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Thread: Cng

  1. Default Re: Cng

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCNDN View Post
    No doubt there will be many of the same issues that normal gasoline currently face that CNG will face in the future when/if it becomes a bigger part of the fuel supply. No way companies will fail to capitalize on CNG as a source of big profits. The companies already have an idea of what consumers will pay for fuel for their vehicle. CNG price will rise to match that. State and local governments will begin to tax it just like regular gasoline. No way they let that revenue stream slip from their grasp.
    Exactly. What smart business is going to give consumers a break if they charge more. Cheaper fuel for the companies to produce, when it becomes mainstream the average consumer cost is going to end up matching gasoline. It may not be the same per gallon, but they'll figure out the average MPGs when it is widely adopted and manipulate prices so they are pulling the same price as gas. 300 miles per tank of gasoline and you pay $45 for it now? We'll end up paying the same down the road for CNG.

    It is cleaner so that is a start, but no company in their right mind is going to leave money on the table. They'll keep CNG prices low until more cars get out there and then the creep up will begin.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Cng

    When I started using CNG some 11 months ago or so it was unusual to even see someone else at the same pump much less have to wait for someone to finish at the pump. Now I almost always see someone at the same pump and probably 1/2 the time have to wait to fill.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Cng

    Retailers plan 13 new CNG stations in region
    By Adam Wilmoth Published: January 8, 2014

    Love's Travel Stops and Country Stores and OnCue Express on Tuesday announced plans for a combined 13 new compressed natural gas stations in Oklahoma and Texas.

    Compressed natural gas vehicle owners and operators soon will have more options throughout the region.

    Two Oklahoma retailers on Tuesday announced plans for a combined 13 new CNG stations in Oklahoma and Texas.

    Love's Travel Stops and Country Stores is adding one CNG pump in eastern Oklahoma City and nine in Texas, said Bill Cashmareck, general manager of natural gas.

    The stations will provide fast-fill pumps for large trucks, filling at 10 gallons per minute. The locations also will include pumps for cars and light-duty trucks.

    “CNG will be integrated in our lane experiences,” he said. “We want trucks to get in and out as efficiently as possible. If our fill rates were not up to par, that truck would be stuck in the lane too long. Not only would the driver be upset, we would be upset because that truck would be in the lane too long, delaying other drivers.”

    The Oklahoma City-based retailer said it will include CNG at the station it is rebuilding at Interstate 40 and Choctaw Road. The station will replace the Love's store destroyed by a tornado in 2010''

    Read more here: Retailers plan 13 new CNG stations in region | News OK

  4. #79

    Default Re: Cng

    Quote Originally Posted by CNG Chad View Post
    @Cameron is totally right. Honda actually is the only manufacturer currently producing dedicated NGV's to be sold in the US. However, there's a growing number of options for fleets and it certainly seems like more consumer NGVs are on their way.

    This year, Honda is making their CNG Honda Civic GX available in all 50 states. You can get more information on their official site. 2012 Honda Civic Natural Gas Overview - Official Site
    Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge are now offering factory equipped CNG vehicles as well. I know RAM trucks have been available in CNG for at least a year now. I wouldn't mind getting a conversion on my truck but they take up a lot of room and they're not cheap. I can see a lot of folks opting for the home refueling set up as well.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Cng

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge are now offering factory equipped CNG vehicles as well. I know RAM trucks have been available in CNG for at least a year now. I wouldn't mind getting a conversion on my truck but they take up a lot of room and they're not cheap. I can see a lot of folks opting for the home refueling set up as well.
    I noticed that they just raised the price of cng from $1.19 to $1.79 a gal at Oncue and similar price hikes at other cng stations. Pretty soon they will have cng so close to gas prices that no one will be converting because the price to convert will take years to pay back. As usual,the Gov. always finds a way. These price hikes/taxes will surely slow the conversions down.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Cng

    I noticed that on Wednesday when I fueled up at Oncue at Memorial & Western. It wasn't too long ago that it was just over $1 retail and about .79 home fuel.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Cng

    There was a federal tax for NG fuel that wasn't renewed so it expired causing prices to go up

  8. Default Re: Cng

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    There was a federal tax for NG fuel that wasn't renewed so it expired causing prices to go up
    Yep. Fifty cents' worth. This doesn't entirely explain why the OnCue nearest me went up sixty cents, but it's enough.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Cng

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I noticed that they just raised the price of cng from $1.19 to $1.79 a gal at Oncue and similar price hikes at other cng stations. Pretty soon they will have cng so close to gas prices that no one will be converting because the price to convert will take years to pay back. As usual,the Gov. always finds a way. These price hikes/taxes will surely slow the conversions down.
    No it won't here unless the government decides to tax it heavier. It would take a very substantial natural gas price increase to increase cng over $3.00. It's still below a $1 per gge at home.

  10. #85

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