homes !!!!!!!
Does anyone ever wonder why the government wants to know this data? I mean, they aren't collecting this data just for the fun of it or because they can. Surely they have a use in mind. If you think it is just counter-terrorism more power to you.
As for Google collecting data on me and selling it, its my data I think they owe me a check with at least three 0's on it.
0.00? here's the link of Google buy of Nest Google's plot to take over your digital life - Jan. 15, 2014
What's Google up to? No good would be my guess.
(oh. wait . . . d'ya mean the stock price? . . . haven't got a clue.)
This might be an extremely dumb question from someone who does not know the inner workings of the the internet but if you don't want Google using your info could you not use Google services?
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