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Thread: New Central Park for Moore

  1. #101

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Out of all the days I found this on Moore's website

    It will include the following features:

    Walking trail
    Permanent restroom

  2. #102

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Not sure if this is the new park or not. Either way, this thing is huge

    "On Monday night, designers unveiled plans for a new park. The future focal point for the city would stretch six blocks along Broadway Street, turning 80 acres of fields into much more.

    The park design includes attractions for all types, including a water park, splash pads, pond, handicap-accessible play areas, trails, gardens, and a new community center.

    “This is very special, just across the street is one of the worst hit tornado areas in the state and this is going to be an extremely nice addition,” said Moore Mayor Glenn Lewis. “It will be completed by the time all the houses are back, so we’re very excited about all of these options.”

    Read more: Moore unveils plan for new park - Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com

  3. #104

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    This is going to be an awesome park and great for Moore! I just wish they would take all of the parking and build structured parking or do something unique like build a hill and make a mountain biking course/free roam with a parking garage underneath. THAT WOULD BE COOL!!!!

  4. #105

  5. Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    (Car) park.

  6. #107
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Yep, that's pretty terrible.

  7. #108

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    More parking spaces than trees? How can you even call this a park with a straight face?

  8. #109

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    ROFLMAO! But hey, when you build in a manner that requires everyone to drive you need a place for them to park. What a waste. Ball ---- dropped.

  9. #110

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Odd this thread should become active, again. I was just thinking about this topic today. All of these are valid points, but they aren't anything new -- which tells me that either recent commenters haven't read through the entire thread or have forgotten. For me, this thread should end at post #43 (my retroactive nomination is herewith submitted for 2012 post of the year) and post #43 should end in "#drops mic", but the author is too modest to say that, I'll bet. Here's the best post of 2012, for those of you who don't wish to seek it out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid Burgess View Post
    I actually LOVE what you started off saying here. I totally agree. The solution isn't huge grand projects, one at a time. It is proper use of the grid in Moore, one block at a time. Which is precisely why I would try to develop this land as follows:

    1) Add trees staggered with bollard lighting along the west side of Broadway along the current sidewalk (4th-19th)
    This will provide a nicer N/S walking experience for those walking into the park toward one of the several "collector" cross walks on Broadway. Also, people enjoy walking beside green spaces without actually having to enter them. This allows people to just peer in and feel included in the beauty of them. Many people will enjoy the new look of everything on the East side of Broadway but not everyone will want to cross Broadway just to use the trail.

    2) Install good crosswalks all along Broadway from 4th to 19th. Signals aren't required. Zebra stripping does wonders to slow traffic down and make them aware of potentially crossing pedestrians. Especially contemporary versions like this, which actually allows pedestrians to "time" their crossing based on traffic more easily and get safely on across the curb cut quicker. If traffic speeds are an issue here, especially during low-light times of the day, flashing bollards might be as sufficient solution.

    3) Add streetside parking on the east side of Broadway from 4th to 19th.

    4) Duplicate trees and lighting on east side of Broadway " "

    5) Add 12' sidewalks along Broadway from 4th to 19th on the east side of Broadway

    6) Plat land along the south side of 4th and then south along Broadways (east side) to Howard. We'd form-based zone this to achieve something along the lines of this. An "L" Shaped development that will frame any future park space to the south and not waste really valuable commercial frontage.

    7) Plat along Broadway between Howard & 14th for the same reason.

    7a) I'd even want to get input from neighbors to see if they would like to see a few batches of townhomes along Broadway to help break up the length of the park and to add more context to it all. They wouldn't need to be deeper than 50' (see the 4th Street Lofts in Deep Deuce, OKC for an example) This would further use up space along Broadway without destroying the ability for the park to exist and adequately serve the whole neighborhood. It would also generate revenue for the purchase and maintenance of the park. If this did occur, I'd extend the streets across Broadway but they could remain pedestrian only east of Broadway. A narrow "way", if you will, flanked briefly by the new housing along Broadway. Ground floor commercial could also be considered to provide a few amenities to those living in the neighborhood to the west. The new parking along Broadway helps those who don't live nearby still get to these amenities. On the east side (balcony side), there could even be a small corner shop or two that looked out into the park. A charming coffee shop perhaps?

    8) Narrow, pedestrian, cycle oriented walkway on the east side of the new development that spans the entire distance from 4th to 19th would be tree lined and would give a buffer the new development and function as the west leg of the new "trail".

    Notice we haven't built a park yet. But what we have done is create an incredibly logical and sustainable place for one. Also, a place that people will love to walk to and will be dying to live next to...even before park has been built. If you asked anyone what they would like to see done with this property at this point in the development, they would tell you, a park. Also, how much of the $26M do you think we have spent so far? And we have only used a fraction of the original land.

    9) The trail construction would continue around the rest of the property. A typical 12' walkway (trail as we like to call them in the US) tree lined on both sides, with bollard lighting. The kind of place that would be the home to many serious family talks, lighthearted chatting, and plenty of room for exercise.

    10) On the east side of the property, a wall would be built to shield the park from the train line.

    11) Remaining monies would spent to add two main "play areas". Both with different age appeal. I'd also add one main courtyard in the center with a major piece of artwork. Plenty of seating here and throughout the park among the trees.

    12) Future improvements could include a pedestrian bridge over the rail line that would connect hundreds more homes to the park. In fact, two bridges could be constructed and similar type of park space could be added on the east side of the rail line which would dramatically increase the size of the park.

    Major future conceptual options could include adding a large body of water or fountain. I'd really like to render something up or spend more time to talk about all the little details that could go into making this park a cherished (and sustainable) asset for the community of Moore for generations to come but I'm actually first more interested in hearing thoughts on this type of approach.

  10. Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    I'm not sure what your point is. We all agree that what Sid suggested is all great stuff.

    My reaction is based solely on the rendering in the PDF linked above. A rendering that shows more parking lots than anything else.

  11. Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Yeah.... It's terrible that Moore is building a place for it's citizens to go for recreation... Absolutely terrible!

    I know I'll just hate it every time I go over there to safely ride my bike on the trails, shoot some hoops, or buy some fresh vegetables for my dinner table.

  12. #113

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    I'm not sure what your point is. We all agree that what Sid suggested is all great stuff.

    My reaction is based solely on the rendering in the PDF linked above. A rendering that shows more parking lots than anything else.
    My apologies, I had no intent to stifle conversation. FWIW, the link in the first post has four pictures (including the one in the PDF link) ... that also show nice parking lots. sigh

  13. Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Yeah.... It's terrible that Moore is building a place for it's citizens to go for recreation... Absolutely terrible!

    I know I'll just hate it every time I go over there to safely ride my bike on the trails, shoot some hoops, or buy some fresh vegetables for my dinner table.
    Just think about how much more activities you could do if there wasn't so much asphalt in the way

  14. #115

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Eh, I think it is ok. There is a bit too much parking. If I were building it, i would've built a 5 story parking garage with 200-400 spaces and had 2 of the levels underground. I also would've had one level for retail, but overall, it would be 3 stories high.

  15. Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post

    Just think about how much more activities you could do if there wasn't so much asphalt in the way

    You realize Moore is the suburbs? People close to the park will walk or ride a bike over there. The rest of us drive and will need parking.

    The farmers market will also draw people from outside Moore. Those people will drive and need a place to park.

    If this was the OKC central park I would have no disagreement with any of you but it's not. This will be a nice park that will serve those both near and far from it.

  16. #117
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    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Not defending anything, but the park goes from 4th all the way to almost 19th, so I'm sure there's more to it than that strip shown in that diagram.

    Incidentally the park at 5th and Telephone has a high amount of parking for its size...

  17. #118

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    You realize Moore is the suburbs? People close to the park will walk or ride a bike over there. The rest of us drive and will need parking.

    The farmers market will also draw people from outside Moore. Those people will drive and need a place to park.

    If this was the OKC central park I would have no disagreement with any of you but it's not. This will be a nice park that will serve those both near and far from it.
    If anything isn't pushed right up against the street with no surface parking lots, it will be attacked. Their argument is, "oh, there is a difference between bad suburbia and good suburbia". The bad suburbia is suburbs that are suburbs and the good is suburbs that are turned into urban environments. It's all a front to urbanize everything.

    Again, I like this park and think it will do fairly well. Like I said, I would consolidate most of the parking into a structured garage, but other than that it is great.

  18. #119

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Not defending anything, but the park goes from 4th all the way to almost 19th, so I'm sure there's more to it than that strip shown in that diagram.

    Incidentally the park at 5th and Telephone has a high amount of parking for its size...
    I kind thought that might be the case.

  19. #120

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Not defending anything, but the park goes from 4th all the way to almost 19th, so I'm sure there's more to it than that strip shown in that diagram.
    There are lots of pictures that show lots more park.

  20. #121

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    There are lots of pictures that show lots more park.

  21. #122
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    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    If this was the OKC central park
    It looks thematically similar though doesn't it?

    Hope they do better in implementation, compared to how the Riverwalk turned out, which if I recall was supposed to compete with the Bricktown Canal when it was announced. I _NEVER_ see anybody walk by that "river".

  22. #123

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    See post #1 (four pictures) and post #112 (four pictures).

  23. Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    It looks thematically similar though doesn't it?

    Hope they do better in implementation, compared to how the Riverwalk turned out, which if I recall was supposed to compete with the Bricktown Canal when it was announced. I _NEVER_ see anybody walk by that "river".
    Yeah, the riverwalk in Moore is disappointing. It could have been turned into such a neat water feature and instead it's just a drainage ditch behind the buildings. The developer probably looked at it as a feature to overcome rather than a feature to incorporate into that development.

    I'm looking forward to this park being built and I'm really hoping that the Farmer's Market can become something more like the one in Norman.

  24. #125

    Default Re: New Central Park for Moore

    That last pic is old, part of the original package I think.


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