Originally Posted by
that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. Respectfully, however, the market disagrees with you. Stridently, in fact.
Walmart has absolutely no leverage over how convergys does business. Exactly how did wm "force" convergys to lay off 375 people? Convergys could have moved to any one of several empty business spaces in the area, but chose not to. That's their decision. Further, the building isn't theirs, they leased it. The owner has every right not to renew the lease, just as any owner does for just about any renting tenant. If you want to blame someone, blame convergys. Amazingly, the employees being laid off are convergys', not wm's; correspondingly, that's the company that might deserve at least some of the blame - but that kind of analysis is so often blown off when there's a strawman "villain" like walmart to blame.
Keep in mind, too, that as the business at that site has diminished over the years, there's absolutely nothing to suggest that this action didn't merely accelerate the inevitable. I believe convergys employed in excess of 1,000 people at one time, and if they're down to under 400 now, it suggests the long term for them was anything but rosy. And it isn't like the news of the sam's club coming in was some sudden bombshell - its been discussed on this forum for literally months now.
No disrespect, bchris02, but convergys is not the helpless, femme fatale victim in this, and walmart is not the villain wearing a black cape and sporting a handlebar mustache tying them to the railroad tracks. The folks who run convergys surely didn't bury their collective heads in the sand, either, over the last several months as this unfolded.
*sigh* utter nonsense. I have my own dislike for various aspects of walmart's operation, but trying to paint this as an overall example of walmart "bullying" is just silly. Convergys made the employment decision, not walmart. Owners repurposing their facilities and opting not to renew leases is as routine an element of doing business as paying taxes and tracking inventory. The city of moore, if nothing else, stands to gain tremendous tax revenue in light of the new operation - revenue that won't be going to okc or mwc.