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Thread: OG&E Tower

  1. #1426

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Again, picture a building about the size of the Continental building if not a little taller if that helps. The Continental building is 262 feet at 19 stories which is 13.75 feet per floor. The Devon tower is 850 feet with 50 floors for 17 feet per floor. If we were to take Devon's height per floor and times it by 15, we would be right around the Continental building height.

  2. #1427

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    So basically this will kind of replace the hole that demolishing the biltmore left on the skyline (a block further west of course). Obviously not as cool in design but similar in height.

  3. Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Thanks, KayneMo!

  4. Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Wonder what these guys will have to say.

    New 15 floor building for downtown.... OKC

  5. #1430

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    The Stage Center Tower will be approximately 235 feet wide (or long -- fronting Hudson), 119 feet across at it's maximum (smaller at the ends due to the curvature).

    The three faces on the Devon Tower are approximately 155 feet wide on the bottom half and 125 feet wide at the highest point.

    Rough math would place Floors 5-15 (as shown on the cross section in the article above) at 235,000sq raw feet.

    The 4th floor conference center is 190 ft x 80ft. A raw 15,200 square feet.

    Offices on the 2nd and 3rd floor would be 55,930 raw square feet. Retail space on Floor 1 would be roughly 20,000 square feet.

    (Just my math and using site lines and meaurement from Google Earth.)

    Purple is the tower footprint (without curves) and the green is the conference room footprint.

  6. #1431

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    I see the daycare on Ground Level on the SW corner of the lot, but is there going to be any street-level space for shops on the west end where the garage is or just garage space?

    And what's the "Down" arrow going to on the Ground level? There is no correlating "Up" that I can see.

  7. #1432

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid Burgess View Post
    Guys, Denver in chocked full of beauitful mid-rise buildings. In fact, it is mostly mid-rise stock. Most buildings, nearly all in fact, have great street interaction.

    I measure success on the building's street interaction first. Height is way down on my list. We don't need to look like Dubai with a handful of really tall buildings all sitting by themselves on every block. I like this approach. Obviously, I wish the parking went bellow ground but that's just not going to happen until the city starts building a fund for that purpose. So I'm not going to worry as much about that. The green roof is lovely. I hope more people try that in future developments.
    I wholeheartedly agree.

  8. #1433

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Looks like part of the 2nd building will front Walker along with the daycare.

    The rest will be garage and the related entrances and exits -- only way to get in and out:

  9. #1435

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    So what's the down arrow south of the Daycare going to?

  10. #1436

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Wow, they just filed their application for the Downtown Design Review committee.

    No details yet, but I suppose this is a combo demo/develop application.

  11. #1437
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    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    I was JUST about to ask if that happened, since the news9 article states: "Kestrel says by 4 p.m. Tuesday, it will file for a demolition permit from the Downtown Design Review Committee."

  12. #1438

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    So what's the down arrow south of the Daycare going to?
    Under ground access. This has 2 levels of parking under the building, 4 levels above ground level.

  13. #1439

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Under ground access. This has 2 levels of parking under the building, 4 levels above ground level.
    So how do they get out? is it connected to the garage on the North side?

    Is the footprint of the below ground floors bigger than the 4 floors above ground?

  14. #1440

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Perhaps a delivery/service ramp to a below grade dock.

  15. #1441

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Kinda wish this was a little boxy don't like the curved sides. O well it only makes since that somethinglike this would replace the stage center. Hopefully they don't run out of money and tear down the stage center for no reason.

  16. #1442

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Am I on ignore for you all?
    I certainly saw your post but you didn't give a link to the complete blog post by Steve.

  17. #1443

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocaine View Post
    Kinda wish this was a little boxy don't like the curved sides. O well it only makes since that something like this would replace the stage center. Hopefully they don't run out of money and tear down the stage center for no reason.
    I am impressed overall but surprised about height reductions, but definitely a net win for OKC. I too which it had hard lines facing the park versus the modern curvature.

  18. #1444

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    I was JUST about to ask if that happened, since the news9 article states: "Kestrel says by 4 p.m. Tuesday, it will file for a demolition permit from the Downtown Design Review Committee."
    So they're not going to break ground until 2015? What's the hurry with demo-ing the Stage Center? What if plans fall through? We trade an icon for surface parking?

  19. #1445

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I certainly saw your post but you didn't give a link to the complete blog post by Steve.
    Gotcha. Thanks for providing that. Carry on...

  20. #1446

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    So they're not going to break ground until 2015? What's the hurry with demo-ing the Stage Center? What if plans fall through? We trade an icon for surface parking?
    Good point, but really don't think this property could possibly be surface parking for very long if the development falls through. This particular site is too valuable.

  21. #1447

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    It is a bit strange why they want to scrape the site so soon.

    It's not like there will need to be soil remediation or anything of the sort.

    Demo would probably only take a couple of weeks.

  22. #1448

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    On second thought...

    Maybe they are anticipating a long battle with preservationists and want to get the process started ASAP.

  23. #1449

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    Maybe they think the longer it sits there the higher the chances of somebody building up some support to try and save it. Just take it out now so it doesn't become an issue.

  24. #1450

    Default Re: Stage Center Tower

    It took quite a while for SandRidge to get the approval they sought for the buildings they demolished and this structure has some international supporters.

    I bet they just want to get going in case it's a long fight.

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