Pete, are you sure about the tip thing? I've used Uber numerous times - in OKC and elsewhere, and I have never been asked to enter a tip percentage. On the website it does ask you to enter a tip percentage for when you use UberTAXI, but not for X, Black, SUV, etc. In fact I'm pretty sure I've read multiple places that Uber touts the "no-tipping" policy as one of it's strengths - for UberX at least.

That would be truly bizarre if they paid drivers a different split in different markets, but I can see why they'd do that. Pretty sure every driver I've talked to in OKC says they get 80% of the fare while Uber gets 20%. And I haven't been charged anything extra by Uber on my intra-OKC trips other than the cash tips to the driver, assuming they helped me with my bags. Maybe Uber offers a higher % to drivers in new markets, and in more established markets like LA, they keep a bit more. Did they not tell you up front when you signed on what your piece of the pie would be?