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Thread: Lindsey Street

  1. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    We'll probably be talking about this around 2020 when the updated Lindsey is back to being plagued with traffic backups and accidents. However, whats done is done and so be it.

    The next areas to look at are Lindsey to campus, which provides a great opportunity for single lane roundabouts to keep traffic moving through there. Get rid of every traffic light. The next snag point are the pedestrian crossings on Lindsey. If we can prohibit large vehicle traffic down that road, then putting in pedestrian bridges should be looked at. Very tasteful, brick arches to fit in with the rest of the campus.

    Asp Ave put in a single lane roundabout there. Boren has stated he is open to putting on in at Jenkins and they could put up a really nice art piece in the center of it - maybe sports related.

    George Ave has the room for a two lane roundabout.

    Lindsey and Classen is an interesting case. Busy intersection, but large amount of land there. You also have the new higher density development going in at that corner as well. A larger 2-lane roundabout would really go along with that transformation in that area.

  2. #702

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    This reminds me so much of the commercial with Jimmy Fallon (?) where he is trying to convince the baby that more money is good. But the baby doesn't want it.

    You can have continuous flow of traffic!

    Baby: "No!"

    But it's faster and safer than stopping at every light!

    Baby: "Nooo!! *giggle*"

  3. #703

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Here it is.

    OMG this is so relevant.

  4. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    This reminds me so much of the commercial with Jimmy Fallon (?) where he is trying to convince the baby that more money is good. But the baby doesn't want it.

    You can have continuous flow of traffic!

    Baby: "No!"

    But it's faster and safer than stopping at every light!

    Baby: "Nooo!! *giggle*"
    Some just never grow up.

  5. #705

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    WSDOT - How to drive a roundabout

    Scroll down to the multilane roundabout section
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    This might help......

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    A lot of good response for PluPan to look at. Found a couple videos of larger roundabouts...

    Ok well, consider me sold on it then. The videos seem to prove themselves, so I think it might be a good idea here then. Lets try it and see what happens. I still think it will cause more traffic on game days, but that is a small part of the year.

  6. #706

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Never really thought of that, that is a very good idea. Wonder if this is still being considered or is a done deal. . .

  7. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Never really thought of that, that is a very good idea. Wonder if this is still being considered or is a done deal. . .
    From what has been released, any roundabout for West Lindsey is dead. They are in fact going to add another light as well between Berry and McGee to make it even "better". Ideally as they progress east on Lindsey they get away from the lights and go to more roundabouts to keep traffic moving.

  8. #708

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    No roundabouts will be seen on Lindsey west of Berry. City Council and city engineers pretty much shut that down.

  9. #709

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid Burgess View Post
    I prefer 2 lanes, no median, bike lanes, and angled parking (if possible). Back in parking is even better.
    Reverse parking would be cool to see more of, but there are so many people who can't park straight in a parking space driving forward let alone trying to back into one.

  10. #710

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    No roundabouts will be seen on Lindsey west of Berry. City Council and city engineers pretty much shut that down.
    Sometimes I wish we had a "boo" button next to the like button.

  11. #711

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Reverse parking would be cool to see more of, but there are so many people who can't park straight in a parking space driving forward let alone trying to back into one.
    I know this is off topic, but sadly this is something I have noticed here relative to other places I have lived...or maybe it's just a sign of the times...but a lot of people don't even try to make sure they're in the lines...they pull in and if they got it right, they got it right...if not, oh well...I have left notes on people's cars encouraging them to park in the lines...and I have squeezed into parking spaces just to prove a point...it's maddening....

  12. #712

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    I'm stunned that no one has mentioned the City's press release issued late yesterday afternoon regarding a meeting next week to discuss the intentions for Lindsey Street - makes me wonder if most of the folks that dragged this thread all the way to 30 pages actually live in Norman?

    Anyway, read on........

    Press Release

    For Immediate Release

    Contact: Stacey Parker
    City Of Norman

    **Map Attached**

    All interested persons are hereby given notice that the City of Norman, in conjunction with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), is proposing to reconstruct a portion of West Lindsey Street from 24th Avenue SW to Berry Road in Norman, Oklahoma. Please see attached map.

    A public informational meeting and open house to present initial project information and receive public input will be held on Monday, March 3, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Main Conference Room located at Sooner Legends Inn and Suites at 1200 24th Avenue SW. The meeting will include a presentation about the proposed improvements to West Lindsey Street including why the improvements are needed, the type of improvements proposed and the expected impacts to motorists and the surrounding community. The primary purpose of the meeting is to obtain information from the general public and project stakeholders to further assist in the Environmental Assessment process including the identification of critical social, economic and environmental effects that may result from the project.

    West Lindsey Street is currently a 3-lane roadway through the project area. The project consists of widening West Lindsey Street from 24th Avenue SW to Berry Road from three lanes to a divided 4-lane roadway, replacing the Imhoff Creek Bridge and addressing the storm water flooding that has affected this area for many years. This project also includes upgrading the traffic signals along West Lindsey Street at the intersections of 24th Avenue SW, McGee Drive and Berry Road. The upgrades to West Lindsey Street will provide a safer and more efficient transportation corridor for the traveling public.

    The City of Norman strives to accommodate the needs of all residents, including those who may be disabled. If you would like to attend this meeting but find it difficult because of a disability, architectural barrier, or another special need, please contact Mr. John Clink at (405) 366-5424, by email at John.Clink@NormanOk.gov or by writing to the City of Norman, Engineering Division, PO Box 370, Norman, Oklahoma 73070.
    Project Location Map.jpg

  13. #713

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Four lane divided street. Yawn. I would hope they would add sidewalks to either side and possibly a bike lane or two. Wonder when they are going to redo Berry to Elm?

  14. #714

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    The question is - will these 'improvement' actually make Lindsey better? Anyone saying Yes, please define 'better'.

  15. #715

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Loblaw View Post
    I'm stunned that no one has mentioned the City's press release issued late yesterday afternoon regarding a meeting next week to discuss the intentions for Lindsey Street - makes me wonder if most of the folks that dragged this thread all the way to 30 pages actually live in Norman?
    How is it that stunning? Why would living in Norman or not have anything to do with whether or not we've seen a press release less than 24 hours after it is released?

  16. #716

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    The question is - will these 'improvement' actually make Lindsey better? Anyone saying Yes, please define 'better'.
    It will certainly make it look better. It will be prettier than what is currently there and increase traffic capacity. Hopefully landscaping will be added.

  17. #717

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    I've given up on debating what I believe Lindsey street should look like...that's the only reason I don't really post on this thread anymore. Planners in Norman do not even really view this issue as a planning issue, but simply straight up public works. There's not much you can do when people working for the city in the planning department don't really care.

    This new Lindsey street will look like Main Street around the 24th Ave intersection...a really bad central median with traffic congestion.

  18. #718

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    It will certainly make it look better. It will be prettier than what is currently there and increase traffic capacity. Hopefully landscaping will be added.
    There is no doubt that it will look better from the very start.

    Many have been avoiding this stretch of Lindsey because of the congestion.... Business people knew this and knew of reputation this area had for flooding.... This made Lindsey a much less desirable place for business development.

    This project now makes both significantly better.... which should lead to redevelopment of Lindsey in due time.... making the area look even better.

  19. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    I've given up on debating what I believe Lindsey street should look like...that's the only reason I don't really post on this thread anymore. Planners in Norman do not even really view this issue as a planning issue, but simply straight up public works. There's not much you can do when people working for the city in the planning department don't really care.

    This new Lindsey street will look like Main Street around the 24th Ave intersection...a really bad central median with traffic congestion.
    This. It's been debated, the design was picked...it is what it will be. Some people are happy with a suburban/Edmond-like Norman and that's what we are getting.

    With that said, I am going to look forward to the moronic comments made by those that said this will help with congestion when traffic still backs up due to additional traffic lights being added.

  20. #720

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Loblaw View Post
    This project also includes upgrading the traffic signals along West Lindsey Street at the intersections of 24th Avenue SW, McGee Drive and Berry Road. The upgrades to West Lindsey Street will provide a safer and more efficient transportation corridor for the traveling public.
    If done right better traffic lights should help traffic flow more smoothly, particularly during peak travel.....
    They could stand to have a better traffic light system in much of Norman.

  21. #721
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    If done right better traffic lights should help traffic flow more smoothly, particularly during peek travel.....
    They could stand to have a better traffic light system in much of Norman.
    The irony of you referring to it as "peek" travel is not lost on me.

    I guess peek travel is what will be taking place on Lindsey with all the new stoplights and curb cuts backing traffic up and increasing congestion.

  22. #722

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Obviously there is tremendous congestion on Lindsey Street which is why every day at both rush hours there are 2 or 3 cops pulling people over for speeding in this area.

  23. #723

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    With that said, I am going to look forward to the moronic comments made by those that said this will help with congestion when traffic still backs up due to additional traffic lights being added.
    This^. Congestion will get worse, injury accidents will increase, and the quality of business structures will not improve - at least that is my guess.

  24. #724

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by heyerdahl View Post
    Obviously there is tremendous congestion on Lindsey Street which is why every day at both rush hours there are 2 or 3 cops pulling people over for speeding in this area.
    Rather you care to admit it or not the real facts are that Lindsey Street is the most congested street in the entire OKC metro area and it also has the highest accident rate for a street in the OKC area as it is now..It wouldn’t take much to improve the situation, and they will!

  25. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    This^. Congestion will get worse, injury accidents will increase, and the quality of business structures will not improve - at least that is my guess.
    It was interesting how the business community in that area didn't want the solution the city picked.

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