Likely because this state is religiously conservative. Have this argument in New York or Europe and the "popularity" will reverse. Arguing that an idea is correct because it's popular is foolish, a great many ideas weren't popular at first but proven correct eventually. People hold on to bad ideas long after they've outlived their usefulness.
So you're saying you'd go to OKC Talk and ask honest questions for spiritual or philosophical advice, medical advice, legal advice and / or financial advice? I'd say a genuinely interested person in answers about any of those topic should find their way to a book store or professional.
I'm no victim, by the way. Just not interested in jumping into an argument that is clearly unwinnable (from either side).
It's sad how so many haters can't resist the chance to mock those they don't agree with. Always obstreperous, aggressive and closed-minded.
To believe in something you can't see, smell, touch, hear, or taste in my opinion requires the most open mind of all. Prove it - they say. We can't prove it, that is why it is called faith. Funny how those who preach open-mindedness have no actual interest in doing it themselves.
We can't measure speed without comparing it to something at a different speed, but that doesn't mean we aren't moving (at least according to Einstein's 1st postulate). In other words, we can't prove God exists while being in a world where God exists.
And with those comments in mind, I will bow back out of the unwinnable debate.
[QUOTE=Chadanth;721168]Likely because this state is religiously conservative. Have this argument in New York or Europe and the "popularity" will reverse. Arguing that an idea is correct because it's popular is foolish, a great many ideas weren't popular at first but proven correct eventually. People hold on to bad ideas long after they've outlived their usefulness
Wrong answer! Christians and Muslims both believe in a creator " God" so I'm pretty sure the science community is the small minority.
I think its wrong to say that you must be either a faith believer OR a science guy. Sure, there are those who are one OR the other, but I'll bet that there are boat loads of those who have a faith in a creator and believe that science is a worthwhile pursuit. The scientific method is always a good method to use in many pursuits, in fact.
[QUOTE=Garin;721229]Again, incorrect.
Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
Why doesn't America believe in evolution? - life - 20 August 2006 - New Scientist
I can find dozens more, though it's a waste of time. I also didn't mention Muslims, not that you would probably consider them progressive or anything; I cited Europe and New York (just as an example of a state that isn't in the bottom 5 in education). Again. the US is pretty far behind in this, compared to Europe and Japan. And we wonder why we're lagging in science and research... I'm sure it has nothing to do with backwards attitudes toward science being pushed here.
That's the thing I find most interesting. I had a Catholic education from pre-school through 12th grade. Science class taught evolution. We then had religion/theology class for creationism among other topics. There definitely wasn't this significant divide or push to have one taught over the other. My biology teacher freshman year was even a devout Jesuit priest for decades and never uttered creationism once.
People always claim private education is better than a public school. In my experience, the private experience was void of all this BS you see being forced into public education. It is sad when schools ran by the diocese and Jesuits understand the importance of not trying to trump one over the other, but elected nutjobs feel a non-religious institution must include religious-based teaching.
I'm a firm believer you can have both. I have faith there's something out there that's greater than us but I don't believe it's one all powerful being that tossed down 10 rules for us to follow and flooded the earth. I think a lot of early religion was started to keep the uneducated masses in line. If you think about it God's got a great gig going on. If things are good it's God's blessing and if bad things happen it's God's Will. Why are there all these million dollar churches when Jesus preached against that kind of wealth? oh yeah, God's Will they have a multi million dollar church and salary for the preacher. I also see a lot of people using the Bible as set in stone on issues like being gay but ignore all the other parts they don't want to bring up because it goes against what they are doing.
I'll keep my faith but I choose to put most of it into science.
The answer to that is no then. He did create the universe and everything and set it in motion, but men (and probably a woman or two) built the town where they did. Some days are nice and some days aren't. I often hear false teachers say "Group X is being punished for reason Y". We know that doesn't happen because that would require God to judge people, and we know there is only going to be one judgment and it hasn't happened yet.
God promised a safe landing, not a smooth ride. Of course, if you live life the way you are instructed it can definitely be a pleasant ride. Likewise, you can have a pleasurable life not living the way God instructed, but that landing is going to be a doozy.
Apparently, you've lost the bubble on what I'm talking about. Here's a recapitulation.
That last one wasn't directed at you, but you must have felt it was because you responded with:
That's what I was talking about.
Of course, you're allowed to ask questions. Ask all you want. My response is that you're going to the wrong source if you genuinely want an answer that you can trust.
My response remains the same:
When science can create life from thin air or even a blade of grass for that matter the idea of a God and creation is going to be my personal belief. And that shouldn't offend anyone its my belief.
Other than what you read as text from The Bible, did you see God create man from the dirt of the earth? Did you see him take a man's rib and create a woman from that? At this rate, I may as well believe in Ancient Astronaut theory--aliens adding their genes into our DNA to create a more intelligent species. Also, science has created life....years ago. I don't doubt that man can clone man right now. We just don't because of the religious issues.
What would be the response if the creator was just another species from a distant galaxy or something?
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