You seem like just another butthurt kid that is actually jealous of Dallas but wants to dog on it every time you get the chance.
When I worked for my dad for 4 years, I would drive people from the airport to his car lot when they were renting a car. I drove hundreds if not thousands of people and we would talk and have cool conversations during the 15-30 minute drive(depending on traffic). A lot of times we would discuss the lack of mass transit here in OKC and such.... I talked to so many people from NYC, Chicago, and Philly and it is so funny how many of them said how awesome Dallas was. I never once heard a negative thing about Dallas but some of them said they didn't care for it, but was a cool city. The things I've heard about Cleveland though........(I won't even get into).
Keep bashing Texas though man, at every chance you get!
Literally every single thing you said is an opinion, so you have your right to that. I do agree OKC is becoming an amazing city, but we need major high-rise towers, IMO. Urban neighborhoods are great and I want them to flourish here. The Stage Center needs at least a 25 story building on it. 500-600ft. would be awesome and anything over that would just be sugar on top.