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Thread: Irresponsible Postings

  1. Default Irresponsible Postings

    I have noticed over the past six months that there has been a lot of gunfire on this forum, and I have to say I don't care for it a bit. I don't come on as much as I used to, not because of the recent activity, but becuase I have been busy preparing my projects for publishing.

    There are a few members on here that get testy. They test the TOS, they test the moderators to see how far things can get pushed. People, that is childish. Very childish. And it earns you absolutely no respect whatsoever. This kind of behavior is not constructive, nor is it responsible. It also illustrates how self-serving many people have become.

    Participating in an online forum is not a game. This isn't Big Brother. Free speech never meant that you can taunt people within reasonable guidelines just because you know you can get away with it. The very foundation of free speech was to stand for something sacred and meaningful without the ironfist of a tyrant, not to test the gift of free speech just because you felt like making some statement without the regards of someone else's feelings.

    I don't take any value in anyone that irresponsibly tries to prove a point or corner someone just to prove you're right.

    I've been to moderator meetings where Todd has wondered how to pay the bills. Other forums are funded by someone with deep pockets that can afford to so. Todd is a family man who works hard to make ends meet. Start your own forum if you wish. But as the traffic begins to build, so does the expense. He saw that no one was happy with the Premium Membership system, so he did away with it, yet you folks still accuse him of bumming money.

    Be an adult. Be constructive. OKCTalk is here for a purpose. Use it wisely. Use it to help continue the rebirth of this city. If you want to get into a personal showdown with someone which you obviously draw entertainment from, take your case elsewhere. We don't have time to play games. I don't have time to play games. Get serious about this or get lost.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  2. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    I have noticed over the past six months that there has been a lot of gunfire on this forum, and I have to say I don't care for it a bit.

    Free speech never meant that you can taunt people within reasonable guidelines just because you know you can get away with it. The very foundation of free speech was to stand for something sacred and meaningful without the ironfist of a tyrant, not to test the gift of free speech just because you felt like making some statement without the regards of someone else's feelings.

    I don't take any value in anyone that irresponsibly tries to prove a point or corner someone just to prove you're right.

    So very, very true. And yes, I'm cheerleading, and I know that's against the rules. But this is a really important statement and I thought I should bump it up.
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Man, pulse, where do you come up with these posts? Good stuff indeed.

  4. #4
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    I have noticed over the past six months that there has been a lot of gunfire on this forum, and I have to say I don't care for it a bit. I don't come on as much as I used to, not because of the recent activity, but becuase I have been busy preparing my projects for publishing.

    There are a few members on here that get testy. They test the TOS, they test the moderators to see how far things can get pushed. People, that is childish. Very childish. And it earns you absolutely no respect whatsoever. This kind of behavior is not constructive, nor is it responsible. It also illustrates how self-serving many people have become.

    Participating in an online forum is not a game. This isn't Big Brother. Free speech never meant that you can taunt people within reasonable guidelines just because you know you can get away with it. The very foundation of free speech was to stand for something sacred and meaningful without the ironfist of a tyrant, not to test the gift of free speech just because you felt like making some statement without the regards of someone else's feelings.

    I don't take any value in anyone that irresponsibly tries to prove a point or corner someone just to prove you're right.

    I've been to moderator meetings where Todd has wondered how to pay the bills. Other forums are funded by someone with deep pockets that can afford to so. Todd is a family man who works hard to make ends meet. Start your own forum if you wish. But as the traffic begins to build, so does the expense. He saw that no one was happy with the Premium Membership system, so he did away with it, yet you folks still accuse him of bumming money.

    Be an adult. Be constructive. OKCTalk is here for a purpose. Use it wisely. Use it to help continue the rebirth of this city. If you want to get into a personal showdown with someone which you obviously draw entertainment from, take your case elsewhere. We don't have time to play games. I don't have time to play games. Get serious about this or get lost.
    I couldn't agree more. Preach it brother!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    I have noticed over the past six months that there has been a lot of gunfire on this forum, and I have to say I don't care for it a bit. I don't come on as much as I used to, not because of the recent activity, but becuase I have been busy preparing my projects for publishing.

    There are a few members on here that get testy. They test the TOS, they test the moderators to see how far things can get pushed. People, that is childish. Very childish. And it earns you absolutely no respect whatsoever. This kind of behavior is not constructive, nor is it responsible. It also illustrates how self-serving many people have become.

    Participating in an online forum is not a game. This isn't Big Brother. Free speech never meant that you can taunt people within reasonable guidelines just because you know you can get away with it. The very foundation of free speech was to stand for something sacred and meaningful without the ironfist of a tyrant, not to test the gift of free speech just because you felt like making some statement without the regards of someone else's feelings.

    I don't take any value in anyone that irresponsibly tries to prove a point or corner someone just to prove you're right.

    I've been to moderator meetings where Todd has wondered how to pay the bills. Other forums are funded by someone with deep pockets that can afford to so. Todd is a family man who works hard to make ends meet. Start your own forum if you wish. But as the traffic begins to build, so does the expense. He saw that no one was happy with the Premium Membership system, so he did away with it, yet you folks still accuse him of bumming money.

    Be an adult. Be constructive. OKCTalk is here for a purpose. Use it wisely. Use it to help continue the rebirth of this city. If you want to get into a personal showdown with someone which you obviously draw entertainment from, take your case elsewhere. We don't have time to play games. I don't have time to play games. Get serious about this or get lost.
    That's terrific. You admit to not coming around here and participating, then you turn around and blast the people who do.

    I hate to break it to you, but a forum is not defined by its moderators or its administration. A forum is not defined by its mission statement or terms of service. A forum is defined by its members who actually post. If moderators stand back and refuse to have an opinion, you are yielding the floor to people who will.

    So there are a few of us who enjoy a heated debate. So what? So long as it's within the rules of the forum, we're entitled to that. It's why the forum is here is it not? There is a nosebleed forum, and most of that activity has been confined therein.

    When you're harping on the 'few members,' you're harping on most of the activity that this place sees. Are these people negative about topics pertinent to the city? Not as far as I have seen. I think you're reading select posts and making general conclusions from them. Have there been some angry sounding posts from certain people among us? Yep. Are we all angry people intent on destroying this board? Nope.

  6. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Good post, Pulse....it's all true.


  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post
    Good post, Pulse....it's all true.

    Thanks, pulse......very well said, and said in a professional manner. I believe that the majority agrees with you.

    As moderators, we have the right to our own opinion also, however, we also have to remain as neutral as possible. Some have told us that we should give our opinions no matter what.....but when we do that, and someone disagrees with us, then they question our moderator status.

    Patrick and I have already made it a rule that we would not be involved in heated debates on controversial issues. We still moderate the nosebleed section, but you will never see one of us getting involved in a debate.

    You may agree or disagree with that, but we feel it is safer to do it that way. We will still give our opinions on other threads, but they will be non-controversial topics.

    As you can see, pulse, the majority agrees with your post. Way to go.

  8. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    While I do agree with parts of pulse's overall idea, I do have to disagree with this:

    Next time, instead of simply chiding those members who have taken advantage of this site and what it has to offer, DO something about it. Come back more often, and step in as a moderator should when things get too nasty. Some people need more than a slap on the wrist, which is all this is.

    I understand why the moderators on this site choose to stay impartial on some subjects, and I understand the reasons for the nosebleed section. However, I would have to say that lately a few threads have gotten out of hand. Despite the actions of some members who tried to keep these threads on topic, they were turned into outright battles, and I personally think that a mod should have stepped in at that point. There is a difference between debate and flat-out abuse, and I think that line was crossed more than once.

    Like I said, don't just talk about it, DO something about it.
    Still corrupting young minds

  9. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    I would have to agree too, I layed back on posting on here or getting into any of the discussions after whatching how harsh or hard one's replys was. It was this way before, its at the point I was very serious about pulling my account and removeing myself from okctalk permantly and not coming back. I came here around 2 years ago after searching for a chat room or some sort to get involved in when I had my break down and suffered from depression. This has or was a good place to come to talk and chat about anything but as of lately you have to watch what you say or start in a post or you will get attacked. I know if it keeps up or doesn't get better I will pull my name and leave, and just sit at my computer and do nothing. The whole thing about being here was to make friends, share some gossip and have fun.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    I understand why the moderators on this site choose to stay impartial on some subjects, and I understand the reasons for the nosebleed section. However, I would have to say that lately a few threads have gotten out of hand. Despite the actions of some members who tried to keep these threads on topic, they were turned into outright battles, and I personally think that a mod should have stepped in at that point. There is a difference between debate and flat-out abuse, and I think that line was crossed more than once.
    Absolutely bandnerd...The "Best Burger in OKC" thread got way too personal

  11. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    One could also say you could learn valuable life lessons in a mass argument type-setting like this. Never too late for an old dog to learn no tricks.

    Gotta stand up for your belief.

  12. #12
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    While I do agree with parts of pulse's overall idea, I do have to disagree with this:

    Next time, instead of simply chiding those members who have taken advantage of this site and what it has to offer, DO something about it. Come back more often, and step in as a moderator should when things get too nasty. Some people need more than a slap on the wrist, which is all this is.

    I understand why the moderators on this site choose to stay impartial on some subjects, and I understand the reasons for the nosebleed section. However, I would have to say that lately a few threads have gotten out of hand. Despite the actions of some members who tried to keep these threads on topic, they were turned into outright battles, and I personally think that a mod should have stepped in at that point. There is a difference between debate and flat-out abuse, and I think that line was crossed more than once.

    Like I said, don't just talk about it, DO something about it.
    Basically, the nosebleed section was created for heated debates and controversial subjects. Since I am so adament on some of these controversial subjects, then I leave the moderating of the nosebleed section to Todd and Patrick. If I see something questionable, I will PM or e-mail them with the questionable post (s), and they make the decision, although Todd makes the final decision.

    Most of the time Todd agrees with us, however, sometimes he doesn't. In the nosebleed section, as long as there is nothing illegal discussed and no threat of physical violance to anyone, then most anything can be discussed or debated.

    If there is a thread on another forum that turns in to a controversial debate, then we automatically move it to the nosebleed section. That's why we warn people about the nosebleed section. It is full of controversy and debates, so if members can't handle that type of discussion, then they need to stay away from it.

    All in all, Todd makes the final decision on any complaints from the nosebleed section.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    One could also say you could learn valuable life lessons in a mass argument type-setting like this. Never too late for an old dog to learn no tricks.

    Gotta stand up for your belief.
    When it comes to a contraversial subject, if you are not able to defend your beliefs, then you don't really understand your beliefs. Such debates force you to learn and investigate. They force you to go out and fill in the holes in your belief system. They're generally healthy.

    You don't have to get involved. You don't have to post there. There's nothing saying you have to click on that darned "Best Burger in OKC" thread.

    -- some folks take their burger choices very personally.

  14. #14
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    We as mods also walk a tough line between overmoderating and undermoderating. It's tough to know where to draw the line sometimes. Ultimately, it has to fall back on the TOS.

  15. #15
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Absolutely bandnerd...The "Best Burger in OKC" thread got way too personal
    Seriously, what thread are you referring to so I can look at it?

  16. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Absolutely bandnerd...The "Best Burger in OKC" thread got way too personal
    Thank you for making me actually laugh out loud.

    Spartan--have I not been standing up for my beliefs, and trying to hold my ground in a manner which most would probably call civilized and controlled?

    Keith--I understand fully what the nosebleed section is for, and I am also aware of how it is moderated. However, if someone had said hurtful things to you as they have been said to other members of this board, you may feel differently.

    Maybe I do take things too personally, so what? I am a human being, with feelings, and I do my best to be honest on this board with those feelings. Some seem to want to take advantage of that, but there's nothing I can do about that and I am well aware of that fact. I've dealt with people like this my whole life, so it isn't entirely surprising that they find their way to message boards like this. They can start stuff, I don't care. My track record speaks for itself.
    Still corrupting young minds

  17. #17
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Concerning the Nosebleed Section.....I think you take the risk of getting hurtful things said about you when you enter the forum. That's why only people with thick skin are encouraged to enter. We used to actually have a warning on there that advised that only people with thick skin should enter. I think it's gone MIA since the last software upgrade.

  18. #18
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    Keith--I understand fully what the nosebleed section is for, and I am also aware of how it is moderated. However, if someone had said hurtful things to you as they have been said to other members of this board, you may feel differently.
    Believe me, I have been there also...as a moderator I have been attacked, insulted, and told off, in the nosebleed section. Why didn't these members get in trouble? Because they were in the nosebleed section. I took some things personally, like you did. That's why I stay out of the nosebleed section. Heck, we have many other interesting forums on OKCTalk that are fun to post on, so that's where I go.

  19. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Bandnerd, I was referring to dirtrider's...you posted while I was thinking of something to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Seriously, what thread are you referring to so I can look at it?
    Yeah if it got personal, heck, gimme a link! lol

  20. #20
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith View Post
    Believe me, I have been there also...as a moderator I have been attacked, insulted, and told off, in the nosebleed section. Why didn't these members get in trouble? Because they were in the nosebleed section. I took some things personally, like you did. That's why I stay out of the nosebleed section. Heck, we have many other interesting forums on OKCTalk that are fun to post on, so that's where I go.
    What Keith is trying to say is that he has paper thin skin!

  21. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Ah yes, gee, I had forgotten about that

    Should I say it again? I know what the nosebleed forum is, I actively participate there, and most of the time it's not a problem for me as I know what I believe and stand for. However, the whole fun of having a good debate gets sucked out of it sometimes when people go overboard with the name-calling. It's different when you are simply reading and "moderating" and when someone is actually saying horrible things about you.

    You all keep telling me I'm a "valuable asset" to this board. I'm trying to be by giving my opinion here.

    And sorry, Spartan, my mistake. Hot threads move too fast sometimes.
    Still corrupting young minds

  22. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    Thank you for making me actually
    Maybe I do take things too personally, so what? I am a human being, with feelings, and I do my best to be honest on this board with those feelings.
    No you are a woman with no soul get it right.

    Guys I'm kidding...bandnerd is one soul sista...

  23. #23
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    No you are a woman with no soul get it right.

    Guys I'm kidding...bandnerd is one soul sista...
    I think this belongs in the Nosebleed Section.

  24. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    Heck yeah I've got soul. I've got rhythm, too! bwahahahaha
    Still corrupting young minds

  25. Default Re: Irresponsible Postings

    He's just reiterating something that was said days ago in the nosebleed, I was also called a "robot." Surprised you missed that one, it was a classic.
    Still corrupting young minds

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