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Thread: Holy Crap! Harry Potter nude????

  1. Default Holy Crap! Harry Potter nude????

    The full Potter: Radcliffe to take it all off - Celebrity News - MSNBC.com

    This cracks me up. I understand the need to not be pigeonholed into certain roles, but can you get any further away from Harry Potter than to be a character with a religious/erotic fetish for horses?

    Still corrupting young minds

  2. #2
    beachsun7777 Guest

    Thumbs up Re: Holy Crap! Harry Potter nude????

    Check this out! This is the funniest Potter post. Had my whole office dying today!
    Potter on the Prowl: Daniel Radcliffe on Match.com « theinandouts.com

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Holy Crap! Harry Potter nude????

    "Abra-abra-cadabra...I wanna reach out an' grab ya."

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