Maybe this belongs in the politics thread, I'm not sure. Thought this was interesting.
''Interracial marriage is on the rise in Oklahoma, according to the Pew Research Center. The Sooner State has the second highest rate of interracial marriage in the country. Hawaii has the highest rate of interracial marriage.
Between 2008 and 2010, 26.3 percent of all newly married couples “married out” of their race/ethnicity group, according to the Pew study. Of that, 5.6 percent were between white and Hispanic Oklahomans, 1.6 percent between white and Asian, 2 percent between white and black, and 17.1 percent were “other mixed,” a category that included Native Americans.
The “South,” which is how Pew labeled Oklahoma, had a 14-percent rate of interracial marriage between 2008 and 2010. Nearly one-fifth of Oklahoma’s 723,000 married households in 2010 included partners of different racial make-up, according to Census figures. As of 2012, 17.2 percent of married households include interracial couples, compared to 14.8 percent in 2000.
Interracial marriage wasn’t made legal until 1967. The momentous Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court decision set the precedent for numerous states around the country, granting people of different race and ethnicity the right to marriage.
Oklahoma’s original anti-miscegenation law, which enforced racial segregation in intimate relationships and marriage through criminalization, was passed in 1897. Oklahoma’s law was unique in the way it was phrased, specifically preventing “any person of African descent” from marrying “any person not of African descent.” The specific phrasing of the law was used to nullify relationships between blacks and Native Americans, exclusive to Oklahoma. The statute held a financial fine and prison time of up to five years. The law was deemed unconstitutional by the 1967 Supreme Court decision.
-See more here: MAP OF THE WEEK: Interracial Marriage in Oklahoma | This Land Press