Indeed, I find it absolutely logical to attribute anything I can't explain to a god who's so definition arises from texts written by the most ignorant people on the planet at the time. That only makes sense.
Indeed, I find it absolutely logical to attribute anything I can't explain to a god who's so definition arises from texts written by the most ignorant people on the planet at the time. That only makes sense.
My old--not quite ancient--pastor/mentor once quipped: "Love [fear] God [for real], then do what you want to do."
no . . . he wasn't a Buddhist. simply a Man of God.
(church o' Christ)
It is forbidden to insert that type of real life observational application of principles into a discussion such as this. =)
(and I ain't a roamin' catholic, neither. nor charismatic.)
I am, however, blessed with being married to a real angel.
(in regard to the really important stuff)
I think that an interesting "test of faith/non-ignorant bible study" might be for all doubters to read The Book of The Acts of the Apostles, then go back a bit (to the prequel) and study up on the Original Disciples.
It is my--probably flawed--observation that there are far too many Judas in this world and not nearly enough Barnabas.
In which case, I trust you don't believe in Quantum Mechanics, quarks, neutrinos, or any of the rest of current theoretical physics...
Or, for that matter, many areas of advanced mathematics, such as Set Theory and its axioms, for example, the existence of The Empty Set which is a member of all other sets, including the set of sets-which-do-not-contain-the-empty-set -- or the disproof of Xeno's paradox...
Much, if not all, of modern science is based on faith; it's just faith in something different from that involved in the spiritual realm...
It might be one step along the path to . . . Harmony? . . . to remember that Responsibility must be balanced with Accountability along with Authority in order to effectively actualize the potentiality of all the God Given Goodness that resides within each and every one of us. (choose not to crush greeters at walmart nor butt in line for a sale, e.g. to wit =)
(redo of some old-time vaguely assembly of god/semi-pentacostal holiness preacher/evangelist/tv rainmaker message, from back in the day that resonated with me ever since I heard it. because he was speaking from the heart and it was True.)
The difference is as you eluded to is that men of science call such things theories and not indisputable fact. It's not a matter of faith but rather a case of logic, reasoning and the scientific method. I gotta admit though you posted one heck of a google worthy gem. I love it when people introduce me to new concepts. Thanks.
It must be awfully depressing to live this life and pin all your hopes that you can meet the minimum requirements for entrance through the pearly gates. Plenty of us find great purpose in our lives, and do good things for others without pinning our hopes to everlasting life in heaven. We see what we have here, and try to make this a better place. If you can find something wrong with this point of view, that's fine.
To be fair, on the theoretical side, some could be called "faith". Physicists believed they would find the top quark and Higgs boson, and they eventually did, with verifiable evidence. Of course, in contrast to religion, they spent considerable time thinking about alternatives, and what they would look at if they didn't find them. If they hadn't found them, they would have revised the standard model or scrapped it. That's science. That's living a life based on evidence.
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