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Thread: Wizard of Oz - 3D

  1. #1

    Default Wizard of Oz - 3D

    Due to travel plans we opened Christmas gifts a day early this year. One of mine was the classic Wizard of Oz remade in 3D. I wasn't sure what to expect, and honestly, my expectations were really low as to the quality. However, it has blown me away. I don't know how they did it but the 3D is spectacular and looks like the movie was made in 3D from the beginning. Even the painted images on the backgrounds received the 3D treatment. The family farm looks like it is a real farm on the Kansas plains, and Munchicanland - forget about it; it is off the chart cool in 3D.

    If someone is looking for a very last minute Christmas gift or if you receive a BestBuy gift card for Christmas I suggest you add this to your list. Note, I got the $20 3D version and not the $75 anniversary collector edition (doubt the picture would be any better though).

    I got a few other older movies that were remade into 3D as well. If they turn out half as good as this I hit the jackpot this Christmas.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    Can you see the munchkin committing suicide any clearer? J/K

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    I have heard this before and I used to have an old VHS version of the movie. In that version it was clearly the bird identified above as being photshopped in; so unless they worked their photoshop magic in the years before photoshop it always was a bird.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    hmmm... i'll bet dark side of the moon + wizard of oz 3d = extra trippy. -M

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    hmmm... i'll bet dark side of the moon + wizard of oz 3d = extra trippy. -M
    Add to that some mary jane ana and a bag of doritos=extra extra trippy.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    Hand me that box of Screaming Yellow Zonkers . . .
    (the munchkin felt guilty about helping plot the attack on the twin towers by underdesigning the trusses in terms of resistance to the heat from the fuel of intentionally crashed airliners. even Snopes is silent on this.)

    Edited to Add (an extra stupid, out of the technoloop question):
    Do you need a special TV to watch 3-D movies in 3-D?
    I've always liked The Wizard of OZ and your review of this version of it sounds really interesting.

  7. Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    hmmm... i'll bet dark side of the moon + wizard of oz 3d = extra trippy. -M
    That was my first thought too lol.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Wizard of Oz - 3D

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    hmmm... i'll bet dark side of the moon + wizard of oz 3d = extra trippy. -M
    I'll let you know lol

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