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Thread: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

  1. #76

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    This whole thread is just silly. We're the #45 media market in the U.S. That means there are just about 44 cities which would be better equipped than us in just the U.S., not to mention the fact that you're in a global competition. Comparing OKC to Beijing, London, Paris, etc.? Just get real. This is silly talk.

  2. #77

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    So, we're just going to let this thread die since everyone here but one individual thinks it is an outrageous idea, right? I know I am done with it.

  3. #78

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    This whole thread is just silly. We're the #45 media market in the U.S. That means there are just about 44 cities which would be better equipped than us in just the U.S., not to mention the fact that you're in a global competition. Comparing OKC to Beijing, London, Paris, etc.? Just get real. This is silly talk.
    Midtowner, You are correct. Today, we are not equipped to light the flame of the next Olympics this summer. Where did I every say that? huh?

    In light of the 20 year MAPS anniversary, we look at how far we have come from the attitude of "Boy, those folks in NYC really spend a lot of foolish money on a shiny ball on new years eve?"

    This thread was to get us thinking kinda BIG. We have a tendancy to feel (45th in a media market)...or 48th in education. OKC is one of the fattest cities in the US. So, ...We need to continue to push the expectations for our city.

  4. #79

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    So, we're just going to let this thread die since everyone here but one individual thinks it is an outrageous idea, right? I know I am done with it.
    You mean the same 5 people that are always thinking small? ...I will take the other number. The number of "views" this thread has tallied. Over 1,000 in 2 days. This tells me that there is:

    1. A great interest in this exciting event / topic.
    2. There are many that don't ever post (they don't have the time or just want to keep up with "the latest"). ...this is the group that typically has a more open mind to this subject.

    OKC hosting the Summer Olympics, it will not happen if we don't plan for it. That is a certainty.
    We are on-course to do some big things here in OKC in the next 20/30 years, and a few things might even surprise a few of you.

  5. #80

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    You mean the same 5 people that are always thinking small? ...I will take the other number. The number of "views" this thread has tallied. Over 1,000 in 2 days. This tells me that there is:

    1. A great interest in this exciting event / topic.
    2. There are many that don't ever post (they don't have the time or just want to keep up with "the latest"). ...this is the group that typically has a more open mind to this subject.

    OKC hosting the Summer Olympics, it will not happen if we don't plan for it. That is a certainty.
    We are on-course to do some big things here in OKC in the next 20/30 years, and a few things might even surprise a few of you.
    I am not sure where to start with the absurdity of this post so I will just give up...

    You're right! We should totally host the 2048 Olympic Games! Get started and let us know how that goes!

  6. #81

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I agree with this. If most of America assumes we still ride horses, use outhouses, and watch tumbleweeds cross the road for entertainment how do you think OKC is viewed on a global scale?

    OKC needs to work towards being an attractive destination - both to live and to visit on a national scale. That is the next milestone for this city. This city needs some sort of national event to put it in the spotlight for something positive. The Thunder has helped a lot with that, but imagine what the Super Bowl or one of the political conventions would do for this city? What about some world-class museums or other tourist attractions? How about a real theme park like Cedar Point in Ohio with the world's best roller coasters? When we look at where this city is going between now and 2050, those are the goals we should strive for.
    Again, this is not "in lue of" , but in addition too, ... along a timeline of events.

  7. #82

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    I am not sure where to start with the absurdity of this post so I will just give up...

    You're right! We should totally host the 2048 Olympic Games! Get started and let us know how that goes!
    Now doesn't that feel better? ...to get rid of some of that "we can't we can't we can't". lol.

  8. #83

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    Again, this is not "in lue of" , but in addition too, ... along a timeline of events.
    Again, do you think OKC will be able to accomplish the following by 2028, which will be needed if we are to have a shot at the 2048 games?

    -1.5 million city population; at least 3 million metro
    -A hub airport with not only direct flights to major US cities but global cities as well
    -An iconic, globally recognizable skyscraper
    -A globally-honored public figure
    -World-renowned museums and cultural institutions

  9. #84

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Again, do you think OKC will be able to accomplish the following by 2028, which will be needed if we are to have a shot at the 2048 games?

    -1.5 million city population; at least 3 million metro
    -A hub airport with not only direct flights to major US cities but global cities as well
    -An iconic, globally recognizable skyscraper
    -A globally-honored public figure
    -World-renowned museums and cultural institutions
    bchrist, I think our population will grow steady for another 5 -10 years, then expect even greater growth form 10 - 20. We could be close to the 1.25 / w/ 3 Mil in by 2030.

    The airport is something we should place our investments in w/ expansion. This is part of the case ( we only have 29 gates now ), so why should they commit to selecting OKC as a hub? We need to increase our capactiy by (2x) either way. The airport could be a hurdle with the cost of business for airlines increasing. This is why we should take the next step in the process and look to be a Regional HUB for High Speed Rail. Our central location is perfect for this. And we don't have to tie our success to United / Delta / Continental's.

    Iconic Skyscraper, we have one now. It just needs a few more friends to surround it, ie. Stage Center ; Preftakes ; BOA ; Convention Hotel.... and who knows the next 10 years? could even begin to plan for an Iconic Tower like Seattle?

    Olympic Figures ... Bart & Nadia woulld be an excellent choice for promotion.

    Museums & Cultural Institutions .... ( I know this is small, but it gives us a look at this topic, 21cMuseum Hotel. ) ..it ain't The Louvre' , but, this breaks the ice for that kind of institution.

  10. #85

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Let me add another requirement to the list. Extensive, citywide public transportation, preferably rail based, to get people anywhere and everywhere of significance in the city at all hours of the day without needing to use a car.

  11. #86

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Yes, the mass transit is a must! Being a High Speed Rail HUB for the region, would be a big key to success for this event & to our local metro economy. ....it connects all the metro with HSR.

  12. #87

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    You'll need to go play Sim City... We will never host an Olympics...... Now maybe some kind of water event is possible.....canoe, kayak, rowing.

  13. #88

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    It's "in lieu of".

    None of the investments we're going to make in the next 30 years are going to be directly related to the Olympics. Earlier in this thread you were talking about building a combination soccer stadium/Olympic arena. You're way way way ahead of the game. Focus on improving the city and then in 40 years they can talk about where to put the Olympic village.

  14. #89

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    It's "in lieu of".

    None of the investments we're going to make in the next 30 years are going to be directly related to the Olympics. Earlier in this thread you were talking about building a combination soccer stadium/Olympic arena. You're way way way ahead of the game. Focus on improving the city and then in 40 years they can talk about where to put the Olympic village.
    Are you saying that if we held the Olympics, that the would not be Rowing in the Oklahoma River? ...are you saying that if we held the Olympics that they would not be competing in The Peake? This is my point exactly, I'm saying we are building the items already as a pay-as-you-go tool now. The Olympic Stadium / MLS / NFL ( whatever the on-going usage) would be paid for previously by a MAPS initiative.

  15. #90

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    They would be rowing in the river, but they would not be playing in the Peake. They would not be playing in a potential MLS/NFL stadium. Because if we ever host the Olympics, those buildings will all have been torn down by then. They won't even use our parking garages because they aren't being built to handle hovercars.

  16. #91

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Yes, we will have to continue to manage our existing facilities & build new ones too.

  17. #92

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Screw the Olympics. Let's build a spaceport. Then we can host the intergalactic Olympics.

  18. #93

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Just the amount of bribe money it takes to get consideration for the Olympics is ridiculous.
    The infrastructure spending would never be recouped. This thread makes the NFL thread sound reasonable.

  19. #94

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Screw the Olympics. Let's build a spaceport. Then we can host the intergalactic Olympics.
    There is already one like a hour drive away

  20. #95

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Just a little reading on the Internet shows that Toronto and Rio have great cases for 2024 - as does Paris - it would be the 100th anniversary of the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris.
    zookeeper, not that it has much to do with the subject of this thread but Rio won't have much chance for 2024 since they are hosting the next Summer Olympics in 2016.

  21. #96

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    zookeeper, not that it has much to do with the subject of this thread but Rio won't have much chance for 2024 since they are hosting the next Summer Olympics in 2016.
    If they keep having cranes collapse on the stadiums they are trying to build, 2024 may be a safer bet on when they will be ready

  22. #97

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    zookeeper, not that it has much to do with the subject of this thread but Rio won't have much chance for 2024 since they are hosting the next Summer Olympics in 2016.
    Hello? Earth to zookeeper. Yes, of course! I was looking at an older article. Thanks for the correction!

  23. Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    As others have said, let's continue the momentum of Maps and make OKC an even better place to live, visit, and do business in.

    As to sports, I agree with others that NFL should be the City's next big thing and even that needs to wait for about 10-years and Maps 5. I think Maps 4 needs to be transit, sidewalks/trails, lighting, and beautification ONLY; with the tax truly metropolitan with cities connected by transit taxing/building their station(s). Maps 5 should return downtown and be about an NFL stadium and more transit/trails and beautification.

    Oh, did want to comment about OKC's world recognition - NBA Thunder has placed okc on the world map particularly since we have a top elite team and two superstars. So I totally disagree with the brasil small city comparison on the world recognition stage as I can affirm through my own extensive travels in Asia that OKC does have prestige as a sports town.

    Sorry OKVision, but a big NO to the Olympics.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  24. #99

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    If Chicago couldn't even beat out Rio, the IOC is never going to select a mid-size city in the middle of the US as a host. It just isn't going to happen, and thinking so does not mean we are thinking small.

  25. #100

    Default Re: OKC to host Summer Olymipcs

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    If Chicago couldn't even beat out Rio, the IOC is never going to select a mid-size city in the middle of the US as a host. It just isn't going to happen, and thinking so does not mean we are thinking small.
    I agree. Enid isn't getting an NBA team in our lifetimes and I would say anybody suggesting otherwise was not being realistic. I do think OKC should work towards the quality of life goals discussed in this thread though.

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