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Thread: University Town Center

  1. #601

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    We can't expect anything to change in the form of development in Norman anytime soon. The average Normanite doesn't 1) care about design 2) isn't even aware about "good" or acceptable design/form.
    Link to back that up?

  2. #602

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    We can't expect anything to change in the form of development in Norman anytime soon. The average Normanite doesn't 1) care about design 2) isn't even aware about "good" or acceptable design/form.
    I don't think that's necessarily true. Norman leadership and developers just have a small town mentality, and yes so do many of the citizens. Though Norman is no longer a small town it still has the overall mentality of an suburb and not its own city. I do think that will eventually change and we'll see Norman as more than just OU and neighborhoods full of either OU students/faculty or commuters to OKC. The discourse created during the Lindsey St design process was proof that there are changes happening in Norman, though the outcome of that discourse and the constant delays associated with higher density residential projects in Campus Corner indicate that there is still plenty of work to do..

  3. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Definitely agree BG. Change is happening, but it will probably take a generation to flush out the old thinking for the new.

  4. #604

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Notice how the 10 pictures on the front page of the "Town Center" website are all of the parking lot, or taken in the parking lot. Failure on soooo many levels, but at least it doesn't include a Walmart (yet).
    Big blue walmart box, no. Big red target box, yes.
    six of one, half dozen of the other on a few levels.
    Sorry - that was a poke at the Choctaw Town Center - which is built around a Walmart.

  5. #605

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    What do you expect, its Choctaw?

  6. #606

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    I'm know I'm going to get crap for saying this, but I think the place is fine. I walked just fine through it and it had many nice stores. Was there the other weekend and no problems with it. I have no idea what it was sold as and I can understand if they sold it as what G.Walker said and then did this, how that would be maddening, but I have no personal issues with it.

    This design is acceptable to me as long as it is maintained and is not located in in urban core, I don't see the problem with. The problem with most it seems like is a few people get mad when it is not pushed right up against the street, but then again, it sounds like to me that something completely different was sold to the people with this development so I can understand the frustration. I could see something like this being good for I-240.

    There are a few things that I don't like, though I don't really feel like going into detail, I can if someone wants me to though and yes, it could use a little better walkability.

  7. #607

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I'm know I'm going to get crap for saying this, but I think the place is fine. I walked just fine through it and it had many nice stores. Was there the other weekend and no problems with it. I have no idea what it was sold as and I can understand if they sold it as what G.Walker said and then did this, how that would be maddening, but I have no personal issues with it.

    This design is acceptable to me as long as it is maintained and is not located in in urban core, I don't see the problem with. The problem with most it seems like is a few people get mad when it is not pushed right up against the street, but then again, it sounds like to me that something completely different was sold to the people with this development so I can understand the frustration. I could see something like this being good for I-240.

    There are a few things that I don't like, though I don't really feel like going into detail, I can if someone wants me to though and yes, it could use a little better walkability.
    The frustrating thing about it is that people apparently don't understand what they were sold in the first place. So far, this is what was advertised. The part that is yet to be determined is the "Town Center" that was supposed to go in south of the Embassy Suites. It's not entirely clear what that will turn out to be now, and yes, it will probably be different from what was promised (in part, because of the economy). Thus far, though, this development is pretty much what they said it would be. The Target, Academy, etc. was all intended to drive traffic for the Town Center that would eventually be located on the other side of the street.

  8. #608

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    University North Park is still one of the better shopping centers in the metro area. I understand it was scaled down from what was originally promised, but at least it isn't Belle Isle. Hopefully one day OKC will get a true town center style development.

  9. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Wasn't sure if we should break this out into another thread or not, but for now will keep it here.

    Proposed Corporate Center in TIF would have industrial complex » Headlines » The Norman Transcript

    The Corporate Center will be a business park and industrial complex on the TIF's north end and comprise of 60 acres. The NEDC had purched the original 30 acres and is now buying another 31.67 acres this week.

    City Council will consider spending $6.2 million for infrastructure improvements (utilities and such). NEDC apparently has one tenant already secured and will close the deal in a few weeks.

    Legacy Park will be done by August. The Lifestyle Center agreement requires the developer to have 250,000 sq ft of business to it by 2018.

  10. #610

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Wasn't sure if we should break this out into another thread or not, but for now will keep it here.

    Proposed Corporate Center in TIF would have industrial complex » Headlines » The Norman Transcript

    The Corporate Center will be a business park and industrial complex on the TIF's north end and comprise of 60 acres. The NEDC had purched the original 30 acres and is now buying another 31.67 acres this week.

    City Council will consider spending $6.2 million for infrastructure improvements (utilities and such). NEDC apparently has one tenant already secured and will close the deal in a few weeks.

    Legacy Park will be done by August. The Lifestyle Center agreement requires the developer to have 250,000 sq ft of business to it by 2018.
    They write a similar article like this every year, and nothing happens....

  11. #611

  12. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Oh I know. We've seen the story many times with Don Wood is telling us some great employer is coming in there. Like that one aviation company that was suppose to move in there, but some how vanished.

  13. #613

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Notice how the 10 pictures on the front page of the "Town Center" website are all of the parking lot, or taken in the parking lot. Failure on soooo many levels, but at least it doesn't include a Walmart (yet).
    Screw professional photographer. I gotta camera phone. Let's make usselves a website.

  14. #614
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Whatever happened to that advanced manufacturing company that was set to be announced? Do we even know who it was and where they ended up choosing? What about the aviation company venture referenced? Anything on that?

  15. #615

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Probably not even really existed. Just a ghost to make it sound like this is progressing.

  16. #616

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Screw professional photographer. I gotta camera phone. Let's make usselves a website.
    It isn't the photographer with the problem, it is his subject that isn't photogenic. If you are photographing the Sandra Bernhard of shopping centers it doesn't matter who is taking the picture.

  17. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Whatever happened to that advanced manufacturing company that was set to be announced? Do we even know who it was and where they ended up choosing? What about the aviation company venture referenced? Anything on that?
    Don Wood I think posts on this site, maybe he can come clean and fess up to what is actually going on out there. If they don't announce this new company by the end of the year, the guy will just lose what little credibility he has left in my eyes. If the deal isn't done, stay quiet and don't even hint at anything.

  18. #618

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    It appears a new hotel is being built just south of the Embassy. Currently framed out in metal rafters, it is about 4 stories high. Seems odd there is enough demand for more hotel space, but perhaps it is an apartment? Does anybody know?

  19. #619

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Whatever happened to that advanced manufacturing company that was set to be announced? Do we even know who it was and where they ended up choosing? What about the aviation company venture referenced? Anything on that?
    Is that what bid this afternoon (the infrastructure improvements at least)? The title of the project was vague, something like UNP Corporate Center and Manufacturing

  20. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    I'm pretty sure it is the Holiday Inn Express that was announced several months back. I believe there are one or two additional hotel projects for UNP to help cover the demand from the convention center.

  21. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    I'm pretty sure it is the Holiday Inn Express that was announced several months back. I believe there are one or two additional hotel projects for UNP to help cover the demand from the convention center.
    I believe you are correct and the lot to the east of this will be a Residence Inn.

    I can't give out to much information right now but a big box appliance store and a western wear store may be going in north of Kohl's. I'm not at liberty to name any names at this time and it's all preliminary right now and could change.

  22. #622

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    I'm pretty sure it is the Holiday Inn Express that was announced several months back. I believe there are one or two additional hotel projects for UNP to help cover the demand from the convention center.
    You believe correctly.

  23. #623

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    The best part about UNP? The intersections are decorated with brick that forms the shape of a roundabout. I get a good chuckle everytime I go through this area.

  24. #624

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    The best part about UNP? The intersections are decorated with brick that forms the shape of a roundabout. I get a good chuckle everytime I go through this area.
    Fake it 'til you make it.

  25. #625

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Has anyone tried to get onto I-35 Northbound from Robinson? Whoever designed that little on-off ramp from Robinson to 35 right behind target at UNP was surely intoxicated at the time.

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