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Thread: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

  1. #1

    Default SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Suspect Killed After Attempted Home Invasion In Deep Deuce - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

    Well then. Definitely makes me feel better to know a cop lives right down the street.

  2. #2

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cub17 View Post
    Suspect Killed After Attempted Home Invasion In Deep Deuce - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

    Well then. Definitely makes me feel better to know a cop lives right down the street.
    Right down the street from me. Something tells me there's more to this story, this isn't really a "random home invasion" neighborhood.

    Also, you'd probably be surprised how many law enforcement live in the neighborhood.

  3. #3

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    Right down the street from me. Something tells me there's more to this story, this isn't really a "random home invasion" neighborhood.

    Also, you'd probably be surprised how many law enforcement live in the neighborhood.
    I'd like to think so too since I also live here. Definitely glad I have a somewhat secure garage to park in - not that those can't be broken into.

  4. #4

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    Right down the street from me. Something tells me there's more to this story, this isn't really a "random home invasion" neighborhood.

    Also, you'd probably be surprised how many law enforcement live in the neighborhood.
    Seeing the news, it looks fairly straightforward. I'll retract my statement.

  5. #5

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Dead offenders can never be repeat offenders........

  6. #6

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Shouldn't he have just gone out on the balcony with a 12 gauge shot gun and fired off a couple of blasts? Then whoever is coming in is not going to.

  7. #7

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Don't cut on superman's cape
    Don't spit into the wind
    Don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
    And cop's garages ya don't break in

  8. #8

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Shouldn't he have just gone out on the balcony with a 12 gauge shot gun and fired off a couple of blasts? Then whoever is coming in is not going to.
    Warning shots are fired in movies and on TV, but not IRW by people who know. You fire at the threat with intent to kill, not to warn, not to wound. Period.

  9. #9

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Shouldn't he have just gone out on the balcony with a 12 gauge shot gun and fired off a couple of blasts? Then whoever is coming in is not going to.
    The Biden way.

  10. #10

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Did the person gain entry or was he still outside the house attempting to break in? Shot from inside the house?

  11. #11

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    "According to police reports of the incident, the officer fired a warning shot . . . into the center of the burglar's chest. It wasn't a warning shot for the perpetrator of the crime in question but to those who might be considering copycat crimes."

  12. #12

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Did the person gain entry or was he still outside the house attempting to break in? Shot from inside the house?
    From what I saw on the news, the altercation started in the officer'a attached garage and the shooting occurred inside the apartment.

  13. #13

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by tomokc View Post
    Warning shots are fired in movies and on TV, but not IRW by people who know. You fire at the threat with intent to kill, not to warn, not to wound. Period.
    You must have missed Joe Biden's advice.

  14. #14

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    You must have missed Joe Biden's advice.
    Perhaps you missed Post #9? =)
    I'll sure miss Joe Biden when he's gone . . .
    (the DP surely wouldn't consider nominating him for President . . . yet stranger things have happened)

  15. #15

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    I've heard through the grapevine that the suspect in this case may have also been involved in an attempted kidnapping/robbery at Central Avenue Villas earlier yesterday morning. If so, good riddance.

  16. #16

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Perhaps you missed Post #9? =)
    I'll sure miss Joe Biden when he's gone . . .
    (the DP surely wouldn't consider nominating him for President . . . yet stranger things have happened)
    No I didn't. Can I not reply to the member that quoted me?

  17. #17

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Pellets and projectiles shot into the air will not dissolve. They do land somewhere. May not do major harm, but any harm done, you're responsible for it.

    It's really quite simple. If you fire a weapon, hit what you mean to hit. If you only intend to aim at the sky, load only blanks.

    Or better yet, leave real firearms to others and get yourself a somewhat noisy water pistol.

    Warning shots ... maybe for the nerf gun crowd, but they don't belong in real life situations.

  18. Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Did the person gain entry or was he still outside the house attempting to break in? Shot from inside the house?
    Once he breached the perimeter of the house (could include the garage depending on the way the condo is built) the intruder can be shot. If someone removes your screen off of the window they have breeched the perimeter of your house and are considered a threat.

  19. #19

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    When I took my cc class the attorney that spoke to the class also included that covered porches counted as part of your home. I had always thought they had to breech the home or garage before shooting....he challenged on it and stood by his statement. I never did check it out to see if that was the case.

  20. #20

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    I was less concerned with letter of the law than if a trained OHP had used deadly force as the first response to what was billed as an attempted breakin. It sounds like he may not have. As far as the law goes and what I remember from cc class, the primary fact has to be if you feared great bodily injury or death.

  21. #21

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    The scum place a trooper in fear of his/her life. No loss to society. We are better off the trooper dispatched the bum.

  22. #22

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    With respect, the news report I heard was the trooper and he who makes bad choices first met in the garage and then they were inside the home proper. At that time the trooper put an end to the chap's ability for making bad choices.

    If he didn't yell boo first, or encourage Mr. Bad Choices to rethink and reflect on what he was doing, or didn't offer him some form of small compensation if he'd just leave and not come back, well, I am ok with that. If you enter someone's home with bad intent, bad things are likely to happen. For some, merely trying to enter doesn't end well. Should of stayed home.
    Last edited by kevinpate; 12-28-2013 at 07:47 PM. Reason: typo. wow, there's a surprise.

  23. #23

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    And this months Darwin Award goes to....

  24. #24

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    With respect, the news report I heard was the trooper and he who makes bad choices first met in the garage and then they were inside the home proper. At that time the trooper put an end to the chap's ability for making bad choices.

    If he didn't yell boo first, or encourage Mr. Bad Choices to rethink and reflect on what he was doing, or didn't offer him some form of small compensation if he's just leave and not come back, well, I am ok with that. If you enter someone's home with bad intent, bad things are likely to happen. For some, merely trying to enter doesn't end well. Should of stayed home.
    Similar to what I heard, the perp pulled a gun on the trooper in the garage as the trooper arrived home, in effect "forcing" him inside the house in order to rob him. While inside the house the trooper was then able to retrieve his weapon and shot him.

  25. #25

    Default Re: SIAP: Off-duty OHP trooper kills would-be burglar in Deep Deuce

    Hopefully this is just a one-off incident. Last thing we need is for crime to pick up in downtown.

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