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Thread: OG&E Tower

  1. #2001

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    But when the discussion gets to be all about height ... that's what I'm questioning and challenging. Design, design, design, design ...
    I completely agree. I would trade 5 of this project's 16 floors for the design quality and execution of Devon Energy Center. Height is important. From a distance, tall buildings impress people. They look good on TV during basketball games. But it's vastly more important for a building to have substance than flare. Tall isn't enough to add significant value to the community and the surrounding properties. Tall isn't enough to make people like living, working, eating, or playing in the area.

    The focus should be on good design. Rainy Williams shouldn't be pressured to spend more money on more floors. He should be pressured to ensure that whatever he builds is beautiful, functional, and enjoyed by those who use it, not just those who look at it in a sunset skyline photograph. There's no reason a 15-story tower on this property can't be an incredible, "world class" addition to downtown.

  2. #2002

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I think people are jumping to conclusions as to what I might think about this particular building. I think we don't really know what it will look like and I'd like to know more.
    That I think is one of the few things we can all agree on here!

  3. #2003

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As has been mentioned before, he is asking to demo the building right away but not planning to break ground until 2015.

    The longer between those two activities the greater likelihood for a project to come off the rails or be scaled back. They almost never get better or grow in that interim period.
    Yeah. No good. He should have to wait to demo.

  4. #2004
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    So, are we to assume the developers competing to buy this spot had plans that were inferior? Or we're they turned down in favor of something political? Did others have solid plans with financial support? I suppose They could sell it for a nice profit now since a sweetheart deal was apparently made and this spot is worth more now. Then they could buy a site cheaper elsewhere and build this building for OG&E there.

  5. Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    I agree as others have said, that this tower should go somewhere else that's less prominent or already has this range of buildings (NW downtown) and not the Stage Center site. I expect the Stage Center to be replaced by something 'world class that OKC residents can be proud of'. This is words from the developers mouth yet his conceptual model does not live up to that and should be built elsewhere in downtown.

    I also disagree with those who think we should just sit back and 'be quiet' since it isn't our money or we don't go around building buildings. As was said, this is the NEW Oklahoma City where people speak up and stand up for their city. I totally disagree that we should be quiet - there is plenty of evidence that OKCTalk has made a difference in OKC developments since it has been 'alive' and PERHAPS RW purposely put out that conceptual model just to gauge reaction of the public to which OKCTalk provides an easy venue.

    Nope, speak up OKC and use OKCTalk for what it was designed for - as a PUBLIC FORUM for people interested in OKC's development and continued renaissance! Sure some of it may be dreaming or unfeasible, but at least OKC people are talking and not settling for second best anymore. Building something for the sake of destroying something else should be HALTED immediately since downtown OKC has plenty of other sites suitable for projects. The days of being quiet and settling for something better than nothing are long over.

    Again - I am not against this project per say as conceptually modeled; but I am against the location the developer wants to put this conceptual model as it goes against what he promised out of his own mouth. And I "HOPE-PRAY" that the Downtown Design Review committee takes public sentiment into account (to which this forum is a great voice - particularly on urban design/expectations). They should encourage him to go vertical on this sight OR negotiate a trade with somebody who will.

    Count me in as one who thinks this site deserves a 30+ storey single or multiple tower world-class design WITH excellent street interaction. Why can't OKC have both (all 4 of soondoc's elements) on this prime site? I don't too much care that the downtown school or MGB have a shadow cast for an hour or so in a day since THIS IS the CBD!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  6. Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Ive watched this thread for a while and seen the opinions, reasoned and shrill. Oklahoma City is in the middle of a great economic growth cycle with a lot of momentum. We've recently seen the construction of the tallest building in the state and $2billion in private development. OKC is in the middle of a new era and should be looking for the sky.

    The comment made that struck me as most valid and true is that the Rainey Williams development, as currently outlined, could be built most anywhere in the city. Why take one of the largest and most prime downtown development properties and build something that is seemingly underutilizing this choice location? I'm not a developer but this seems to violate real estate principles of putting choice land to its highest and best use. With A class office space at a shortage, I'm very puzzled why Williams would propose a development on rare and choice property that should be twice as large?

    Ive very rarely seen a developer that doesn't try to OVERdevelop his property and then scale it back. This block screams for something that can both serve as a corporate HQ but also provide significant office space to the many other companies that would like to come downtown. The Stage Center block is prime real estate that demands more than a "nice" development but a "prime" development.

    I hope maybe the "hotel" tower can be enlarged to something more appropriate. Again, it is so true the current iteration of thethe Rainey Williams could be built on 8th or 10th street. It could be built on the Broadway Extension or in the United Founders area. The Stage Center block deserves something special.

  7. Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Mug - EXACTLY!!!!!

    It should be built, but elsewhere not on the last prime site downtown.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. #2008

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieNate View Post
    How can you claim this when he (Rainey Williams) was quoted as saying it will be "world class"?!

    He presented a concept, and I'll stand by my claim its audacious to bring a concept to the DDRC to demolish an OKC landmark (love it hate it indifferent.)
    "World Class" is a very vague statement for good reason, just the phrase itself can have a million different meanings and everyone has their own definition. Having spent time in Tokyo where there are a bunch of tall towers some of the most interesting buildings would be considered dumpy little buildings on here but they have great design, materials and details. Many of the very tall buildings are in fact some of the most boring.

    I do think the preliminary renderings released are less than most expected but there is a long way to go on the project and hopefully it is an "under promise, over deliver" scenario. I also know that the "extravagance" of the OG+E building that was proposed in the early 80's is one of the factors that killed the project, thankfully OKC has matured some in the past 30 years when it comes to architectural expectations.

  9. #2009

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Steve, at the risk of causing some MI issues for some folk, yes, there is enough info to permit demolition of SC.
    Please recall I have had several posts in the past how I wish it could be salvaged, repurposed, etc.

    I did not begin as an SC critic, let alone a hater. But it's day has come and gone. Despite interest, no one has had both the interest and the means to salvage it. And thus it has sat, for years, draining resources of a NFP at no small amount, simply to sit empty and rot.

    Now a new owner has the property. Like the NFP before him, and like some who had insufficient interest to do a salvage op, the new owner has no intent to revive SC.
    That being true, unlike the NFP, he appears to have no interest in expending six figures a year, give or take, to let it sit and rot. I can't say as I blame him. Not a bit.
    If it is not the goal of the owner to revive the structure, it dang sure ought not be the goal of the owner to let his property become more blighted by the month, and pay out six figures a year just to hold the rot to a minimum.

    It makes far more sense to stop the bleeding of funds, and let those same funds go toward the next purpose of the location.

    And while yes, a tall building is a nice idea anywhere DT, I fall very comfortably in the column of 2-3 shorter buildings are fine. Others have issues with that. Well, the space to the immediate south will undoubtedly come up for sale in the foreseeable future. Pool the funds, line up the investors, buy it up, find the tenants, put up a 30,40,80 story whatever and look down on this property and sneer if one will. But lashing out at someone who is actually doing something pretty much because he is not doing what folks are are doing way, way less what done is not a band wagon I care to ride on.

    Honestly, I'd rather see it be a surface lot for a few years and generate funds for a later project than to see SC sit there as an iconic rotting corpse of a structure consuming funds that could instead be used to improve the property.

  10. #2010

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Honestly, I'd rather see it be a surface lot for a few years and generate funds for a later project than to see SC sit there as an iconic rotting corpse of a structure consuming funds that could instead be used to improve the property.
    And the OKCTALK community shudders...

  11. #2011

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    As there are lots of moving parts to this, I just want to poise some questions here:

    Are you okay with OGE actually going to Northwest Expressway and downtown losing 1,000+ high wage jobs? Everyone I've talked to who works there says they desperately need consolidation.**

    Are you alright with OGE possibly building a lavish HQ but possibly raising electrical rates in the future for unrelated issues?

    Are you okay with the Stage Center site sitting decrepit until the "perfect" development comes along, whether that be in 5 months or 5 years?

    Are you okay with a taller tower being built but possibly getting entangled in a legal battle with the MBG over height and sunlight issues similar to the Nasher Garden and Museum Tower in Dallas?

    Are you okay trading a shorter building that will be more or less 100% leased over a taller building that will have to lease out spec space, which may not sit well with some of RW's investors?

    **This is not happening and while I respect everyone's opinion, to even suggest that they even go somewhere else after they bought the land is childish IMO. This isn't a landfill or some other public nuisance. I am alright with this and so long as the actual design is close to what is proposed here I will consider it a success. I think the bigger issue is the lack of a finalized design.

  12. #2012
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Stage Center was virtually created as an obsolete and obtrusive piece
    of art from day one.

    I've played many gigs at that nightmare. Here's a list of my favorite
    Ooops, no faves...

    However my very favorite, and I'm sure I speak for any musician who
    has ever been subjected to play there, gigs were the ones that
    were outside of the complex and close to our vehicles for a quick
    getaway. At least we had a semblance of fresh air.

    If the hysterical, I mean historical, associations want to make this
    pathetic excuse for art to be something artistically important then
    I'm good with their ignorance of art.

    However, I can't imagine anyone with a brain wanting this monstrosity
    to remain as is.

    Most thinking Oklahomans will agree...

    1. Tear it down. It's worth nothing.
    2. Don't feel bad that bad art isn't always art.
    3. Tear it down. It's worth nothing.
    4. Don't feel bad that bad art isn't always art.
    5. Tear it down. It's worth nothing.
    5. Don't feel bad that bad art isn't always art.
    6. Tear it down. It's worth nothing.
    7. Don't feel bad that bad art isn't always art.
    8. Feel free to puke your guts out.
    9 Don't feel bad that bad art isn't always art.

  13. Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Where has anybody been seriously advocating saving/preserving Stage Center in this thread for many months and probably dozens of pages? I think most people have come to terms with the demolition. Why all of the hatred? Don't worry; it will be gone soon enough and it will no longer have such a devastatingly horrific impact on your day-to-day life.

  14. #2014

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Thanks for bringing this up, as I know the point has been made previously.

    So, what would be legal reasons (within guidelines or other laws) that would allow a denial of any demolition?
    Here's a few items straight from the Downtown zoning code:

    § 59-4250 DISCRETIONARY REVIEW PROCEDURES 4250.3 C. (5) Prior to issuing a Certificate of Approval, the Committee may request projects proposing demolition, reconstruction, alterations, or expansions to structures with historic significance to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission for a non-binding recommendation.

    § 59-7200 DOWNTOWN DESIGN DISTRICTS 7200.1

    A. Purpose and Intent

    This commercial district is intended to support diverse forms of business activity, including mixed-uses in a single building, within the central area of the City. Development regulations and guidelines in this district are intended to:
    (5) preserve and restore historic resources, and circulation patterns of the downtown districts; and

    C. Certificate of Approval Required

    (2) The Downtown Design Review Committee shall review and issue Certificates of Approval for the following unless administrative approval is permitted as referenced in this section:
    (b) Demolition of a structure or site and site elements except structures declared dilapidated and approved for demolition by City Council.
    (3) Staff may review and issue Certificates of Approval for the following:
    (c) Demolition of site elements or of a structure less than 20,000 gross square feet, except structures declared dilapidated and approved for demolition by City Council.

    G. Development Guidelines
    These guidelines are intended to promote the development and redevelopment of the downtown area in a manner consistent and compatible with existing unique and diverse design elements of downtown Oklahoma City. These guidelines are also intended to promote downtown as a unique and active destination with a variety of land uses, designed in context with the area in which they are located. The Downtown Design Review Committee and staff shall apply these guidelines as appropriate to the specific site and district, preserving the character and context of the urban environment, and providing flexibility to incorporate new technology and techniques.
    (1) Existing Buildings and Historic Resources
    In order to preserve the legacy of our past, structures and sites within the downtown districts that are significant to the history of the nation, state, city, or districts should be rehabilitated so that as much of the original fabric as possible remains intact.
    (a) Existing buildings and character-defining architectural features such as building mass, roofs, exterior walls, doors, windows, and architectural detailing should be retained, refurbished and remain in the original locations.
    (b) Site elements such as walkways, pedestrian amenities, and hardscape features should be retained and rehabilitated.

  15. #2015

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Am I correct in saying that while they can show renderings to help get the demo approved. The ddrc approving the demo does not require the applicant to have to build anything

  16. #2016

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    First off, to EVERYBODY (especially Kevin Pate) who keeps saying this is Rainey Williams money and he can do whatever he wants with it. He was born rich, his family has had old money and connections for his entire life. If you think this property was on the open market just to buy you are the one truly oblivious to how this world works. There was no "This site goes to the highest bidder". The ONLY reason he won this site was because he has been rich his entire life and he knows the right people. He got this property for a tiny % of what the property is actually worth. You can say life isn't fair, but when people have unfair advantages over other people to make money off of the MILLIONS of dollars of downtown public investment by the average joe citizens of the City of Oklahoma City, we deserve the right to speak up against it.

    2nd, there are no economies at play here except for the most micro of micro of micro economies. OGE is holding Rainey Williams by the balls and telling him EXACTLY what to build. Rainey never proposed this building with the intention of the open market filling it with a basic supply and demand principal. This is all behind the table dealings to get OGE the best deal possible. We, as citizens, invested so enormously in our downtown to improve the quality of life here. Not to make 1 or 2 people more money. This building will benefit from the boulevard, the streetcar, project 180, the convention center, the MBG, and the Elementary School. What do we benefit from it????????

    3rd, I loved the comparison of somebody building a mansion and then a new trailer park neighbor moving in across the street (I understand that is extreme, but I'm able to see the point). Devon increased the property value of this entire area. The entire downtown area. And the closer the Devon the more valuable the property becomes. Devon created a momentum that shouldn't be stopped by minimal projects. And this is minimal. Would ANYBODY here approve of a project any less then what has already been proposed? DID NOT THINK SO.

    4th, anybody who doesn't think height is an important design element in creating excitement and momentum and help in recruiting the most qualified individuals to a city for employment aren't very in touch with young professionals. Not saying it's the only factor in the minds of young people newly entered in the work force, but it is a huge draw. Even more so then a urban target would be... We need to create a brain gain, and Devon type projects are what cause that.

    Oklahoma City is growing too much, and there is too much demand and momentum to accept these kind of proposals on the best land in our city. I guarantee if this land had truly been on the open market and the best proposal would have been selected we'd easily be looking at a 30+ story tower with amazing street level interaction and public use.

  17. #2017

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As has been mentioned before, he is asking to demo the building right away but not planning to break ground until 2015.

    The longer between those two activities the greater likelihood for a project to come off the rails or be scaled back. They almost never get better or grow in that interim period.
    ...projects that move forward quickly, are fully financed. Projects that take time get "snake bit" and never come to pass.

  18. #2018

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    Am I correct in saying that while they can show renderings to help get the demo approved. The ddrc approving the demo does not require the applicant to have to build anything

    If you read the ordinance, above, you can see that it only really discussed rehabilitation. It doesn't discuss much about demolition itself. Planning Dept. tried to draft an ordinance that would have removed much of the ambiguity, but it failed at the Planning Commission level.

    Pete - I think a legal argument FOR demolition would be that it's not "significant" to the history of the nation, state, city or district... Obviously, that's debatable because it's certainly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, but it's not Listed.

  19. #2019

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post

    If you read the ordinance, above, you can see that it only really discussed rehabilitation. It doesn't discuss much about demolition itself. Planning Dept. tried to draft an ordinance that would have removed much of the ambiguity, but it failed at the Planning Commission level.

    Pete - I think a legal argument FOR demolition would be that it's not "significant" to the history of the nation, state, city or district... Obviously, that's debatable because it's certainly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, but it's not Listed.
    As always thanks for the great info

  20. #2020

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    jccougar, if you can't make an argument without making a fake one, that's on you. I don't think I've ever said the owner can do what ever he desires with his property. Clearly one can only do what fits within existing zoning or what can take place via a variance to existing zoning. So the trailer by a mansion is just silly.

    However, there is not a single requirement on the owner of the SC property, or to my knowledge any property in the metro that says one must build the tallest, nicest or most iconic structure. The owner could, if so inclined, build something rather insignificant, or if finances permitted, let the land sit blank and hold it for speculation.

    If the citizens want a minimum height requirement in the core, they have a council full of folk to try and convince to change the rules. But the constant pitching fits over someone not doing something there is no legal basis to demand they do, that is what doesn't make much sense.

    As for any alleged fix, easy to say, but doesn't much explain how the land sat for several years. It was clear in 2010 the foundation wasn't going to throw more money into the problem child that SC had become. There was time to put together a package, if someone with the ability to do so had wanted to do so. I don't recall a long line. Perhaps I missed a few stories though. It's possible.

  21. #2021

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    It that REALLY what you want though? There is absolutely 0 point in arguing what zoning laws require. Those are cut and dry. Somebody can post those laws and we can be done with that discussion.

    This is about what this property should have. If your ok with somebody developing the most desirable property in OKC at the bare minimum because they are allowed to do it then that is on you and your conscious my friend.

    Some of us dream bigger than just ok, and I realize you are old and haven't experienced a renaissance like OKC is going through now. But things are VERY different over the last 5 years then ever before here, so your old ideologies of just accepting whatever is thrown on your plate just because it meets your daily nutritional requirements are an old school of thought around these parts brother.

  22. #2022

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    It that REALLY what you want though? There is absolutely 0 point in arguing what zoning laws require. Those are cut and dry. Somebody can post those laws and we can be done with that discussion.

    This is about what this property should have. If your ok with somebody developing the most desirable property in OKC at the bare minimum because they are allowed to do it then that is on you and your conscious my friend.

    Some of us dream bigger than just ok, and I realize you are old and haven't experienced a renaissance like OKC is going through now. But things are VERY different over the last 5 years then ever before here, so your old ideologies of just accepting whatever is thrown on your plate just because it meets your daily nutritional requirements are an old school of thought around these parts brother.
    No, Kevinpate is just living in the 'REAL' world....... not in fantasy dream land or Sim City.

    If you want change, like he said, go to the council and speak your peace. The FBB group was very effective with the boulevard, but they went through the proper channels.

  23. #2023

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    I'm still going to LMFAO if real architectural renderings are released with specs that are different than this conceptual drawing and the new rendering appeases everyone. All this argument for nothing!

  24. #2024

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    ^ Time to break out the ignore button. (Three posts up)

  25. #2025

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    I realize you are old and haven't experienced a renaissance like OKC is going through now. But things are VERY different over the last 5 years then ever before here, so your old ideologies of just accepting whatever is thrown on your plate just because it meets your daily nutritional requirements are an old school of thought around these parts brother.
    Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    Even more to the point, those who ignore history quite frequently make even worse mistakes than did their predecessors.

    Oklahoma City experienced possibly the greatest boom ever to happen on this continent, on April 22, 1889, when its population soared from a few hundred to more than 10,000 in a single day. We're not likely to ever repeat that, nor is any other locality either. It was a unique situation.

    But over the next three decades or so, we made the transformation from a temporary tent settlement to a true city (for that time) -- and it was almost entirely due to the efforts of a few "insiders" who sought primarily to boost their own fortunes, but who realized that the quickest way to do so was to press for improvements to the city. A rising tide lifts all boats. Their names are today memorialized on a number of streets: Classen, Shartel, Couch are among the most well known.

    Around 1903 or so a young wheeler-dealer came to town from the gold fields of Cripple Creek, Colorado, to lead the newly formed Chamber of Commerce here. By the time of his death some eight decades later, he had become the leading power-behind-the-throne in the state. Not all of his ideas were great ones; the destruction of what had been a vibrant, urban downtown was directly due to his plan to make it better.

    The point is that dreaming bigger than OKC isn't always a good idea. In the late 1940s, when the First National and (then) Ramsey towers were our only skyscrapers (neither more than 32 floors), a visitor from New York City told my father that the OKC skyline was more impressive than that of Manhattan. It doesn't take simple height to make an impression. It does take balance, and something to distinguish a view from all of its competition.

    We have a long way to go to get back to what we had in 1945 -- but we ARE on the way. I never expected to see any recovery in my lifetime, so I'm glad to see that things are improving. Let's not repeat the tragic errors of the 70s in our haste for instant perfection!

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