BTW, my biggest fare was $120 and that was driving 26 miles.

I also think I was technically classified as a Black Car rather than UberX, so the rates are higher in general.

I suppose the super high rates in OKC were due to newness of the system and thus a lack of drivers. In any event, you can always see the approximate fare in advance and I know last night, riders were even given an alert over and above what you normally get when you ask for a ride... Basically a pop-up asking you to acknowledge the special surge pricing.

They also sent out tons of messages in advance of the night telling riders about the special fares, so if someone didn't know they were going to get charged a premium, I don't know what else Uber could have done.

And as I said previously, I STILL told people every time they got in the car that the ride was likely to be much more expensive than usual.