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Thread: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

  1. #26

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Some never learn, especially after getting one hell of a break.

  2. Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    He didn't make it to his 5-month point. Wonder if that means he will get revoked?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Waiting for the "he just grew up in a bad enviorment excuse" in...

  4. #29

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    He didn't make it to his 5-month point. Wonder if that means he will get revoked?
    He's already being held in jail pending a hearing on October 23rd before Judge Kirby. Robert Johnson appears to be representing him. I wouldn't trade places with the kid, I'll tell ya that.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    On Sept. 12, police were called to the 3500 block of S Pennsylvania Avenue where Ingram's mother said he had gotten into a fight with his brother over girls. Ingram then stomped out the back and front windshields of her car and stomped on the roof and hood.

    Ingram could face up to life in prison for a probation violation, said Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater. Prater said he will ask a judge to order Ingram to go to an adult prison.

    Read more: Pharmacy store robber is arrested again in Oklahoma City | NewsOK.com

  6. #31

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Ersland is fully to blame...for not getting both of the punks. Seriously.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    You know what? Rather than rehash this whole debate, search for related threads and see if what you want to say has already been said. If you find that you were more clever than all the rest, by all means, then, post what you want to say. Otherwise, enjoy reading it all again.

  8. Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Interesting diference in the quote you posted and the one now on NewsOK. It now reads, "Prater said he may ask a judge to order Ingram to go to an adult prison."

  9. #34

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Can't believe he thinks Ersland should have received a harsher penalty and that his three years was too severe!
    I seriously cant believe the arrogance of these people. And i mean those people.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Quote Originally Posted by Jzcakeok View Post
    I seriously cant believe the arrogance of these people. And i mean those people.
    Which people are 'those people'?

  11. #36

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Convicted Teen Robber Jevontai Ingram may Move to Adult Facility

    OKLAHOMA CITY -- The teenage robber who pointed a gun at Jerome Ersland could soon be going to jail for the crime. Ersland, a pharmacist, fatally shot Antwun Parker during that failed robbery of Reliable Pharmacy. The first robber, Jevontai Ingram fled the scene and was later arrested.

    Prosecutors originally agreed to a deal that allowed Ingram to be tried as a juvenile and after he served a short time in a juvenile facility and was then released. He had been living with an aunt in Dallas, Texas, but prosecutors said he has not kept in touch with juvenile authorities in Oklahoma.

    Ingram failed to appear at a court hearing that was a review of his juvenile conviction. Prosecutors are now working to bridge him into the adult system.

    The move would mean Ingram could potentially face life in prison for his role in the robbery that left his friend dead.

    Ingram pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit a robbery with a firearm in January of 2010. He was a key witness in the murder trials of Emanuel Mitchell and Anthony Morrison, the two men prosecutors say planned the robbery and provided the gun Ingram used.

    Moving Ingram to the adult system will require a hearing before an Oklahoma County judge. If the judge approves the move he will determine the sentence.

    Police arrested Ingram last year after his mother told investigators he damaged her car. That case was eventually dropped.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Thanks for posting the information but do you have a source for the story? It appears to be a cut and paste and most posters give credit to their source in some way when they do that.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Apparently, he's not fixable if he's that stupid. His younger age was a get out of jail free card and he blew it.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    News OK has a story about it. Judge orders arrest of convicted murderer in Jerome Ersland case | News OK

    His attorney is saying that Ingram didn't know it was a hearing he needed to show up to.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Sounds like the best place for this guy is the pokey....

  16. Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    The media always plays up the worst case scenario even when they know good-and-well it will never happen. Hundreds of warrants are issued every day in state and city court. He'll make his claim that he was unaware and assumed whomever his 'handler' is right now would tell him, blah, blah, blah...... He'll get a tongue lashing and probably sent on his way, maybe a few days in jail but nothing like this life sentence they keep talking about.

    I'm still always shocked they the state plays up the 'If you're a felon and pack'n you're going back-in.' Can't tell you the number of times previously convicted felons caught with guns get nothing but probation.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

  18. #43

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Gotta love the comments at DOK. Thus far, not one word that this person was anything other than the victim of a shooting the other night and the commenting folk by and large want to lock him up and throw away the key.

    Perhaps an investigation will reveal he started something. Perhaps not. Might be nice to know before a cell door gets slammed shut.

    On edit: just to clarify, I have no issue at all that he was booked back into jail on failure to pay fines and costs, apparently from the pharmacy based case. He and his attorney can work out a new payment plan or he can do some time for squandering the opportunity to live in society and make the payments.

    Some folk struggle hard to do the best they can with fines and costs, and some folk, well, they just get all stupid about it. Not going to guess at which one this chap might be.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Some folk struggle hard to do the best they can with fines and costs, and some folk, well, they just get all stupid about it. Not going to guess at which one this chap might be.
    It is certainly one of those rare situations where 'tis better to ask for permission than forgiveness.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    He was arrested in the hospital after being shot in the head.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Rough day.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Sometimes bad things happen to bad people.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Hopefully some other banger will exterminate this subhuman POS so the taxpayers are not burdened with his incarceration.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Waiting for the "cycle of poverty" excuse in........3,2,1.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Oklahoma City teen who robbed Jerome Ersland's pharmacy is no longer in custody

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Waiting for the "cycle of poverty" excuse in........3,2,1.
    Are you still waiting? LOL

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