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Thread: Uber coming to OKC

  1. #126

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    I haven't been paid yet by Uber so I'm not 100% sure of those percentages.

    They hold your money for over a week (another smart money-maker on their part, because they are paid the instant a ride finishes) and I'll report back when I get my first payment.

  2. #127

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Hope I'm wrong about the percentages -- I'll know soon.

    Even though they do their best to advise riders of surge pricing, I made it point to tell pretty much everyone I picked up that the charge would likely be higher and that I had nothing to do with setting that. A couple of times, people just said, "wow, let me out here -- I don't want to get gouged". Completely understood even though they were given ample notice by Uber and nobody was upset either way.

    As far as the phone, perhaps it's only the riders that can see the real number? I did get a call from an early fare later in the night but all the calls and texts came from the same central number and often went to Uber voicemail. This could be a market-by-market difference, as there are others as well. They may be more careful in a city like LA versus OKC.

  3. #128

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Some other Uber driver ramblings...

    For the most part, I really enjoyed meeting the people I drove.

    In fact, it's kind of an intimate situation in some ways, as you have generally young people in your car (often in the front seat), they all want to talk to you more like a friend than a cabbie, and you're usually taking them home or somewhere fun.

    One of my earliest fares was two attractive young women who needed to be taken from Santa Monica to Manhattan Beach, which is about 20 miles and thus required plenty of car time together. At the end of an interesting and bright conversation, they invited me to come into the bar where I dropped them off and of course I could have just gone off-line with Uber (you toggle on/off completely at your own discretion) and joined them. If it had been closer to home and not completely contrary to my plan for the night, I would have done it. I suspect people meet and date through similar interaction.

    Also, because inherently you are likely to be driving people who have been drinking, the usual social barriers are pretty well removed and many just launch into all kinds of personal things and also ask a lot of personal questions. (If you've seen Taxi Cab Confessions on HBO you'll get the picture.)

    I really enjoyed that for the most part – although I certainly didn't need to know about the young Swedish guy's drug addiction – and as a big people-person I found it generally fascinating.

    I hadn't considered one thing that ended up being a real buzz-kill... I had one carload of super snotty girls (not sure any were of legal drinking age) and after jerking me around forever by not responding to my calls and texts while I burned a bunch of valuable time right after midnight, one of them approached and said in the snobbiest way possible, “Is this the Uber guy?”

    And then all four of them were texting and engaging in bitchy gossip and acting like I was not even there. I'm sure it's how the average taxi driver feels 99% of the time and since this is really the same thing, you have to expect some of that. But there was a big part of me that wanted just to shove them out of my car and when I finally got to their destination, of course it was at daddy's huge mansion and they didn't even bother to rate me as a driver.

  4. #129

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Two friends of mine used Uber last night to get home around 2am in OKC and one fare was $186 and the other $285. (both of these cars traveled from the same bar and to the same destination)

    I don't think people realize you can see the fare quote before actually requesting a driver. Plus this was also most likely during the 8X.

    But one thing about Pete's experience that peaked my interest, is the driver sets the tip percentage ahead of time? So basically drivers could price gouge drunks after bars close down and make a killing.

    I am really interested to see how this plays out since last night was probably the first real "price surge" night of Uber's growing popularity.

  5. #130

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    As a rider, YOU set the tip amount as a standard percentage that applies to all your rides.

    The rider can override it, but almost no one does.

    So, when you set up your account, you usually specify 15 or 20% and that is automatically added unless you change it at the end of the ride. But I don't think anyone did that for me.

    Uber is insistent on the driver telling riders that tip is already included, because they don't want drivers taking cash then the rider getting charged again through the app. A couple of people asked me about the tip and I told them it was already included and they had already done everything that was needed.

    It's actually very strange for riders to get dropped off and just get out of the car. The driver merely hits "end ride" on his phone, and that's it.

    It does calculate the final fare and a few people asked to know the amount (easier than looking it up on their phone) because they were splitting the fare with co-riders.

  6. #131

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    BTW, my biggest fare was $120 and that was driving 26 miles.

    I also think I was technically classified as a Black Car rather than UberX, so the rates are higher in general.

    I suppose the super high rates in OKC were due to newness of the system and thus a lack of drivers. In any event, you can always see the approximate fare in advance and I know last night, riders were even given an alert over and above what you normally get when you ask for a ride... Basically a pop-up asking you to acknowledge the special surge pricing.

    They also sent out tons of messages in advance of the night telling riders about the special fares, so if someone didn't know they were going to get charged a premium, I don't know what else Uber could have done.

    And as I said previously, I STILL told people every time they got in the car that the ride was likely to be much more expensive than usual.

  7. #132

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Pete, are you sure about the tip thing? I've used Uber numerous times - in OKC and elsewhere, and I have never been asked to enter a tip percentage. On the website it does ask you to enter a tip percentage for when you use UberTAXI, but not for X, Black, SUV, etc. In fact I'm pretty sure I've read multiple places that Uber touts the "no-tipping" policy as one of it's strengths - for UberX at least.

    That would be truly bizarre if they paid drivers a different split in different markets, but I can see why they'd do that. Pretty sure every driver I've talked to in OKC says they get 80% of the fare while Uber gets 20%. And I haven't been charged anything extra by Uber on my intra-OKC trips other than the cash tips to the driver, assuming they helped me with my bags. Maybe Uber offers a higher % to drivers in new markets, and in more established markets like LA, they keep a bit more. Did they not tell you up front when you signed on what your piece of the pie would be?

  8. #133

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Another thing...

    Even though NYE this year was on a Wednesday and thus probably the 'slowest' night of the week for the holiday, there were still tons and tons of people everywhere desperate for a ride.

    I got called to a hotel in Santa Monica and they had 5 or 6 employees standing out in the middle of the street -- literally! -- with flashlights frantically trying to flag down cabs for people needing a ride from their property.

    I took about a dozen fares and there were likely hundreds of other drivers on the westside of LA alone, which means perhaps close to a thousand extra rides available just in that area. And still, people were waiting for hours and resorting to all types of crazy measures just to get a lift.

    Also, of my ~ dozen fares only one of them had less than four people. One had seven (technically I was only supposed to take four at a time), one had six, etc.

    So even with surge pricing, I think the most any one person had to pay for a ride I provided last night was maybe $30; assuming they were splitting the far among their group.

    $30 for a ride in Los Angeles on NYE is pretty darn reasonable and I bet many would have paid a lot more.

  9. #134

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Sounds like you need a minivan, Pete.

  10. #135

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cub17 View Post
    Pete, are you sure about the tip thing? I've used Uber numerous times - in OKC and elsewhere, and I have never been asked to enter a tip percentage. On the website it does ask you to enter a tip percentage for when you use UberTAXI, but not for X, Black, SUV, etc. In fact I'm pretty sure I've read multiple places that Uber touts the "no-tipping" policy as one of it's strengths - for UberX at least.

    That would be truly bizarre if they paid drivers a different split in different markets, but I can see why they'd do that. Pretty sure every driver I've talked to in OKC says they get 80% of the fare while Uber gets 20%. And I haven't been charged anything extra by Uber on my intra-OKC trips other than the cash tips to the driver, assuming they helped me with my bags. Maybe Uber offers a higher % to drivers in new markets, and in more established markets like LA, they keep a bit more. Did they not tell you up front when you signed on what your piece of the pie would be?
    You are right -- I misunderstood the policy.

    This is a screenshot from my Uber rider account:

  11. #136

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC


    We used Uber in Philadelphia several times this last weekend. Do you the driver know the tip amount %wise when picking up? Also, I know that drivers and passengers can rate each other. Do you see the ratings? I haven't seen a way for the rider to look at ratings left on us. Curious as I am more apt to use Uber in OKC to transport tipsy employee home and would like to make sure they didn't make an ass out of themselves.

  12. #137

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cub17 View Post
    Pete, are you sure about the tip thing? I've used Uber numerous times - in OKC and elsewhere, and I have never been asked to enter a tip percentage. On the website it does ask you to enter a tip percentage for when you use UberTAXI, but not for X, Black, SUV, etc. In fact I'm pretty sure I've read multiple places that Uber touts the "no-tipping" policy as one of it's strengths - for UberX at least.

    That would be truly bizarre if they paid drivers a different split in different markets, but I can see why they'd do that. Pretty sure every driver I've talked to in OKC says they get 80% of the fare while Uber gets 20%. And I haven't been charged anything extra by Uber on my intra-OKC trips other than the cash tips to the driver, assuming they helped me with my bags. Maybe Uber offers a higher % to drivers in new markets, and in more established markets like LA, they keep a bit more. Did they not tell you up front when you signed on what your piece of the pie would be?

    My drivers have always declined cash tips. (people offering who are unaware that the tip is included into fare)

    I wonder if drivers can get in trouble for accepting cash tips? I noticed on the website you can request "fare review" of your trips and it looks as if Uber will look into it.

  13. #138

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    So now this is what it looks like for my work last night:

    80% of the $700 I earned in 17 fares but no tips.

    If I was heartless I could have made more; I should have never allowed the sky-high woman into my car as that took about 45 minutes of prime price-surge time. In the end, I didn't get a dime from her. Hope she's okay today.

    Also, I could have easily ditched a couple of people who made me wait for more than 10 minutes (the recommended threshold for cancellation by Uber).

    And I let one guy get out after only a couple of blocks after warning him about the higher charges; this was after going way out of my way to pick him up -- another 45 minutes or so wasted.

    And although I can see that all the riders who rated me gave me a perfect 5, my rating is only 4.4 for some reason. Perhaps because I didn't take a couple of rides that popped up; they were at LAX and no way was I burning NYE circling that crazy place looking for one soul.

    Interestingly, after I let two notices pass (you have to take it within 15 seconds or it goes to the next-closest available driver) they forced me off-line. It's actually a very good idea and I quickly learned just to go off-line if I got anywhere near the airport.

  14. #139

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post

    We used Uber in Philadelphia several times this last weekend. Do you the driver know the tip amount %wise when picking up? Also, I know that drivers and passengers can rate each other. Do you see the ratings? I haven't seen a way for the rider to look at ratings left on us. Curious as I am more apt to use Uber in OKC to transport tipsy employee home and would like to make sure they didn't make an ass out of themselves.
    As we sorted out above, there is no tip unless you are using UberTaxi; I think that is actually a partnership with a registered cab driver.

    But regardless, I'm sure drivers can't see the tip percentage in advance.

    BTW, you also have no idea where someone wants to go and it's not cool to tell someone "no" regardless of their preferred destination, so that's another driving downside. I got pulled pretty far away from the prime spots a few times.

    As far as ratings, yes, you can see what you were rated by each rider after the fact in a report. I got all 5's apart from a few who didn't bother to rate. But ratings also depend on the percentage of rides you accept.

  15. #140

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    One of my drivers in PHL told me that you will get dinged for passing up fares

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    So now this is what it looks like for my work last night:

    80% of the $700 I earned in 17 fares but no tips.

    If I was heartless I could have made more; I should have never allowed the sky-high woman into my car as that took about 45 minutes of prime price-surge time. In the end, I didn't get a dime from her. Hope she's okay today.

    Also, I could have easily ditched a couple of people who made me wait for more than 10 minutes (the recommended threshold for cancellation by Uber).

    And I let one guy get out after only a couple of blocks after warning him about the higher charges; this was after going way out of my way to pick him up -- another 45 minutes or so wasted.

    And although I can see that all the riders who rated me gave me a perfect 5, my rating is only 4.4 for some reason. Perhaps because I didn't take a couple of rides that popped up; they were at LAX and no way was I burning NYE circling that crazy place looking for one soul.

    Interestingly, after I let two notices pass (you have to take it within 15 seconds or it goes to the next-closest available driver) they forced me off-line. It's actually a very good idea and I quickly learned just to go off-line if I got anywhere near the airport.

  16. #141

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Just to be clear on a driver "passing" there are two categories:

    1. A ride request pops up and you don't respond in 15 seconds; just let it pass and Uber moves on to the next closest driver
    2. You accept a ride pop-up but then cancel it

    Also, the rider can cancel their request. That happened to me a few times but in every case it was almost immediately after I accepted, so it wasn't a big inconvenience.

    Uber exacts a pretty good rating hit on either side if you cancel after there is mutual acceptance.

    But I think you also get hit as a driver if you are on-line and merely don't respond in the 15-second window.

  17. #142

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    So as a driver does it just pop up and say "LAX" or does it try to at least give you a specific terminal, etc.? That sounds like a headache for a driver, for sure.

    Pete, How many miles did you log on the night as fare, vs how many you actually ended up driving? How much gas too? Any puke or left-behinds?

  18. #143

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    IMO the biggest downside for the driver is you only get an address and it's not 100% accurate. For example, I was called to a house on an alley and after waiting for a while and trying to reach the rider, they finally called and said they were actually at a restaurant a few doors down.

    Same thing with LAX... Just "1 World Way" Los Angeles; you can also see the approx location on the Uber map. But yes, no terminal or other info unless the rider texts it to you and not one person did this last night.

    Tip for riders: Put in your request then text the driver: "Right outside Skinny Slim's" or wherever you are. They'll get there much more quickly and it will help them spend more time on fares.

    I ended up driving a couple hundred miles and used about 2/3rds a tank; perhaps $40 in gas.

    I think my car's okay.

  19. #144

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    My drivers have always declined cash tips. (people offering who are unaware that the tip is included into fare)

    I wonder if drivers can get in trouble for accepting cash tips? I noticed on the website you can request "fare review" of your trips and it looks as if Uber will look into it.
    It's up to the driver - I don't think they get in trouble - unless as a rider you wanted to report them for accepting a tip? Which would be a ridiculous IMO. In my experience UberX drivers in OKC certainly don't ask for tips (through words or actions), but they're usually good about saying that in no way is a tip expected. In philly however, driver gladly take any extra cash you offer them. Not too surprising hah.

  20. #145

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    One of the nice things about no tipping -- and Uber advertising that fact -- is that as a driver you don't carry any cash and everyone pretty much knows that.

    Makes it much safer.

  21. #147

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Does Uber do any insurance checking up on drivers, like if they have a binder for hired vehicle and driver and notification to Uber if you or the company cancels it?

    If so, are the limits required minimum statutory or higher?

  22. #148

  23. #149

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid Burgess View Post
    Yup. UberX now has a 2M policy to cover X drivers, cars, occupants, etc. The hardest part of getting to this point was just finding an insurance company willing to insure.

    Similar to the battle Tesla has had getting their cars insured accurately at times.
    My googler doesn't seem to want to cough up any real details to support that. I'll take your word for it until I use it for anything besides a cab like we did with my son's ap in Chicago. Probably will also read the TOS for liability disclaimers when/if I upgrade my phone and load the ap.

  24. #150

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Does Uber do any insurance checking up on drivers, like if they have a binder for hired vehicle and driver and notification to Uber if you or the company cancels it?

    If so, are the limits required minimum statutory or higher?
    Yes, there are minimum requirements, and not just insurance.

    You have to submit to and clear a background / driving record check, provide proof of insurance, car registration and photos of the outside and inside of your car. You also have to drive a 2000 model or newer to even be considered.

    And over and above that, Uber provides it's own insurance.

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