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Thread: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

  1. #26

    Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    Freak Shows is what they were called at the fair.

  2. Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    I'm sorry but stating that the "PC world is out of control" and that "deformities honestly and truly exist" and referring to them as "freak shows" says a hell of a lot about your lack of character. Maybe you should try showing some respect. Jesus, that's just despicable.
    Lighten up. That's what they've always been called everywhere there are such shows.

  3. #28

    Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    Quote Originally Posted by biznesschic1959 View Post
    The "freak" shows (I know, a terrible name to call what would have been the disabled today). I remember a guy that would turn into an ape right before your eyes, most likely done with mirrors. It led to screaming teenagers running from the tent when they opened the cage.
    When I saw this it was woman that turned into an ape. I will never forget the attendant of the attraction saying "gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla" over and over again until the woman transformed and eventually busted out of the cage. I turned tail and ran directly headfirst into a metal support pole that stunned me for a sec but I still managed to escape the apes clutches.

  4. #29

    Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    And who can forget the 6 foot man eating chicken?. When you got inside, there he stood. .... A real 6 foot tall man eating a piece of chicken.

  5. #30
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Lighten up. That's what they've always been called everywhere there are such shows.
    Oh, well it's okay then. My bad.

  6. #31

    Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    As far as what the buildings were named, back when I worked out there in the mid 80's, to the west of the Space Needle there was the Made In Oklahoma building, or MIO as we called it. Then south of that the bubble top building that would pop your ears was the International building, or IT. The old curved roof building with beautifull wood ceiling was the Kitchens Of America, or KOA. The building where the train engine is, and the rockets were, was the Travel & Transportation building, or T&T. The other two buildings that are directly east of the KOA were the Hobbies Arts & Crafts building , or HAC and connected to it was the Modern Living building.

    I think the KOA is now called the Centenial building, but not sure of all the others.

  7. #32

    Default Re: changes made to the oklahoma state fair, past to present.

    I was rather disappointed when I saw the parts to the rockets sitting out in the grass rusting away near the paid parking area by the arena. You would think they would have at least moved them down to the Oklahoma History Center or sold/donated them to museum.

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