Oh wow.. OCPAC? A member of the Green Party snuggling up to OCPAC. That seems a little desperate.
I'm guessing someone has done some polling at this point and can understand why neither side would release any information--1) it would likely show the mayor has this handily in the bag, so it would depress his voter turnout and 2) it would show Shadid that things look hopeless, so his minions would cease their efforts.
I wonder if he'll have any trouble keeping all of his stories straight? The better he is at it the more facile and experienced liar he is.
I wish I knew someone who goes to these. I'd send them his campaign launch video. If these tea partiers are too ignorant, uninformed and not paying attention, they'll get precisely what they deserve should he win.
Is he seriously speaking to them? Are they seriously supporting him?
The world has turned on its head.
Wow, Jill. You are apparently 100% sure you've got your facts and characterizations right, and you are 100% sure that Shadid is either slimy or dishonest (take your pick). And you are 100% sure that events that an individual transverses in one's life does not have the capacity of prompting life-changing events.
Whoops! The last item eliminates the possibility that I experienced a life-changing event and a new start back in 1981 after my earlier divorce the latter part of that year. I made several personal resolutions in that year, after a good deal of soul searching, and the most important was to always "tell the truth."
Jill, notwithstanding your studied statistics of whether and how people can or do change, it remains a possibility that they do, even into the mid-years of their lives. I am one who did.
You get yet another award from me, the "I'm 100% Sure I'm Right Award," given very infrequently, and I give my 100% congratulations to you. When you next see me again (as we invariably do), you can call me Def Leopard.
Honestly folks I'm getting a little concerned about this election. There is an enormous sense of complacency coming out of the Cornett camp, and enormous passion coming out of the Shadid camp. I am an early-thirties, urban-minded professional living in the core of OKC and outside of this board I don't know any Cornett supporters. Of my friends 60% live outside the city proper and thus can't vote, 30% are completely ignorant/apathetic of local politics and will not be voting in this election either way, and 10% are passionate Shadid supporters.
Now I know my experience is not typical, as most OKCers live in more suburban settings. (As a digression, I am embarrassed to admit I have been south of the Oklahoma River a grand total of three times in the 18 months I've lived in this city. I mean of course I've driven to Norman/Dallas, but that isn't what I am talking about.) But still, I don't think for a minute anyone should underestimate Shadid's GOTV capabilities.
Cut it out Doug,
Shadid's past is quite clear now. His divorce seemed to be no ordinary divorce, I doubt you were doing cocaine with a male stripper, while watching pornography in front of your children (assuming you have them, if not I apologize), and beating your wife.
Even if Shadid had a crystal clear and peaceful divorce, and had a history of being a very stable and genuine person, his record on city council versus the promises he made, deems him unworthy of the position of being mayor.
His reversal of promises to voters is enough for me not to support him, his personal history doesn't mean that much to me, but it is alarming if is all true. I can't peak for betts.
It's my mistake for becoming engaged here again, and I'm self-flaggelating myself for my mistake. Not to be repeated, my views will not be said again here. Your and my sensibilities just don't work out well in the same pot. So, have fun, and see you later.
Honestly Doug your posts are usually too rambly and full of stream-of-consciousness digressions for me to make much sense of what you are trying to say. but here I have to agree with you. There are plenty of good reasons to not want Ed Shadid to be mayor without getting into character-assassinating over his checkered past. Like Ed I too made a serious life-change in adulthood and i would not like to be held to the standards of my younger self's dangerous and selfish behaviors. All this self-congratulatory wallowing in his divorce papers is a discredit to your cause, a cause which I otherwise agree with.
I've been telling everyone: Get five of your apathetic friends to vote. Drive them to the polls. Educate them. Whatever. The underdog's supporters will always vote. If people don't vote then they have to live with the results. I have done everything I can to educate people. I will do so up until March 4. You will see me standing at some entrance ramp to the Broadway Extension with a sign March 4, encouraging people to vote. I will be putting out signs, walking door to door, driving around with some ridiculous bumper sticker on my car. And, if Mayor Cornett should lose, I'll be working my two weeks here a month to support myself and spending my two weeks off in Chicago or San Francisco with my kids. Sorry to cut and run in those circumstances, but I will no longer be on the streetcar subcommittee. Anyone on that subcommittee will likely be committed to it never reaching the council for a vote. And I'm not going to stick around to watch the carnage.
Why won't you be on the streetcar subcommittee if Ed gets elected?
Please Doug understand that I am not talking about his divorce here. I made one comment about it and you're extrapolating it to everything I say. I'm talking about Ed's political message. He has lied to his constituents, presented data as facts that are not true. Now, the man who has been going on and on about the poor, minorities, the disadvantaged and how we are not doing right by them (much of which I agree with even if his methods I disagree with), is going to go sell himself as the champion of the anti-tax, anti-public assistance folks? The people who are most likely to be racist and do not want to support the disadvantaged? Tell me you're OK with that and we have nothing to say to each other. That is slimy behavior at best. I'll stop there before I tell you what I consider it at worst. I've been tired of his lies for a long time but his behavior is becoming ridiculous.
FWIW, the only thing worse than voter apathy for a candidate is over confidence of a candidate and his handlers.
For a recent example of what happens when folks become convinced their guy no how, no way, can lose, see the most recent presidential general election.
From sitting way out here in the cheap seats, it's Cornett's race to lose, and it is not at all impossible for him to do so (though I truly hope it doesn't shake out that direction.)
FWIW, I signed up with Mick's campaign and have received all of one notice about canvassing. I thought for sure there'd be more get out the vote efforts by his campaign. I hope he picks it up in these last two months. I'm willing to dedicate my weekends if he gets it together.
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