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Thread: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

  1. #1

    Default Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    I'm hearing rumors that Hollywood Theatres in Norman will be closing at the end of the year or early next year. Not surprising if true. Does anyone know this for sure or what that space might be used for?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    That kinda sucks. With Robinson Crossing closed now, that leaves only the Warren for movies in that area without having to go to Crossroads. Don't get me wrong, I prefer the Warren, but it's nice to have options.

  3. Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Ideally they would tear it all down and fix the service through through there to go all the way to Robinson. If this does happen, it'll open up the rights for another first run theater to move in. Would be nice of Warren would do a smaller scale one in Norman, but they won't want to hurt Moore.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    I've always thought Norman as a major college town could support a small 3-4 screen indie/art house movie theater like a Landmark or Magnolia, downtown or in Campus Corner. Even more so if the Hollywood were to close. The Landmark's often have both indie and first run movies, depending on their size and location.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    I'm surprised it wasn't already closed. Regal bought out Hollywood Theaters about a year ago and all the Hollywood Theaters in Lawrence/KC switched from Hollywood Theaters to Regal Theaters.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Maybe this will be similar to the Penn Square Dickerson/AMC buyout. Maybe they will close for rebranding/remodeling and reopen as a Regal? Seems like a waste to just shut it down.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    If it does not return as a theater, one of the Mega Churches will probably gobble it up.

    I would hope it returns as another theater. I am amazed with what AMC did with old theater at Penn Square. Reasonable prices, big comfy recliners and a speedy concession stand with great customer service should be winner with just about every failing multiplex out there. I miss the days of the neighborhood movie theaters. I love Warren but, there is plenty of room in the market for the small multiplex theaters.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    I sometimes wonder about my adopted home Norman. I've been here for 25+ years and seen numerous theaters disappear. While it's been a while since Norman was just a college town, it is weird all the same that a college town can't seem to keep its theaters or even a Hooters. Never cared much for the latter myself, but I always found the notion of the one in Norman closing a blend of sad commentary and funny as all get out.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Hopefully they remodel it as a Regal. Regal theaters are usually pretty nice in other cities that have them. Crossroads theater was pretty nice during its first few years of operation and it was a Regal. If not, I can understand why. The Warren is so far above and beyond anything else I really wouldn't be surprised if the south metro was unable to support another theater. Why go to the Crossroads AMC or the Hollywood Norman when you have a much better experience so close?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Maybe Norman would be able to support an Alamo Draft House? Or perhaps an Anglicka or Studio Movie Grill? Something different!

  11. #11
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    It would be nice if they could put in a theatre that featured independent and art house films. We get passed over on some movies that I would like to see. I "think" Norman could support that.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I sometimes wonder about my adopted home Norman. I've been here for 25+ years and seen numerous theaters disappear. While it's been a while since Norman was just a college town, it is weird all the same that a college town can't seem to keep its theaters or even a Hooters. Never cared much for the latter myself, but I always found the notion of the one in Norman closing a blend of sad commentary and funny as all get out.
    OU and Norman have some very beautiful women in all varieties. Why chase a Hooters girl when you can meet a real live woman you can kiss, hug and well you know.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Why chase anyone at all? Iffin ya slow down a bit, you get caught.
    Worked for me near on thirty-two years ago.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    It would be nice if they could put in a theatre that featured independent and art house films. We get passed over on some movies that I would like to see. I "think" Norman could support that.
    I always though that would be a good use for the Tower Theatre. Something like Circle Cinema in Tulsa. Somewhere in Norman might work as well.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    The Boomer Theater would've been perfect for this but was remodeled 5 years ago into office and retail space. The Sooner Theater downtown is a possibility and a beautiful place but is used extensively by community theater groups and for plays/musicals. If those groups would move to Rupel Jones (which is currently undergoing a renovation) or the Reynolds Theater at OU that could open the Sooner to being a really cool downtown art house/indie cinema.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Do they still show indie films at OU in the theater in the Union? It's been awhile since I've since the campus paper.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    The OU Theatre in the union shows mostly newer released mainstream films. It's the UPB Film Series. It's actually pretty great, I've seen new movies there for free (since I was an OU student)....they also feed you too.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Quote Originally Posted by MWCGuy View Post
    OU and Norman have some very beautiful women in all varieties. Why chase a Hooters girl when you can meet a real live woman you can kiss, hug and well you know.
    But if Okie women don't think you're good looking enough for them, they won't touch you with a ten foot pole. And plenty of women on here will quite strongly agree with me on that. That why places like Hooters and strip joints are needed so you can be around attractive women who are supposed to be nice to you, because they are getting paid to do so.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    I have received confirmation that this theatre will be closing, FYI. No word on what, if anything, thos space might be used for.

  20. Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Not really upset because we never go there anymore. Since the Warren opened we just drive up there. We would need to get a comparable product here in Norman to stop driving up there - even though the balconies at the Warren are really starting to show their age.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    I jumped the gun a little bit. I guess "closing" just referred to the theatre transitioning to Regal. That's a bit of a bummer. I was hoping something better would move in to that space. Considering how far Regal let the Crossroads theatre go before selling it, I don't have any hope they'll renovate the Norman theatre.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    I jumped the gun a little bit. I guess "closing" just referred to the theatre transitioning to Regal. That's a bit of a bummer. I was hoping something better would move in to that space. Considering how far Regal let the Crossroads theatre go before selling it, I don't have any hope they'll renovate the Norman theatre.
    Charlotte has numerous Regals and they are all great, well-kept theaters. Their best theatre wasn't quite the Warren but it was pretty close. If that is any indication of how they are run, I think the Hollywood Theatres is in good hands. It wouldn't surprise me if the Crossroads theater was a unique case due to its location.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Hollywood Theatres Closing?

    Glad there will still be a Norman movie option.

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