I understand the concept of vacated space creating more opportunities for other companies to join the downtown party. This concept would hold true regardless of where the newly constructed space was created though. Saying that, I've backed away from my stance on saving the stage center for this development based on the knowledge you just delivered, for now. Still seems like there is a lot left to be determined, and ill wait.
Just realized that Praedura hasn't made a post in a while. I sure hope he's okay. Last post was 12-12. His posts give me a smile in this thread.
Zero property taxes for decades because the property has been owned by a non-profit.
The tax rate is $155 per $1,000 of property value, so assuming approx. $100 million improved value, that would yield about $1 million a year.
Also, the City will collect sales tax on the various items purchased for the tower, and that represents a pretty good amount as well.
And then, there is continuing sales tax from the restaurants and other services in the project.
I really hope they incorporate LED lighting to compliment Devon, the Crystal Bridge and Skydance Bridge.
I like how all three are bathed in Thunder blue on game days and I know there is coordination / synching functionality between the Myriad Gardens and Devon. Need to make sure that any new buildings have the same features.
Funny how this has come full circle (from 7/30/84):
The New OG&E 16-story Headquarters
Can't get too excited about this. This new tower belongs on NW Expressway, not in the middle of the CBD downtown. What an opportunity wasted for such an important piece of property.
And mark my word. Nothing is ever completed as promised. Plans are always cut down. We'll end up with an 8-10 story building downtown and the residential/hotel will be cut from the plans. Just keeping it real.
I think jccouger has a point.
I think the this new tower would have had to be some type of award winning design for me not to be disappointed by it. O well I guess the Stage Center will soon be added to the building that shouldn't have been demolished along with The Biltmore and The Criterion. O well at least it's not a parking lot.![]()
Yeah I also tend to agree this project is way below expectations. The more I think about it, the more I am growing cold to it. Its unreal that we waited two years and are demolishing the most unique landmark in the city for a 14 story tower. A lot of people are excited about the possibility of a Target on its first floor, but I would MUCH rather a Midtown Grocery in Midtown. I personally like the tower, don't get me wrong, but I am not sure its worth losing the Stage Center for. It's also rather embarrassing that we've had hundreds of pages of speculation and hype to only end up with a 14 story tower, not much different than the Valiance Bank tower. How about building this as an anchor in the SoSA district which is currently extremely dilapidated and also the missing piece of the puzzle that will tie downtown in with Midtown?
Yes, this site repurposed, plus new bodies going into the present OGE space, is a considerable improvement over DT as it sits today. It fits well with the other changes in the area, and compared to a closed, decaying building ... not even questionable. Even the non-profit that is no longer saddled with a structure too expensive to repair, and dang expensive to let sit and rot, is far better off for having sold the property.
And for comparing to FNB, oh, puhlease, not even an apples and onions comparison. FNB may be a somewhat browned apple that folks keep reaching past for something else, but let's be real. The SC building may have once been all moma nd apple pie, but it's now not merely far far beyond edible, it is out back, at the dumpsters. Even flies were already saying hey, let's go hang out at some long unserviced portapotty rather then hang around the corpse like structure that SC became.
I couldn't agree more, this whole thing is turning out to be a joke. I mean 14 stories????? Really. . . . don't even know why I liked it at all. At least 30 stories would've been alright, but this thing sucks.
Again, I would prefer keeping the Stage Center over this. A portion of the money being spent on this could be spent on saving the Stage Center and this thing could go in some underdeveloped lot in Bricktown, Midtown, Film Row, etc. Not in the CBD or C2S
There is as much comparison between stage center and fnc as there is a new 50 story devolpment comparable to devon and the building proposed for stage center. Scales, dude. And plus, I was just using just because something is better than something, it doesn't mean you should have to lose the lesser.
I get what you were trying to say, but no way. Scale or no scale, there is no comparison. No clear thinking person would ever suggest any development, no matter how big or expensive, would be an adequate replacement for FNC. There is no adequate replacement for first national. The stage center on the other hand...
People, calm down, we really need to wait until final designs are complete. I have seen some quality 15-20 story office projects. It's all about the design and programming of the office tower and site. Its about quality not quantity. If this project ends up being a 16 and 12 story LEED certified Silver, Gold, or Platinum high rises, I say its a win.
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