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Thread: McDonald's

  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Large Chain McDonald's

    At one time I liked McDonald's. It was good cheap food. I was a fan
    of the Fish Filet sandwich. For the past 2 years it's been awful. I
    remember when they included it in the menu, 1965? It cost 25 cents.
    I loved them until recently. They aren't the same. It's blah. Is it
    because of the food police? I don't know.

    Today I had a Big Mac. Talk about lack luster. The fries were good as
    was the orange drink. But the sandwich? Blah. Very blah.

    From now on I'll only order from the $1 menu.

  2. #2
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Another gripe.

    Why does fast food need to be healthy? Seriously.

    If you don't want transfats or high caloric meals then don't go to
    a fast food restaurant.

    I don't care for the food police or the psuedo healthy screwballs in
    this world.

    The same goes for pizza, steak, BBQ, Mexican Roach Coaches.

    Leave us alone.

  3. #3

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    At one time I liked McDonald's. It was good cheap food. I was a fan
    of the Fish Filet sandwich. For the past 2 years it's been awful. I
    remember when they included it in the menu, 1965? It cost 25 cents.
    I loved them until recently. They aren't the same. It's blah. Is it
    because of the food police? I don't know.

    Today I had a Big Mac. Talk about lack luster. The fries were good as
    was the orange drink. But the sandwich? Blah. Very blah.

    From now on I'll only order from the $1 menu.
    The Big Mac tastes exactly the same now as is it did the first times I ever had one.

  4. #4

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    Another gripe.

    Why does fast food need to be healthy? Seriously.

    If you don't want transfats or high caloric meals then don't go to
    a fast food restaurant.

    I don't care for the food police or the psuedo healthy screwballs in
    this world.

    The same goes for pizza, steak, BBQ, Mexican Roach Coaches.

    Leave us alone.

    And if you want to add asbestos to your house be my guest.

    Of course we don't want to be concerned at all about those who want healthy fast food. They obviously aren't worthy.

  5. #5

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    I agree with ljbab728. The Big Mac and filet of fish are my two favorite things at McDonald's. They taste the same to me as they always have. Maybe your just burned out on McDonald's?

  6. Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    McRib is the only reason I go to McDonalds.

  7. #7

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Its hit and miss with Mcds sometimes its spot on and other times you cant even finish it

  8. #8

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    I ate at a McDonald's for the first time since they reintroduced their dollar menu. They've appended an "and more" as a sort of placating device that is little more than a bait and switch, in my opinion, especially when you study the menu and find that the items are in no particular order, strewn about with two dollar items rubbing shoulders with one-dollar items, with the distance between the item listing and the price being enough to allow an opportunity for confusion -- and an extra dollar in mcD's pocket -- if one doesn't mentally line up the corresponding sides correctly.

    Gone are the McDouble's at their value price; they are now 1.19. It's the same with fries. McChicken's remain at that price, and the only burgers are single patty things that do a poor credit.

    It's not really the same as when the double cheeseburger, now 1.49, left the dollar menu to be replaced with a similar version with one less slice of cheese. These sandwiches are simply not a good value.

  9. #9

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    Its hit and miss with Mcds sometimes its spot on and other times you cant even finish it
    The sign says " Millions Served" .. but they never tell you how many have been eaten.

  10. #10

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Havent been to Mcdonald's in years, even the smell is nauseating

  11. #11

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Their fries are still sublime and their new wraps are pretty decent.

  12. #12

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    And if you want to add asbestos to your house be my guest.

    Of course we don't want to be concerned at all about those who want healthy fast food. They obviously aren't worthy.
    But see, I think this comment here points out exactly what Prunepicker is getting at indirectly - there's this implied notion of piety and superior morality for those who stick the word "healthy" as a kind of have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife catch phrase to keep you from "defending" your necessarily "unhealthy" and therefore implicitly immoral choices, as in "oh, so *you* eat *that* food? Well, I only eat healthy food." For whatever reason, people have a predisposition toward new and fun ways to condescend to others, and food bigotry is just the latest.

    Bottom line - any food to excess can be unhealthy. Even the stuff with the word "organic" plastered across the label without the slightest inkling what it really means.

    As far as McD's goes, I think they are an American institution of corporate consistency. I've never been a Big Mac fan so much, but even as a kid I always marvelled at the fact that, somehow, a cheeseburger in OKC tastes darned near identical to a cheeseburger in Indianapolis and Los Angeles. That's a degree of process control (particularly considering the subsidiaries and franchisees involved) that's not easy to come by. Not saying there aren't outliers and bad apples of course, but like 'em or not, they have a remarkable level of consistency IMHO. IN latter years, however, I think they've lost some of that control, because the service at some franchisees is horrible.

    I remember my cousin, who used to manage a McD's, attended some regional convention just after they'd switched to a different kind of fat for cooking french fries, one that was getting a bunch of customer complaints. He said that one manager in some "speak your mind" forum begged the powers-that-be to go back to the "bad" kind of cooking oil because "Bubba likes his fat," and brought the house down with laughter and applause. The McD folks heard him, apparently, and shortly thereafter went back to a somewhat reformulated version of the previous cooking medium - at least as my cousin told the story.

  13. Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    A slight side step but I would suggest anyone who hasn't seen Super Size Me do so. The base story for the movie is two people sued Mcdonalds because they claimed they ate it every day and it made them really unhealthy. No s&^t.

    In this age of people suing anyone for anything, maybe McDonalds, and other fast food, are pushing their "healthy menus" so they can dodge lawsuits like the ones in the movie. Claiming they have "healthier" options that the people could have eaten instead of a burger could make the case a moot point.

    If that makes any sense.

  14. #14

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    bacon mcdouble

    2 bucks, 2, maybe 3, bites. Simple, fast, edible. What more do you need from a snack.

  15. #15

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Don't do too many hamburgers these days amid my weight loss efforts, but I tell ya....after trying a Carl's Jr. Famous Star burger as a treat a few weeks ago, (not a big one, or the $6 one, or whatever they call it, just their basic burger), it's darned difficult to go back to a McDonald's burger. However they cook 'em, broiling, charbroil, whatever, man they're good. And the lettuce/tomatoes etc actually taste really fresh, too. For a chain place, yum.

  16. #16

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    MickyDFree since 9/2007!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    My taste buds have grown old along with me. Nothing taste the same as it used too.

  18. #18

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Don't do too many hamburgers these days amid my weight loss efforts, but I tell ya....after trying a Carl's Jr. Famous Star burger as a treat a few weeks ago, (not a big one, or the $6 one, or whatever they call it, just their basic burger), it's darned difficult to go back to a McDonald's burger. However they cook 'em, broiling, charbroil, whatever, man they're good. And the lettuce/tomatoes etc actually taste really fresh, too. For a chain place, yum.
    I would agree. I like to go light on the condiments, because they spackle them on. Additionally, I like how you can request barbeque sauce, dill pickles and mayonnaise on whatever cheeseburger they have, thereby creating a nod toward a Theta.

    One thing, though: the prices. But, they have to do SOMETHING to offset all of those coupons and text/email deals they dole out like phone books.

  19. #19

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    I'm not so much disappointed in McDonald's as I am disappointed in myself. I used to eat lunch at McDonald's four or five times a week. My usual order was a Double Cheeseburger, a small order of fries and a medium drink. That's 880 calories. Just for lunch. Some days I would sub an Angus Burger or a Big Mac for the Double Cheeseburger.

    Years of this (along with other less-than-healthy eating choices) got me up to 285 lbs. In June I changed my eating habits, including, almost completely cutting out McDonald's. Now, I'm down to 231 lbs. From time to time, I'll have one of their Classic Grilled Chicken sandwiches (actually gets an A- on some fairly strict nutrition websites) or their Grilled Chicken Southwestern Salad (a C- on the same rating scale, but actually doesn't taste bad at all. In fact, it tastes pretty darn good).

    I love me a McDonald's Fish Filet, but it is about twice as expensive as it should be.
    Not that this matters anymore: I don't eat them. =)

  20. #20

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    MickyDFree since 9/2007!
    You must not have any kids lol

  21. #21

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by Free Won't View Post
    One thing, though: the prices. But, they have to do SOMETHING to offset all of those coupons and text/email deals they dole out like phone books.
    I give credit where it is due. Carl's has a fairly decent text based coupon program.

  22. #22

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    McDonald's = crap. Why anyone feeds their body crap is beyond me. But more power to you.

  23. #23
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    The sign says " Millions Served" ...
    That's "Billions Served".

  24. #24

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    You must not have any kids lol
    Even if I did I might choose to go the route my sister does with hers...gluten free.

  25. #25

    Default Re: McDonald's: I'm disappointed

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Even if I did I might choose to go the route my sister does with hers...gluten free.
    Why does your sister or why would you choose that route?

    Celiac disease?

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