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Let's break down some figures you are proposing:
HSR from OU to UCO would be 33 miles. Using the old lines, it would cost about $2.5 million/mile, $80 million for the entire project.
Then we go from OSU-OKC to Rose State for 11 miles and that is $27,500,000.
Now we need to increase the streetcar from the future layout (circulator through MT/DT/BT/OUHSC) to OCU, out to NW Expressway, up to the Capital, down through Capital Hill, out west to the fairground and SW to the DT Airpark. Let's just say 30 miles. That would be about $600 million with it running at $20 million/mile.
Then we need to tear down the Cox Convention Center and build a $1 billion transit hub that links buses, streetcars, HSR and other forms of mass transit.
Then, let's build a HSR line from the airport to DT for the cost of about $25 million (ROW, new and upgraded lines). Then, we need to add 100 gates to our airport and increase the amenities. Let's just call it $500 million for an expanded airport, parking facilities, baggage claims, etc.
Now we need to build the athletic village for 18,000 participants. The Edge costs $144,000 per apartment. The Steel Yard is going to cost $214,285 per apartment, but is including the hotel, so let's just call it $150,000 per apartment. So the athletic village will cost close to $3 billion.
A new Olympic stadium will cost close to $1 billion.
We would need to do upgrades to The Peake, if not build a brand new facility by that time. The Barclays Center in Brooklyn cost $1 billion to build, so let's just use that figure.
We will have a relatively new convention center at the time, but will need about three to four times as much space, so let's add another $1 billion to that.
We are at $6 billion dollars and we haven't even touched the other multiple arenas that would need to be built at the universities and the fairgrounds like you suggested.
Now, if we are going to raise that money from MAPS money, like you suggested, let's assume sales tax revenues triple ($300 million) next year and stay that way until it is paid off. By that calculation (1% of the sales tax going to all of these things), it would take 2,000 months or 166 years before we are able to pay for it. Now, let's assume there are going to be bond issues to take out the HSR and hub portions of the plan and all that OKC is on the bill for are the arenas, streetcar and apartments. That is still $4.75 billion and would take 132 years to pay off.
Do you see why people don't like this idea?