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Thread: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

  1. #1

    Default Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    There was also a green stamp store on Penn across from Penn Square Mall if memory serves correct.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Mama was big on those. Not so big she only shopped where she could get them, but yeah, she kept up with her stamps.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I always loved going to the Green Stamp Store.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I remember going with my mom to the S&H store where she traded off books of stamps. She also traded Top Value stamps as well. There was a Top Value on NW Expressway east of May Ave, and the S&H was further on the west side of Penn just north of NW Expressway.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    There was many an afternoon as a kid I helped my mom fill up her S&H green stamp book, and after a while we'd go to one of the stores that I think was off I-35 around SE 29th, on the west side of a building that housed the old Medco catalog showroom. Think there was at least another one perhaps over in Grant Square, but that's a fleeting memory at best. Was always fascinated by the big machines on top of the old cash registers that looked like big telephone dials they'd use to spit out the stamps. Fun memories.

    Never got into the Top Value stamps.

  6. Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    My mom would give me some of the books to spend as a reward if I was on my best behavior. I could look through the stuff for hours trying to decide what to pick. It was kind of like winning the lottery as a 6 year old.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Not only do I remember Green Stamps . . . I also remember Gold Bond Stamps.
    But we were a Green Stamp family. We had books and books of them.
    Stashed in the closet, next to the pile of National Geographic magazines.

  8. Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Weren't the yellow stamps called Top Value? We used to collect those too. They had a store on NW Expressway & May near Charcoal Oven.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    When I was a kid, we shopped primarily at the Safeway that used to be in the Southwestern Plaza on 59th and Western (and one later on S. Shields in the Shields Plaza long before that area became such a dive), the Buchanan's at SW 89th and Penn, and (much less frequently) the Jim's IGA next to the grand old TG&Y Family Center at 74th and Penn. Pretty sure that two of those three gave out S&H Green stamps, but I think Jim's IGA gave away the Top Value variety.

    I remember those old S&H catalogs - as I recall, they had some pretty decent stuff in there if you were diligent in saving the stamps. It was like a cash-era version of today's credit card loyalty points, I suppose, but I recall the S&H stuff being a bit more practical and achievable than the stuff in my credit card's "rewards" catalog... I mean, they tend to push the exotic things like trips and big TV's that take four zillion points to redeem, but I recall my mom getting some nice household things like a card table and chairs, a stepstool, useful if unspectacular things that made it worthwhile to spend a few minutes on a regular basis getting the stamps wet and filling the books....

  10. #10

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    Weren't the yellow stamps called Top Value? We used to collect those too. They had a store on NW Expressway & May near Charcoal Oven.
    Yes, that's the one. Almost directly across from Target,.. but before it was Target.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I remember them, but barely. I remember going with my mom to the green stamp store, but I was maybe in Kindergarden then.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I am probably a bit older than many who post but I remember as a kid going to a stamp redemption place near 23rd and Broadway. Does anyone recall that place? Is my memory correct?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I remember my mom having a big drawer filled with green stamp books and sitting down with her to lick and stick them into the books.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I have a large ... maybe 4' x 4', S & H Green stamp sign in my garage.

    I also recall standing in the checkout line at the grocery store as the cashier dialed out the proper amount from Green Stamps on the rotary dispenser next to the cash register.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    There was also a green stamp store on Penn across from Penn Square Mall if memory serves correct.
    Absolutely correct. Does anyone remember "bowling for Green Stamps" on weekend nights? It used to be a regular ritual at my house in the 70s. Three colored pins in each rack, and if they showed up as the headpin and you got a strike, you won stamps.

    Seems to me that before the S&H store on Penn opened, there was an area of John A. Brown's downtown store (on the First Street side) that was a Green Stamp redemption center. That would have been in the 40s or 50s...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    My mom also used to collect something purple. I think they were called Pride Stamps. Similar concept to Green Stamps.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I also recall " Gold Bond Stamps"

  18. #18

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    The only green stamps I remember are the ones that are in my stamp collection.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Ah, green stamps. The reason I grew up with a partial encyclopedia set, and when nice company came we ate off of mismatched china.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Ah, green stamps. The reason I grew up with a partial encyclopedia set, and when nice company came we ate off of mismatched china.
    ... the same can be said for the old gas station premiums we used to get when the folks would fill up.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I too have memories of my Mom and green stamps. We did most our grocery shopping at the Base Commissary wherever my Dad was stationed and I don't think they gave out stamps.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I bought a Honda CRX in 1987 @ Steve Baily Honda and was given GREEN STAMPS when I purchased the car. I promptly went over to the redemption center on S. Western and got Corning cookware and a croquet set.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I got so tired of putting those darn things into the books. However they allowed many folks to get some nice stuff. I still have a book or two packed away in the attic.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    I believe in some of the stores, you could get baby chickens and ducks around Easter. Eat that, Walmart.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Anyone else remember Green Stamps?

    i grew up in the 80's and as a little kid thought that food stamps and green stamps were one in the same... i mean, you got them where you bought food, right? i don't think my folks appreciated me telling people we were on food stamps. -M

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