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Thread: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

  1. #1

    Default Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    Who remembers the Moose Lodge on 39th st. It was next to I think the Rio Motel. My family stayed at the Rio Motel for a while when we moved here from Chicago in June, 1960 until our new house was finished being built. We were members of the Moose Lodge and that is where I learned to swim in the very early 60s. Both were right around where the Habana Inn is located now.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    I remember it well and the swimming pool. Its location was eventually taken over by the SW corner of the Lake Hefner Parkway/I-44.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    Here's an ad from the mid-60's. They moved out to Yukon in the late 60's I believe.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    Here is an aerial from 1964. By 1969 it was gone:

  5. #5

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    The Yukon group moved into the lodge in 1967. Young said the lodge organized in 1955, first occupying the old Amigo Club Quarters of the Blossom Heath at NW 39 and Grand in Oklahoma City.

    "From what I understand," Young said, "39th and Grand was way out in the country at that time. It was pretty much the place where all the big-name bands stopped."

    The old quarters had large, floor-to-ceiling doors at the north and south ends, Young said. During the summer, he said, members would throw open the doors for open-air dancing.

    The State Transportation Department bought the lodge's old location in 1966,
    Mortgage burned by Moose Yukon lodge thrives, sets pace in region | News OK

  7. #7

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    I guess it wasn't as far east on 39th as I thought it was. I would have been 9 years old when that aerial photo was taken. So was the Rio Motel around where the Habana Inn is now or was it further west too?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Here's an ad from the mid-60's. They moved out to Yukon in the late 60's I believe.

    Think they toured with Hendrix for a bit

  9. #9

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    The facility in Yukon closed also many years ago. I believe the Masons took over the location.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    I guess it wasn't as far east on 39th as I thought it was. I would have been 9 years old when that aerial photo was taken. So was the Rio Motel around where the Habana Inn is now or was it further west too?
    The Rio was west of the Habanna just a few blocks. 1/2 way between May & Penn,.. About where Villa would be if it came through to 39th. Parts of the old Rio are still there, though barley visible from the street. The last I heard it was serving as housing for abused and battered women.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    The RIO is now a pre-escape center for degenerates in DOC custody. DOC has used the property for decades.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Moose Lodge on 39th st.

    Quote Originally Posted by MustangGT View Post
    The RIO is now a pre-escape center for degenerates in DOC custody. DOC has used the property for decades.
    Your thinking of the motel that used to be west of May. The SunTide that used to be on the south side of 39th and on the east side of Grand, on the curve, across from the old Moose Lodge. Your right, it's still there and has been a womans work release center for many years.

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