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Thread: Mosque Expansion approved!

  1. #1

    Default Mosque Expansion approved!

    This is great! I love to see diversity, esp. in Edmond.

    Planning Commission approves mosque expansion » Local News » The Edmond Sun

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Jeez, can you believe Paul Blair? What freaking moron. I would be so embarrassed to be an OSU grad and have that yammering nabob associated with my university.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Yeah, it's really sad. My grandfather is Muslim and he's not too serious about it, but I'm sure he doesn't like it when people like Blair go and make all of these assumptions and stereo type things like that. Very sad. Well, at least this thing is going through. It should make a few people pretty happy and hopefully will attract more ethnic diversity, something Edmond needs lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Blair is embarrassing
    As a pastor of a baptist church he should be a beacon of love and an example for others, only thing he is showing is his ignorance and intolerance of others.

  5. Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rom View Post
    Blair is embarrassing
    As a pastor of a baptist church he should be a beacon of love and an example for others, only thing he is showing is his ignorance and intolerance of others.
    maybe he said some other things .. but from the article he was quoted in stating a fact (researched and backed up by the writer) ...... how is that "showing his ignorance and intolerance"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    maybe he said some other things .. but from the article he was quoted in stating a fact (researched and backed up by the writer) ...... how is that "showing his ignorance and intolerance"
    He should rename his congregation "Westboro South."

    At least in this case he brought his clan of pitchfork-wielding congregants to a city meeting that involved an issue in their own city. Quite unlike last year when they all showed up to try to stop OKC from passing the non-discrimination ordinance.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    He should rename his congregation "Westboro South."

    At least in this case he brought his clan of pitchfork-wielding congregants to a city meeting that involved an issue in their own city. Quite unlike last year when they all showed up to try to stop OKC from passing the non-discrimination ordinance.
    was he quoted in the article saying anything that is not true?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    maybe he said some other things .. but from the article he was quoted in stating a fact (researched and backed up by the writer) ...... how is that "showing his ignorance and intolerance"
    Because he was bringing this up at a planning commission meeting. What he was claiming has nothing to do with the planning commision. Spread your fear and conspiracy stuff at the pulpit, planning commssion has no need for that kind of information.

  10. #10

  11. Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Jeez, can you believe Paul Blair? What freaking moron. I would be so embarrassed to be an OSU grad and have that yammering nabob associated with my university.
    In what way is he associated with OSU? Just curious. The school has something like 250,000 living alums, most of whom pack up and leave Oklahoma for their careers, so I imagine there's a pretty wide array of political and social value systems there.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    In what way is he associated with OSU? Just curious. The school has something like 250,000 living alums, most of whom pack up and leave Oklahoma for their careers, so I imagine there's a pretty wide array of political and social value systems there.
    He played football for them (OL) back in the Gundy/Sanders era.

    His father was pretty conservative but I think Paul is much more so than his father (that is where Paul got the church), he became more preacher than architect in his later years. Bill was a big influence on my career, I would stop by and talk with him every once in awhile and just try to gleam as much knowledge as I could from him.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    'Edmond City Council to hear mosque issue Dec. 9
    Mark Schlachtenhaufen
    Special to The Sun

    EDMOND — A building project connected to an Edmond mosque will be on the City Council’s agenda Dec. 9, an official said.

    Tuesday evening, members of the Edmond Planning Commission unanimously approved a specific use permit to include a site plan amended to include a fence improvement for an 8,307 square foot addition next to the existing Masjid Al-Salam, 525 North University Drive.

    During the meeting, which included comments by neighborhood landlord Misty Buchanan and responses by attorney Randel Shadid, who represents the Islamic Society of Edmond, City Planner Bob Schiermeyer discussed the existing structure and the scope of the planned addition.

    Under existing zoning, a specific use permit is required for any addition to the existing mosque, which has been before the panel previously.

    “This is really identical to the application you received and you approved back in May,” Shadid said.

    At that meeting, planners had permission to use parking owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who rescinded the agreement, Shadid said. Efforts to work with church leaders in Utah were not successful, Shadid said. As a result, planned parking was reconfigured and the number increased, he said.

    Shadid said parking meets code and landscaping plans far exceed code. He said a number of other churches in the city back up to residential areas so this is not an uncommon request'

    - See more at: Edmond City Council to hear mosque issue Dec. 9 » Local News » The Edmond Sun

  14. #14

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Yeah, it's really sad. My grandfather is Muslim and he's not too serious about it, but I'm sure he doesn't like it when people like Blair go and make all of these assumptions and stereo type things like that. Very sad. Well, at least this thing is going through. It should make a few people pretty happy and hopefully will attract more ethnic diversity, something Edmond needs lol
    It's hard to believe its even an issue in America where we have freedom of religion. Without going too political its hypocritical that the staunchest supporters of the Second Amendment will stifle the First Amendment whenever somebody says something or wants to build something they don't like. I am pro Second Amendment all the way and am also pro First Amendment. That applies to those of all religions or none at all.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    It works the same way all the way around, those who wish to get rid of the Second Amendment wouldn't dare think about getting rid of the First Amendment. They typically have no issue trying to restrict the First Amendment rights of others who have a differing opinion as well. Neither side has clean hands....

  16. #16

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Sad to report this has been struck down to "lack of parking". I thought Edmond was diversifying, but they just took a step back. A shame, this would've been hella cool to have here.

    ''EDMOND — Parking and the size of a fellowship activity building proposed to be built next to the Islamic Society of Edmond's mosque were the reasons city council members gave as they turned down the request for a specific use permit.

    The 8,307-square-foot addition would have been built to the west of the 680-square-foot prayer hall at 525 N University Drive. The prayer hall has been at the same location since 1990.

    The proposed roof line is 34 feet tall, but the dome on the top of the new structure would extend to 49.5 feet.

    The occupancy of the prayer hall is 97 people. Planning Director Bob Schiermeyer said 33 parking spaces were included in the expansion plans.

    City code requires one parking space for every three seats. There is no permanent seating in the mosque nor was any proposed for the new building at Wayne Avenue and University Drive, Schiermeyer said.

    Parking is congested in that part of town because University of Central Oklahoma students park along the streets.

    Mariana Lloyd, broker associate at Keller Williams at Kivlehen House, 10 E Campbell, said she can't get into her drive at times and once hit a car parked illegally as she as backing out of her business property.

    “This is a serious problem adding another 8,000 square feet,” Lloyd said.

    Lloyd was not alone voicing her complaints against the proposed addition. The council chambers was packed with people who went out on a cold night and drove on icy roads''

    -Read more here: Edmond City Council rejects mosque addition permit | News OK

    This is my comment on the NewsOk's commentary section.
    Very stupid decision. So what if they are just a few parking spaces off. This city needs to stop being so reliant on cars and let people figure it out. There should absolutely no parking requirements what so ever and let the businesses decide how much parking they need. The government does not need to tell us how much parking we have to have.

    Very sad this was turned down and hopefully something can be worked out. This would have been a great addition to Edmond and I really thought Edmond was diversifying. I still believe it is, but this is a sad blow.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    And I get this comment from Keith Barry

    Muslims don't care giw tolerant u are of them! They will kill you and other Muslims just the same! 1000 bombs a day go off in Muslim countries. It will surely happen here if you let em grow.
    He might just be trolling, who knows. Any rate, I hope he is because if he really believes that, he needs to seek help and understanding of the world.


  18. #18

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    "Fellowship Activity Building" = "Commercial Flight Simulator"
    From Dave Osborn

    What on earth is going through these peoples mind!?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    And I get this comment from Keith Barry

    He might just be trolling, who knows. Any rate, I hope he is because if he really believes that, he needs to seek help and understanding of the world.

    Aren't people in Edmond freaked out about an Agenda 21 takeover?

  20. Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Aren't people in Edmond freaked out about an Agenda 21 takeover?
    Yep: GEL-Whats Happening - Govern Edmond Locally

  21. #21

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Bwahahaha Edmond, LOL.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Yes, many people believe the things they write in the comments section.
    They say the same things in coffee shops, standing in line, hanging with friends over coffee, brew, wine, pot, meth, etc.

    By the by, there are no small number of folks who agree with them but keep it inside.
    And they are voting more and mote these days.

    Pleasant dreams.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    They've not been afraid to deny christian churches permits for construction or expansion in Edmond, based on space/parking/traffic concerns. That's why many of the christian churches aren't in their original positions.

    Yeah, there are idiots at there. But this isn't an example of them. Unless someone is saying that the mosque should be an exemption to the rules based on their religious preference?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Really? As reference it's a link to a site with "logo" as the logo?

    Hey, people in "whatever city" want to kill all hispanics. I know because I saw a flyer on a pole.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Mosque Expansion approved!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    From Dave Osborn

    What on earth is going through these peoples mind!?
    The comments sections on the DOK are almost exclusively the bastions of the rabid and delusional. It's a scary place.

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